Here we’ll briefly tour basic features of ADBC with the PostgreSQL driver for Java.
To include ADBC in your Maven project, add the following dependency:
For the examples in this section, the following imports are required:
import org.apache.arrow.adbc.core.AdbcConnection;
import org.apache.arrow.adbc.core.AdbcDatabase;
import org.apache.arrow.adbc.core.AdbcDriver;
import org.apache.arrow.adbc.core.AdbcException;
import org.apache.arrow.adbc.core.AdbcStatement;
JDBC-style API¶
ADBC provides a high-level API in the style of the JDBC standard.
final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
AdbcDriver.PARAM_URI.set(parameters, "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres");
try (
BufferAllocator allocator = new RootAllocator();
AdbcDatabase db = new JdbcDriver(allocator).open(parameters);
AdbcConnection adbcConnection = db.connect();
AdbcStatement stmt = adbcConnection.createStatement()
) {
stmt.setSqlQuery("select * from foo");
AdbcStatement.QueryResult queryResult = stmt.executeQuery();
while (queryResult.getReader().loadNextBatch()) {
// process batch
} catch (AdbcException e) {
// throw
In application code, the connection must be closed after usage or memory may leak. It is recommended to wrap the connection in a try-with-resources block for automatic resource management. In this example, we are connecting to a PostgreSQL database, specifically the default database “postgres”.
Note that creating a statement is also wrapped in the try-with-resources block. Assuming we have a table “foo” in the database, an example for setting and executing the query is also provided.