- pyarrow.compute.take(data, indices, *, boundscheck=True, memory_pool=None)[source]¶
Select values (or records) from array- or table-like data given integer selection indices.
The result will be of the same type(s) as the input, with elements taken from the input array (or record batch / table fields) at the given indices. If an index is null then the corresponding value in the output will be null.
- Parameters:
- data
, orTable
- indices
Must be of integer type
- boundscheckbool, default
Whether to boundscheck the indices. If False and there is an out of bounds index, will likely cause the process to crash.
- memory_pool
, optional If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
- data
- Returns:
- resultdepends on inputs
>>> import pyarrow as pa >>> arr = pa.array(["a", "b", "c", None, "e", "f"]) >>> indices = pa.array([0, None, 4, 3]) >>> arr.take(indices) <pyarrow.lib.StringArray object at ...> [ "a", null, "e", null ]