
class pyarrow.flight.ClientMiddleware

Bases: pyarrow.lib._Weakrefable

Client-side middleware for a call, instantiated per RPC.

Methods here should be fast and must be infallible: they should not raise exceptions or stall indefinitely.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.

call_completed(self, exception)

A callback when the call finishes.

received_headers(self, headers)

A callback when headers are received.


A callback before headers are sent.

call_completed(self, exception)

A callback when the call finishes.

The default implementation does nothing.


exception (ArrowException) – If the call errored, this is the equivalent exception. Will be None if the call succeeded.

received_headers(self, headers)

A callback when headers are received.

The default implementation does nothing.


headers (dict) – A dictionary of headers from the server. Keys are strings and values are lists of strings (for text headers) or bytes (for binary headers).


A callback before headers are sent.


headers (dict) – A dictionary of header values to add to the request, or None if no headers are to be added. The dictionary should have string keys and string or list-of-string values.

Bytes values are allowed, but the underlying transport may not support them or may restrict them. For gRPC, binary values are only allowed on headers ending in “-bin”.