
The arrow-substrait module implements support for the Substrait format, enabling conversion to and from Arrow objects.

The arrow-dataset module can execute Substrait plans via the Acero query engine.

Working with Schemas#

Arrow schemas can be encoded and decoded using the pyarrow.substrait.serialize_schema() and pyarrow.substrait.deserialize_schema() functions.

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.substrait as pa_substrait

arrow_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field("x", pa.int32()),
    pa.field("y", pa.string())
substrait_schema = pa_substrait.serialize_schema(arrow_schema)

The schema marshalled as a Substrait NamedStruct is directly available as substrait_schema.schema:

>>> print(substrait_schema.schema)

In case arrow custom types were used, the schema will require extensions for those types to be actually usable, for this reason the schema is also available as an Extended Expression including all the extensions types:

>>> print(substrait_schema.expression)
b'"\x14\n\x01x\n\x01y\x12\x0c\n\x04*\x02\x10\x01\n\x04b\x02\x10\x01:\x19\x10,*\x15Acero 17.0.0'

If Substrait Python is installed, the schema can also be converted to a substrait-python object:

>>> print(substrait_schema.to_pysubstrait())
version {
    minor_number: 44
    producer: "Acero 17.0.0"
base_schema {
    names: "x"
    names: "y"
    struct {
        types {
            i32 {
                nullability: NULLABILITY_NULLABLE
        types {
            string {
                nullability: NULLABILITY_NULLABLE

Working with Expressions#

Arrow compute expressions can be encoded and decoded using the pyarrow.substrait.serialize_expressions() and pyarrow.substrait.deserialize_expressions() functions.

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.compute as pa
import pyarrow.substrait as pa_substrait

arrow_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field("x", pa.int32()),
    pa.field("y", pa.int32())

substrait_expr = pa_substrait.serialize_expressions(
    exprs=[pc.field("x") + pc.field("y")],

The result of encoding to substrait an expression will be the protobuf ExtendedExpression message data itself:

>>> print(bytes(substrait_expr))
b'\nZ\x12X\x12\x07\x1a\x05\x1a\x03add\x1a>\n5\x1a3\x1a\x04*\x02\x10\x01"\n\x1a\x08\x12\x06\n\x02\x12\x00"\x00"\x0c\x1a\n\x12\x08\n\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01"\x00*\x11\n\x08overflow\x12\x05ERROR\x1a\x05total"\x14\n\x01x\n\x01y\x12\x0c\n\x04*\x02\x10\x01\n\x04*\x02\x10\x01:\x19\x10,*\x15Acero 17.0.0'

So in case a Substrait Python object is required, the expression has to be decoded from substrait-python itself:

>>> import substrait
>>> pysubstrait_expr = substrait.proto.ExtendedExpression.FromString(substrait_expr)
>>> print(pysubstrait_expr)
version {
  minor_number: 44
  producer: "Acero 17.0.0"
extension_uris {
  uri: ""
extensions {
  extension_function {
    name: "add"
referred_expr {
  expression {
    scalar_function {
      arguments {
        value {
          selection {
            direct_reference {
              struct_field {
            root_reference {
      arguments {
        value {
          selection {
            direct_reference {
              struct_field {
                field: 1
            root_reference {
      options {
        name: "overflow"
        preference: "ERROR"
      output_type {
        i32 {
          nullability: NULLABILITY_NULLABLE
  output_names: "total"
base_schema {
  names: "x"
  names: "y"
  struct {
    types {
      i32 {
        nullability: NULLABILITY_NULLABLE
    types {
      i32 {
        nullability: NULLABILITY_NULLABLE

Executing Queries Using Substrait Extended Expressions#

Dataset supports executing queries using Substrait’s Extended Expression, the expressions can be passed to the dataset scanner in the form of pyarrow.substrait.BoundExpressions

import pyarrow.dataset as ds
import pyarrow.substrait as pa_substrait

# Use substrait-python to create the queries
from substrait import proto

dataset = ds.dataset("./data/index-0.parquet")
substrait_schema = pa_substrait.serialize_schema(dataset.schema).to_pysubstrait()

# SELECT project_name FROM dataset WHERE project_name = 'pyarrow'

projection = proto.ExtendedExpression(referred_expr=[
    {"expression": {"selection": {"direct_reference": {"struct_field": {"field": 0}}}},
    "output_names": ["project_name"]}

filtering = proto.ExtendedExpression(
        extension_uris=[{"extension_uri_anchor": 99, "uri": "/functions_comparison.yaml"}],
        extensions=[{"extension_function": {"extension_uri_reference": 99, "function_anchor": 199, "name": "equal:any1_any1"}}],
            {"expression": {"scalar_function": {"function_reference": 199, "arguments": [
                {"value": {"selection": {"direct_reference": {"struct_field": {"field": 0}}}}},
                {"value": {"literal": {"string": "pyarrow"}}}
            ], "output_type": {"bool": {"nullability": False}}}}}

results = dataset.scanner(
0      pyarrow
1      pyarrow
2      pyarrow
3      pyarrow
4      pyarrow