Module arrow::compute

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Computation kernels on Arrow Arrays



  • Computation kernels on Arrow Arrays


  • CastOptions provides a way to override the default cast behaviors
  • A builder to construct FilterPredicate
  • A filtering predicate that can be applied to an Array
  • A lexicographical comparator that wraps given array data (columns) and can lexicographically compare data at given two indices. The lifetime is the same at the data wrapped.
  • A computed set of partitions, see partition
  • An iterator of (usize, usize) each representing an interval [start, end) whose slots of a bitmap Buffer are true. Each interval corresponds to a contiguous region of memory to be “taken” from an array to be filtered.
  • One column to be used in lexicographical sort
  • Options that define the sort order of a given column
  • Options that define how take should behave


  • Valid parts to extract from date/time/timestamp arrays.


  • Performs AND operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • Logical ‘and’ boolean values with Kleene logic
  • Performs AND_NOT operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • Allies a binary infallable function to two PrimitiveArrays, producing a new PrimitiveArray
  • Applies a binary and infallible function to values in two arrays, replacing the values in the first array in place.
  • Returns the bitwise and of all non-null input values.
  • Returns the bitwise or of all non-null input values.
  • Returns the bitwise xor of all non-null input values.
  • Returns true if all non-null input values are true, otherwise false.
  • Returns true if any non-null input value is true, otherwise false.
  • build_filterDeprecated
    Returns a prepared function optimized to filter multiple arrays. Creating this function requires time, but using it is faster than filter when the same filter needs to be applied to multiple arrays (e.g. a multi-column RecordBatch). WARNING: the nulls of filter are ignored and the value on its slot is considered. Therefore, it is considered undefined behavior to pass filter with null values.
  • Return true if a value of type from_type can be cast into a value of to_type.
  • Cast array to the provided data type and return a new Array with type to_type, if possible.
  • Try to cast array to to_type if possible.
  • Concatenate multiple Array of the same type into a single ArrayRef.
  • Concatenates batches together into a single RecordBatch.
  • Given an array, return a new array with the extracted DatePart as signed 32-bit integer values.
  • dayDeprecated
    Extracts the day of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • day_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the day of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • doyDeprecated
    Extracts the day of year of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers The day of year that ranges from 1 to 366
  • doy_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the day of year of a given temporal array as an array of integers The day of year that ranges from 1 to 366. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Filters an Array, returning elements matching the filter (i.e. where the values are true).
  • Returns a new RecordBatch with arrays containing only values matching the filter.
  • hourDeprecated
    Extracts the hours of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers within the range of [0, 23].
  • hour_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the hours of a given array as an array of integers within the range of [0, 23]. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Takes elements by index from a list of Array, creating a new Array from those values.
  • Returns a non-null BooleanArray with whether each value of the array is not null.
  • Returns a non-null BooleanArray with whether each value of the array is null.
  • Use partition instead. Given a list of already sorted columns, find partition ranges that would partition lexicographically equal values across columns.
  • Sort a list of ArrayRef using SortOptions provided for each array.
  • Sort elements lexicographically from a list of ArrayRef into an unsigned integer (UInt32Array) of indices.
  • Returns the maximum value in the array, according to the natural order. For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
  • Returns the max of values in the array of ArrowNumericType type, or dictionary array with value of ArrowNumericType type.
  • Returns the maximum value in the binary array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the maximum value in the binary view array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the maximum value in the boolean array
  • Returns the maximum value in the string array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the maximum value in the string view array, according to the natural order.
  • microsecondDeprecated
    Extracts the microseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • microsecond_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the microseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • millisecondDeprecated
    Extracts the milliseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • millisecond_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the milliseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Returns the minimum value in the array, according to the natural order. For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
  • Returns the min of values in the array of ArrowNumericType type, or dictionary array with value of ArrowNumericType type.
  • Returns the minimum value in the binary array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the minimum value in the binary view array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the minimum value in the boolean array.
  • Returns the minimum value in the string array, according to the natural order.
  • Returns the minimum value in the string view array, according to the natural order.
  • minuteDeprecated
    Extracts the minutes of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • minute_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the minutes of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • monthDeprecated
    Extracts the month of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers within the range of [1, 12].
  • month_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the month of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Perform left * right operation on two decimal arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • Perform left * right operation on two decimal arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • Perform left * right operation on two decimal arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • nanosecondDeprecated
    Extracts the nanoseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • nanosecond_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the nanoseconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Performs unary NOT operation on an arrays. If value is null then the result is also null.
  • Copies original array, setting validity bit to false if a secondary comparison boolean array is set to true
  • Extracts the day of week of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers.
  • Extracts the day of week of a given temporal array as an array of integers.
  • Extracts the day of week of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers, starting at Sunday.
  • Extracts the day of week of a given temporal array as an array of integers, starting at Sunday.
  • Performs OR operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
  • Logical ‘or’ boolean values with Kleene logic
  • It’s unstable_sort, may not preserve the order of equal elements
  • Given a list of lexicographically sorted columns, computes the Partitions, where a partition consists of the set of consecutive rows with equal values
  • Remove null values by do a bitmask AND operation with null bits and the boolean bits.
  • quarterDeprecated
    Extracts the quarter of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers within the range of [1, 4].
  • quarter_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the quarter of a given temporal array as an array of integersa within the range of [1, 4]. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Assigns a rank to each value in array based on its position in the sorted order
  • Perform SQL array ~ regex_array operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray. If regex_array element has an empty value, the corresponding result value is always true.
  • Perform SQL array ~ regex_array operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray and a scalar.
  • Extract all groups matched by a regular expression for a given String array.
  • secondDeprecated
    Extracts the seconds of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • second_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the seconds of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • Shifts array by defined number of items (to left or right) A positive value for offset shifts the array to the right a negative value shifts the array to the left.
  • Sort the ArrayRef using SortOptions.
  • Sort the ArrayRef partially.
  • Sort elements from ArrayRef into an unsigned integer (UInt32Array) of indices. Floats are sorted using IEEE 754 totalOrder. limit is an option for partial_sort.
  • Returns the sum of values in the primitive array.
  • Returns the sum of values in the array.
  • Returns the sum of values in the array.
  • Returns the sum of values in the primitive array.
  • Take elements by index from Array, creating a new Array from those indexes.
  • Take rows by index from RecordBatch and returns a new RecordBatch from those indexes.
  • Applies the provided fallible binary operation across a and b, returning any error, and collecting the results into a PrimitiveArray. If any index is null in either a or b, the corresponding index in the result will also be null
  • Applies the provided fallible binary operation across a and b by mutating the mutable PrimitiveArray a with the results, returning any error. If any index is null in either a or b, the corresponding index in the result will also be null
  • try_unary_dynDeprecated
    Applies a fallible unary function to an array with primitive values.
  • unary_dynDeprecated
    Applies an infallible unary function to an array with primitive values.
  • Parse the given string into a string representing fixed-offset that is correct as of the given UTC NaiveDateTime. Note that the offset is function of time and can vary depending on whether daylight savings is in effect or not. e.g. Australia/Sydney is +10:00 or +11:00 depending on DST.
  • weekDeprecated
    Extracts the week of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • week_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the week of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.
  • yearDeprecated
    Extracts the years of a given temporal primitive array as an array of integers
  • year_dynDeprecated
    Extracts the years of a given temporal array as an array of integers. If the given array isn’t temporal primitive or dictionary array, an Err will be returned.

Type Aliases§

  • FilterDeprecated
    Function that can filter arbitrary arrays