Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to affect the behavior of PyArrow.


The base path to the PyArrow installation. This variable overrides the default computation of library paths in introspection functions such as get_library_dirs().


If this environment variable is set to a non-zero integer value, the PyArrow IPC writer will default to the pre-0.15 Arrow IPC format. This behavior can also be enabled using IpcWriteOptions.use_legacy_format.


If this environment variable is set to a non-zero integer value, the PyArrow IPC writer will write V4 Arrow metadata (corresponding to pre-1.0 Arrow with an incompatible Union data layout). This behavior can also be enabled using IpcWriteOptions.metadata_version.


The path to the pkg-config executable. This may be required for proper functioning of introspection functions such as get_library_dirs() if pkg-config is not available on the system PATH.


Since PyArrow is based on Arrow C++, its behavior is also affected by the Arrow C++ environment variables.