Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware. It also provides computational libraries and zero-copy streaming messaging and interprocess communication.
The arrow
package exposes an interface to the Arrow C++ library, enabling access to many of its features in R. It provides low-level access to the Arrow C++ library API and higher-level access through a dplyr backend and familiar R functions.
package do?
, write_parquet()
), an efficient and widely used columnar formatread_feather()
, write_feather()
), a format optimized for speed and interoperabilityopen_dataset()
, write_dataset()
, read_json_arrow()
Install the latest release of arrow
from CRAN with
Conda users can install arrow
from conda-forge with
conda install -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow
Installing a released version of the arrow
package requires no additional system dependencies. For macOS and Windows, CRAN hosts binary packages that contain the Arrow C++ library. On Linux, source package installation will also build necessary C++ dependencies. For a faster, more complete installation, set the environment variable NOT_CRAN=true
. See vignette("install", package = "arrow")
for details.
As of version 10.0.0, arrow
requires C++17 to build. This means that:
R >= 4.0
. Version 9.0.0 was the last version to support R 3.6.arrow
, but you first need to install a newer compiler than the default system compiler, gcc 4.8. See vignette("install", package = "arrow")
for guidance. Note that you only need the newer compiler to build arrow
: installing a binary package, as from RStudio Package Manager, or loading a package you’ve already installed works fine with the system defaults.Development versions of the package (binary and source) are built nightly and hosted at https://nightlies.apache.org/arrow/r/. To install from there:
install.packages("arrow", repos = c(arrow = "https://nightlies.apache.org/arrow/r", getOption("repos")))
Conda users can install arrow
nightly builds with
conda install -c arrow-nightlies -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow
If you already have a version of arrow
installed, you can switch to the latest nightly development version with
arrow::install_arrow(nightly = TRUE)
These nightly package builds are not official Apache releases and are not recommended for production use. They may be useful for testing bug fixes and new features under active development.
Among the many applications of the arrow
package, two of the most accessible are:
verbsThe sections below describe these two uses and illustrate them with basic examples. The sections below mention two Arrow data structures:
: a tabular, column-oriented data structure capable of storing and processing large amounts of data more efficiently than R’s built-in data.frame
and with SQL-like column data types that afford better interoperability with databases and data warehouse systemsDataset
: a data structure functionally similar to Table
but with the capability to work on larger-than-memory data partitioned across multiple filesarrow
The arrow
package provides functions for reading single data files in several common formats. By default, calling any of these functions returns an R data.frame
. To return an Arrow Table
, set argument as_data_frame = FALSE
: read a file in Parquet formatread_feather()
: read a file in Feather format (the Apache Arrow IPC format)read_delim_arrow()
: read a delimited text file (default delimiter is comma)read_csv_arrow()
: read a comma-separated values (CSV) fileread_tsv_arrow()
: read a tab-separated values (TSV) fileread_json_arrow()
: read a JSON data fileFor writing data to single files, the arrow
package provides the functions write_parquet()
, write_feather()
, and write_csv_arrow()
. These can be used with R data.frame
and Arrow Table
For example, let’s write the Star Wars characters data that’s included in dplyr
to a Parquet file, then read it back in. Parquet is a popular choice for storing analytic data; it is optimized for reduced file sizes and fast read performance, especially for column-based access patterns. Parquet is widely supported by many tools and platforms.
First load the arrow
and dplyr
Then write the data.frame
named starwars
to a Parquet file at file_path
file_path <- tempfile()
write_parquet(starwars, file_path)
Then read the Parquet file into an R data.frame
named sw
sw <- read_parquet(file_path)
R object attributes are preserved when writing data to Parquet or Feather files and when reading those files back into R. This enables round-trip writing and reading of sf::sf
objects, R data.frame
s with with haven::labelled
columns, and data.frame
s with other custom attributes.
