
pyarrow.compute.day_of_week(values, /, *, count_from_zero=True, week_start=1, options=None, memory_pool=None)#

Extract day of the week number.

By default, the week starts on Monday represented by 0 and ends on Sunday represented by 6. DayOfWeekOptions.week_start can be used to set another starting day using the ISO numbering convention (1=start week on Monday, 7=start week on Sunday). Day numbers can start at 0 or 1 based on DayOfWeekOptions.count_from_zero. Null values emit null. An error is returned if the values have a defined timezone but it cannot be found in the timezone database.

valuesArray-like or scalar-like

Argument to compute function.

count_from_zerobool, default True

If True, number days from 0, otherwise from 1.

week_startint, default 1

Which day does the week start with (Monday=1, Sunday=7). How this value is numbered is unaffected by count_from_zero.

optionspyarrow.compute.DayOfWeekOptions, optional

Alternative way of passing options.

memory_poolpyarrow.MemoryPool, optional

If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.