
class pyarrow.csv.ParseOptions(delimiter=None, *, quote_char=None, double_quote=None, escape_char=None, newlines_in_values=None, ignore_empty_lines=None, invalid_row_handler=None)

Bases: pyarrow.lib._Weakrefable

Options for parsing CSV files.

delimiter1-character str, optional (default ‘,’)

The character delimiting individual cells in the CSV data.

quote_char1-character str or False, optional (default ‘”’)

The character used optionally for quoting CSV values (False if quoting is not allowed).

double_quotebool, optional (default True)

Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote a single quote in the data.

escape_char1-character str or False, optional (default False)

The character used optionally for escaping special characters (False if escaping is not allowed).

newlines_in_valuesbool, optional (default False)

Whether newline characters are allowed in CSV values. Setting this to True reduces the performance of multi-threaded CSV reading.

ignore_empty_linesbool, optional (default True)

Whether empty lines are ignored in CSV input. If False, an empty line is interpreted as containing a single empty value (assuming a one-column CSV file).

invalid_row_handlercallable(), optional (default None)

If not None, this object is called for each CSV row that fails parsing (because of a mismatching number of columns). It should accept a single InvalidRow argument and return either “skip” or “error” depending on the desired outcome.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

equals(self, ParseOptions other)




The character delimiting individual cells in the CSV data.


Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote a single quote in the data.


The character used optionally for escaping special characters (False if escaping is not allowed).


Whether empty lines are ignored in CSV input.


Optional handler for invalid rows.


Whether newline characters are allowed in CSV values.


The character used optionally for quoting CSV values (False if quoting is not allowed).


The character delimiting individual cells in the CSV data.


Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote a single quote in the data.

equals(self, ParseOptions other)

The character used optionally for escaping special characters (False if escaping is not allowed).


Whether empty lines are ignored in CSV input. If False, an empty line is interpreted as containing a single empty value (assuming a one-column CSV file).


Optional handler for invalid rows.

If not None, this object is called for each CSV row that fails parsing (because of a mismatching number of columns). It should accept a single InvalidRow argument and return either “skip” or “error” depending on the desired outcome.


Whether newline characters are allowed in CSV values. Setting this to True reduces the performance of multi-threaded CSV reading.


The character used optionally for quoting CSV values (False if quoting is not allowed).
