Reading JSON files

Line-separated JSON files can either be read as a single Arrow Table with a TableReader or streamed as RecordBatches with a StreamingReader.

Both of these readers require an arrow::io::InputStream instance representing the input file. Their behavior can be customized using a combination of ReadOptions, ParseOptions, and other parameters.


TableReader reads an entire file in one shot as a Table. Each independent JSON object in the input file is converted to a row in the output table.

#include "arrow/json/api.h"

   // ...
   arrow::Status st;
   arrow::MemoryPool* pool = default_memory_pool();
   std::shared_ptr<arrow::io::InputStream> input = ...;

   auto read_options = arrow::json::ReadOptions::Defaults();
   auto parse_options = arrow::json::ParseOptions::Defaults();

   // Instantiate TableReader from input stream and options
   std::shared_ptr<arrow::json::TableReader> reader;
   st = arrow::json::TableReader::Make(pool, input, read_options,
                                       parse_options, &reader);
   if (!st.ok()) {
      // Handle TableReader instantiation error...

   std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table;
   // Read table from JSON file
   st = reader->Read(&table);
   if (!st.ok()) {
      // Handle JSON read error
      // (for example a JSON syntax error or failed type conversion)


StreamingReader reads a file incrementally from blocks of a roughly equal byte size, each yielding a RecordBatch. Each independent JSON object in a block is converted to a row in the output batch.

All batches adhere to a consistent Schema, which is derived from the first loaded batch. Alternatively, an explicit schema may be passed via ParseOptions.

#include "arrow/json/api.h"

   // ...
   auto read_options = arrow::json::ReadOptions::Defaults();
   auto parse_options = arrow::json::ParseOptions::Defaults();

   std::shared_ptr<arrow::io::InputStream> stream;
   auto result = arrow::json::StreamingReader::Make(stream,
   if (!result.ok()) {
      // Handle instantiation error
   std::shared_ptr<arrow::json::StreamingReader> reader = *result;

   for (arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>> maybe_batch : *reader) {
      if (!maybe_batch.ok()) {
         // Handle read/parse error
      std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> batch = *maybe_batch;
      // Operate on each batch...

Data types

Since JSON values are typed, the possible Arrow data types on output depend on the input value types. Top-level JSON values should always be objects. The fields of top-level objects are taken to represent columns in the Arrow data. For each name/value pair in a JSON object, there are two possible modes of deciding the output data type:

  • if the name is in ParseOptions::explicit_schema, conversion of the JSON value to the corresponding Arrow data type is attempted;

  • otherwise, the Arrow data type is determined via type inference on the JSON value, trying out a number of Arrow data types in order.

The following tables show the possible combinations for each of those two modes.

Explicit conversions from JSON to Arrow

JSON value type

Allowed Arrow data types


Any (including Null)


All Integer types, Float32, Float64, Date32, Date64, Time32, Time64




Binary, LargeBinary, String, LargeString, Timestamp



Object (nested)


Implicit type inference from JSON to Arrow

JSON value type

Inferred Arrow data types (in order)


Null, any other


Int64, Float64




Timestamp (with seconds unit), String



Object (nested)
