
pyarrow.flight.connect(location, **kwargs)#

Connect to a Flight server.

locationstr, tuple, or Location

Location to connect to. Either a URI like “grpc://localhost:port”, a tuple of (host, port), or a Location instance.

tls_root_certsbytes or None


cert_chain: str or None

If provided, enables TLS mutual authentication.

private_key: str or None

If provided, enables TLS mutual authentication.

override_hostnamestr or None

Override the hostname checked by TLS. Insecure, use with caution.

middlewarelist or None

A list of ClientMiddlewareFactory instances to apply.

write_size_limit_bytesint or None

A soft limit on the size of a data payload sent to the server. Enabled if positive. If enabled, writing a record batch that (when serialized) exceeds this limit will raise an exception; the client can retry the write with a smaller batch.

disable_server_verificationbool or None

Disable verifying the server when using TLS. Insecure, use with caution.

generic_optionslist or None

A list of generic (string, int or string) options to pass to the underlying transport.
