
pyarrow.parquet.write_to_dataset(table, root_path, partition_cols=None, filesystem=None, use_legacy_dataset=None, schema=None, partitioning=None, basename_template=None, use_threads=None, file_visitor=None, existing_data_behavior=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Wrapper around dataset.write_dataset for writing a Table to Parquet format by partitions. For each combination of partition columns and values, a subdirectories are created in the following manner:









root_pathstr, pathlib.Path

The root directory of the dataset.


Column names by which to partition the dataset. Columns are partitioned in the order they are given.

filesystemFileSystem, default None

If nothing passed, will be inferred based on path. Path will try to be found in the local on-disk filesystem otherwise it will be parsed as an URI to determine the filesystem.

use_legacy_datasetbool, optional

Deprecated and has no effect from PyArrow version 15.0.0.

schemaSchema, optional

This Schema of the dataset.

partitioningPartitioning or list[str], optional

The partitioning scheme specified with the pyarrow.dataset.partitioning() function or a list of field names. When providing a list of field names, you can use partitioning_flavor to drive which partitioning type should be used.

basename_templatestr, optional

A template string used to generate basenames of written data files. The token ‘{i}’ will be replaced with an automatically incremented integer. If not specified, it defaults to “guid-{i}.parquet”.

use_threadsbool, default True

Write files in parallel. If enabled, then maximum parallelism will be used determined by the number of available CPU cores.


If set, this function will be called with a WrittenFile instance for each file created during the call. This object will have both a path attribute and a metadata attribute.

The path attribute will be a string containing the path to the created file.

The metadata attribute will be the parquet metadata of the file. This metadata will have the file path attribute set and can be used to build a _metadata file. The metadata attribute will be None if the format is not parquet.

Example visitor which simple collects the filenames created:

visited_paths = []

def file_visitor(written_file):
existing_data_behavior‘overwrite_or_ignore’ | ‘error’ | ‘delete_matching’

Controls how the dataset will handle data that already exists in the destination. The default behaviour is ‘overwrite_or_ignore’.

‘overwrite_or_ignore’ will ignore any existing data and will overwrite files with the same name as an output file. Other existing files will be ignored. This behavior, in combination with a unique basename_template for each write, will allow for an append workflow.

‘error’ will raise an error if any data exists in the destination.

‘delete_matching’ is useful when you are writing a partitioned dataset. The first time each partition directory is encountered the entire directory will be deleted. This allows you to overwrite old partitions completely.


Used as additional kwargs for pyarrow.dataset.write_dataset() function for matching kwargs, and remainder to pyarrow.dataset.ParquetFileFormat.make_write_options(). See the docstring of write_table() and pyarrow.dataset.write_dataset() for the available options. Using metadata_collector in kwargs allows one to collect the file metadata instances of dataset pieces. The file paths in the ColumnChunkMetaData will be set relative to root_path.


Generate an example PyArrow Table:

>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> table = pa.table({'year': [2020, 2022, 2021, 2022, 2019, 2021],
...                   'n_legs': [2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 100],
...                   'animal': ["Flamingo", "Parrot", "Dog", "Horse",
...                              "Brittle stars", "Centipede"]})

and write it to a partitioned dataset:

>>> import pyarrow.parquet as pq
>>> pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path='dataset_name_3',
...                     partition_cols=['year'])
>>> pq.ParquetDataset('dataset_name_3').files
['dataset_name_3/year=2019/...-0.parquet', ...

Write a single Parquet file into the root folder:

>>> pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path='dataset_name_4')
>>> pq.ParquetDataset('dataset_name_4/').files