For reading and writing larger files or sets of multiple files, arrow
defines Dataset
objects and provides the functions open_dataset()
and write_dataset()
, which enable analysis and processing of bigger-than-memory data, including the ability to partition data into smaller chunks without loading the full data into memory. For examples of these functions, see vignette("dataset", package = "arrow")
All these functions can read and write files in the local filesystem or in Amazon S3 (by passing S3 URIs beginning with s3://
). For more details, see vignette("fs", package = "arrow")
with arrow
The arrow
package provides a dplyr
backend enabling manipulation of Arrow tabular data with dplyr
verbs. To use it, first load both packages arrow
and dplyr
. Then load data into an Arrow Table
or Dataset
object. For example, read the Parquet file written in the previous example into an Arrow Table
named sw
sw <- read_parquet(file_path, as_data_frame = FALSE)
Next, pipe on dplyr
result <- sw %>%
filter(homeworld == "Tatooine") %>%
rename(height_cm = height, mass_kg = mass) %>%
mutate(height_in = height_cm / 2.54, mass_lbs = mass_kg * 2.2046) %>%
arrange(desc(birth_year)) %>%
select(name, height_in, mass_lbs)
The arrow
package uses lazy evaluation to delay computation until the result is required. This speeds up processing by enabling the Arrow C++ library to perform multiple computations in one operation. result
is an object with class arrow_dplyr_query
which represents all the computations to be performed:
#> Table (query)
#> name: string
#> height_in: expr
#> mass_lbs: expr
#> * Filter: equal(homeworld, "Tatooine")
#> * Sorted by birth_year [desc]
#> See $.data for the source Arrow object
To perform these computations and materialize the result, call compute()
or collect()
. compute()
returns an Arrow Table
, suitable for passing to other arrow
or dplyr
result %>% compute()
#> Table
#> 10 rows x 3 columns
#> $name <string>
#> $height_in <double>
#> $mass_lbs <double>
returns an R data.frame
, suitable for viewing or passing to other R functions for analysis or visualization:
result %>% collect()
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#> name height_in mass_lbs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 C-3PO 65.7 165.
#> 2 Cliegg Lars 72.0 NA
#> 3 Shmi Skywalker 64.2 NA
#> 4 Owen Lars 70.1 265.
#> 5 Beru Whitesun lars 65.0 165.
#> 6 Darth Vader 79.5 300.
#> 7 Anakin Skywalker 74.0 185.
#> 8 Biggs Darklighter 72.0 185.
#> 9 Luke Skywalker 67.7 170.
#> 10 R5-D4 38.2 70.5
The arrow
package works with most single-table dplyr
verbs, including those that compute aggregates.
Additionally, equality joins (e.g. left_join()
, inner_join()
) are supported for joining multiple tables.
jedi <- data.frame(
name = c("C-3PO", "Luke Skywalker", "Obi-Wan Kenobi"),
jedi = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
sw %>%
select(1:11) %>%
right_join(jedi) %>%
Window functions (e.g. ntile()
) are not yet supported. Inside dplyr
verbs, Arrow offers support for many functions and operators, with common functions mapped to their base R and tidyverse equivalents. The changelog lists many of them. If there are additional functions you would like to see implemented, please file an issue as described in the Getting help section below.
For dplyr
queries on Table
objects, if the arrow
package detects an unimplemented function within a dplyr
verb, it automatically calls collect()
to return the data as an R data.frame
before processing that dplyr
verb. For queries on Dataset
objects (which can be larger than memory), it raises an error if the function is unimplemented; you need to explicitly tell it to collect()
Other applications of arrow
are described in the following vignettes:
vignette("python", package = "arrow")
: use arrow
and reticulate
to pass data between R and Pythonvignette("flight", package = "arrow")
: connect to Arrow Flight RPC servers to send and receive datavignette("arrow", package = "arrow")
: access and manipulate Arrow objects through low-level bindings to the C++ libraryThe Arrow for R cheatsheet and Cookbook are additional resources for getting started with arrow
If you encounter a bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on the Apache Jira issue tracker. Create an account or log in, then click Create to file an issue. Select the project Apache Arrow (ARROW), select the component R, and begin the issue summary with [R]
followed by a space. For more information, see the Report bugs and propose features section of the Contributing to Apache Arrow page in the Arrow developer documentation.
We welcome questions, discussion, and contributions from users of the arrow
package. For information about mailing lists and other venues for engaging with the Arrow developer and user communities, please see the Apache Arrow Community page.
All participation in the Apache Arrow project is governed by the Apache Software Foundation’s code of conduct.