Source code for pyarrow.ipc

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# Arrow file and stream reader/writer classes, and other messaging tools

import os

import pyarrow as pa

from pyarrow.lib import (IpcWriteOptions, ReadStats, WriteStats,  # noqa
                         Message, MessageReader,
                         RecordBatchReader, _ReadPandasMixin,
                         read_message, read_record_batch, read_schema,
                         read_tensor, write_tensor,
                         get_record_batch_size, get_tensor_size)
import pyarrow.lib as lib

class RecordBatchStreamReader(lib._RecordBatchStreamReader):
    Reader for the Arrow streaming binary format.

    source : bytes/buffer-like, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like Python object
        Either an in-memory buffer, or a readable file object.

    def __init__(self, source):

_ipc_writer_class_doc = """\
sink : str, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like Python object
    Either a file path, or a writable file object.
schema : pyarrow.Schema
    The Arrow schema for data to be written to the file.
options : pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions
    Options for IPC serialization.

    If None, default values will be used: the legacy format will not
    be used unless overridden by setting the environment variable
    ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1, and the V5 metadata version will be
    used unless overridden by setting the environment variable
use_legacy_format : bool, default None
    Deprecated in favor of setting options. Cannot be provided with

    If None, False will be used unless this default is overridden by
    setting the environment variable ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1"""

class RecordBatchStreamWriter(lib._RecordBatchStreamWriter):
    __doc__ = """Writer for the Arrow streaming binary format


    def __init__(self, sink, schema, *, use_legacy_format=None, options=None):
        options = _get_legacy_format_default(use_legacy_format, options)
        self._open(sink, schema, options=options)

class RecordBatchFileReader(lib._RecordBatchFileReader):
    Class for reading Arrow record batch data from the Arrow binary file format

    source : bytes/buffer-like, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like Python object
        Either an in-memory buffer, or a readable file object
    footer_offset : int, default None
        If the file is embedded in some larger file, this is the byte offset to
        the very end of the file data

    def __init__(self, source, footer_offset=None):
        self._open(source, footer_offset=footer_offset)

class RecordBatchFileWriter(lib._RecordBatchFileWriter):

    __doc__ = """Writer to create the Arrow binary file format


    def __init__(self, sink, schema, *, use_legacy_format=None, options=None):
        options = _get_legacy_format_default(use_legacy_format, options)
        self._open(sink, schema, options=options)

def _get_legacy_format_default(use_legacy_format, options):
    if use_legacy_format is not None and options is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Can provide at most one of options and use_legacy_format")
    elif options:
        if not isinstance(options, IpcWriteOptions):
            raise TypeError("expected IpcWriteOptions, got {}"
        return options

    metadata_version = MetadataVersion.V5
    if use_legacy_format is None:
        use_legacy_format = \
            bool(int(os.environ.get('ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT', '0')))
    if bool(int(os.environ.get('ARROW_PRE_1_0_METADATA_VERSION', '0'))):
        metadata_version = MetadataVersion.V4
    return IpcWriteOptions(use_legacy_format=use_legacy_format,

def new_stream(sink, schema, *, use_legacy_format=None, options=None):
    return RecordBatchStreamWriter(sink, schema,

new_stream.__doc__ = """\
Create an Arrow columnar IPC stream writer instance


[docs]def open_stream(source): """ Create reader for Arrow streaming format. Parameters ---------- source : bytes/buffer-like, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like Python object Either an in-memory buffer, or a readable file object. Returns ------- reader : RecordBatchStreamReader """ return RecordBatchStreamReader(source)
def new_file(sink, schema, *, use_legacy_format=None, options=None): return RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, schema, use_legacy_format=use_legacy_format, options=options) new_file.__doc__ = """\ Create an Arrow columnar IPC file writer instance {}""".format(_ipc_writer_class_doc)
[docs]def open_file(source, footer_offset=None): """ Create reader for Arrow file format. Parameters ---------- source : bytes/buffer-like, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like Python object Either an in-memory buffer, or a readable file object. footer_offset : int, default None If the file is embedded in some larger file, this is the byte offset to the very end of the file data. Returns ------- reader : RecordBatchFileReader """ return RecordBatchFileReader(source, footer_offset=footer_offset)
def serialize_pandas(df, *, nthreads=None, preserve_index=None): """ Serialize a pandas DataFrame into a buffer protocol compatible object. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame nthreads : int, default None Number of threads to use for conversion to Arrow, default all CPUs. preserve_index : bool, default None The default of None will store the index as a column, except for RangeIndex which is stored as metadata only. If True, always preserve the pandas index data as a column. If False, no index information is saved and the result will have a default RangeIndex. Returns ------- buf : buffer An object compatible with the buffer protocol. """ batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_pandas(df, nthreads=nthreads, preserve_index=preserve_index) sink = pa.BufferOutputStream() with pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(sink, batch.schema) as writer: writer.write_batch(batch) return sink.getvalue() def deserialize_pandas(buf, *, use_threads=True): """Deserialize a buffer protocol compatible object into a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- buf : buffer An object compatible with the buffer protocol. use_threads : bool, default True Whether to parallelize the conversion using multiple threads. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame """ buffer_reader = pa.BufferReader(buf) with pa.RecordBatchStreamReader(buffer_reader) as reader: table = reader.read_all() return table.to_pandas(use_threads=use_threads)