Building Arrow Java

System Setup

Arrow Java uses the Maven build system.

Building requires:

  • JDK 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, or 18, but only JDK 8, 11 and 17 are tested in CI.

  • Maven 3+


All the instructions below assume that you have cloned the Arrow git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd arrow
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Basic Installation

To build the default modules, go to the project root and execute:

$ cd arrow/java
$ export JAVA_HOME=<absolute path to your java home>
$ java --version
$ mvn clean install

Building JNI Libraries on Linux

First, we need to build the C++ shared libraries that the JNI bindings will use. We can build these manually or we can use Archery to build them using a Docker container (This will require installing Docker, Docker Compose, and Archery).

$ cd arrow
$ archery docker run java-jni-manylinux-2014
$ ls -latr java-dist/

Building JNI Libraries on MacOS

Note: If you are building on Apple Silicon, be sure to use a JDK version that was compiled for that architecture. See, for example, the Azul JDK.

To build only the C Data Interface library:

$ cd arrow
$ brew bundle --file=cpp/Brewfile
Homebrew Bundle complete! 25 Brewfile dependencies now installed.
$ export JAVA_HOME=<absolute path to your java home>
$ mkdir -p java-dist java-native-c
$ cd java-native-c
$ cmake \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../java-dist/lib \
$ cmake --build . --target install
$ ls -latr ../java-dist/lib
|__ libarrow_cdata_jni.dylib

To build other JNI libraries:

$ cd arrow
$ brew bundle --file=cpp/Brewfile
Homebrew Bundle complete! 25 Brewfile dependencies now installed.
$ export JAVA_HOME=<absolute path to your java home>
$ mkdir -p java-dist java-native-cpp
$ cd java-native-cpp
$ cmake \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../java-dist \
    -Dutf8proc_SOURCE=BUNDLED \
$ cmake --build . --target install
$ ls -latr  ../java-dist/lib
|__ libarrow_dataset_jni.dylib
|__ libarrow_orc_jni.dylib
|__ libgandiva_jni.dylib

Building Arrow JNI Modules

To compile the JNI bindings, use the arrow-c-data Maven profile:

$ cd arrow/java
$ mvn -Darrow.c.jni.dist.dir=<absolute path to your arrow folder>/java-dist/lib -Parrow-c-data clean install

To compile the JNI bindings for ORC / Gandiva / Dataset, use the arrow-jni Maven profile:

$ cd arrow/java
$ mvn<absolute path to your arrow folder>/java-dist/lib -Parrow-jni clean install

IDE Configuration


To start working on Arrow in IntelliJ: build the project once from the command line using mvn clean install. Then open the java/ subdirectory of the Arrow repository, and update the following settings:

  • In the Files tool window, find the path vector/target/generated-sources, right click the directory, and select Mark Directory as > Generated Sources Root. There is no need to mark other generated sources directories, as only the vector module generates sources.

  • For JDK 8, disable the error-prone profile to build the project successfully.

  • For JDK 11, due to an IntelliJ bug, you must go into Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler and disable “Use ‘–release’ option for cross-compilation (Java 9 and later)”. Otherwise you will get an error like “package sun.misc does not exist”.

  • You may want to disable error-prone entirely if it gives spurious warnings (disable both error-prone profiles in the Maven tool window and “Reload All Maven Projects”).

  • If using IntelliJ’s Maven integration to build, you may need to change <fork> to false in the pom.xml files due to an IntelliJ bug.

You may not need to update all of these settings if you build/test with the IntelliJ Maven integration instead of with IntelliJ directly.

Common Errors

  • When working with the JNI code: if the C++ build cannot find dependencies, with errors like these:

    Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR system filesystem)
    Could NOT find Lz4 (missing: LZ4_LIB)
    Could NOT find zstd (missing: ZSTD_LIB)

    Specify that the dependencies should be downloaded at build time (more details at Dependency Resolution):

    -Dutf8proc_SOURCE=BUNDLED \