Styling 😎

Each language in the Apache Arrow project follows its own style guides.

In this section we will provide links to the existing documentation to make it easier for you to find the relevant information about linters and styling of the code.

We use flake8 linting for styling issues in Python. To help developers check styling of the code, among other common development tasks, Archery utility tool was developed within Apache Arrow.

The instructions on how to set up and use Archery can be found in the Coding Style section of the Python Development.

For the R package you can use {lintr} or {styler} to check if the code follows the tidyverse style.

The instructions on how to use either of these two packages can be found in the Styling and Linting section of the Common developer workflow tasks.


It is useful to set up pre-commit, a multi-language package manager for pre-commit hooks. It will check your code and will stop the commit process, described in the following section, if there are any errors.