Basic Arrow Data Structures¶
Apache Arrow provides fundamental data structures for representing data:
, ChunkedArray
, RecordBatch
, and Table
This article shows how to construct these data structures from primitive
data types; specifically, we will work with integers of varying size
representing days, months, and years. We will use them to create the following data structures:
, fromArrays
, fromChunkedArrays
Before continuing, make sure you have:
An Arrow installation, which you can set up here: Using Arrow C++ in your own project
Understanding of how to use basic C++ data structures
Understanding of basic C++ data types
Before trying out Arrow, we need to fill in a couple gaps:
We need to include necessary headers.
A main()
is needed to glue things together.
First, as ever, we need some includes. We’ll get iostream
for output, then import Arrow’s basic
functionality from api.h
, like so:
#include <arrow/api.h>
#include <iostream>
Next, we need a main()
– a common pattern with Arrow looks like the
int main() {
arrow::Status st = RunMain();
if (!st.ok()) {
std::cerr << st << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
This allows us to easily use Arrow’s error-handling macros, which will
return back to main()
with a arrow::Status
object if a failure occurs – and
this main()
will report the error. Note that this means Arrow never
raises exceptions, instead relying upon returning Status
. For more on
that, read here: Conventions.
To accompany this main()
, we have a RunMain()
from which any Status
objects can return – this is where we’ll write the rest of the program:
arrow::Status RunMain() {
Making an Arrow Array¶
Building int8 Arrays¶
Given that we have some data in standard C++ arrays, and want to use Arrow, we need to move
the data from said arrays into Arrow arrays. We still guarantee contiguity of memory in an
, so no worries about a performance loss when using Array
vs C++ arrays.
The easiest way to construct an Array
uses an ArrayBuilder
The following code initializes an ArrayBuilder
for an Array
that will hold 8 bit
integers. Specifically, it uses the AppendValues()
method, present in concrete
subclasses, to fill the ArrayBuilder
with the
contents of a standard C++ array. Note the use of ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK
If AppendValues()
fails, this macro will return to main()
, which will
print out the meaning of the failure.
// Builders are the main way to create Arrays in Arrow from existing values that are not
// on-disk. In this case, we'll make a simple array, and feed that in.
// Data types are important as ever, and there is a Builder for each compatible type;
// in this case, int8.
arrow::Int8Builder int8builder;
int8_t days_raw[5] = {1, 12, 17, 23, 28};
// AppendValues, as called, puts 5 values from days_raw into our Builder object.
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(days_raw, 5));
Given an ArrayBuilder
has the values we want in our Array
, we can use
to output the final structure to an Array
– specifically,
we output to a std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>
. Note the use of ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE
in the following code. Finish()
outputs a arrow::Result
can process. If the method fails, it will return to main()
with a Status
that will explain what went wrong. If it succeeds, then it will assign
the final output to the left-hand variable.
// We only have a Builder though, not an Array -- the following code pushes out the
// built up data into a proper Array.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> days;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(days, int8builder.Finish());
As soon as ArrayBuilder
has had its Finish
method called, its state resets, so
it can be used again, as if it was fresh. Thus, we repeat the process above for our second array:
// Builders clear their state every time they fill an Array, so if the type is the same,
// we can re-use the builder. We do that here for month values.
int8_t months_raw[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 1};
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(months_raw, 5));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> months;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(months, int8builder.Finish());
Building int16 Arrays¶
An ArrayBuilder
has its type specified at the time of declaration.
Once this is done, it cannot have its type changed. We have to make a new one when we switch to year data, which
requires a 16-bit integer at the minimum. Of course, there’s an ArrayBuilder
for that.
It uses the exact same methods, but with the new data type:
// Now that we change to int16, we use the Builder for that data type instead.
arrow::Int16Builder int16builder;
int16_t years_raw[5] = {1990, 2000, 1995, 2000, 1995};
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int16builder.AppendValues(years_raw, 5));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> years;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(years, int16builder.Finish());
Now, we have three Arrow Arrays
, with some variance in type.
Making a RecordBatch¶
A columnar data format only really comes into play when you have a table.
So, let’s make one. The first kind we’ll make is the RecordBatch
– this
uses Arrays
internally, which means all data will be contiguous within each
column, but any appending or concatenating will require copying. Making a RecordBatch
has two steps, given existing Arrays
Defining a Schema¶
To get started making a RecordBatch
, we first need to define
characteristics of the columns, each represented by a Field
Each Field
contains a name and datatype for its associated column; then,
a Schema
groups them together and sets the order of the columns, like
// Now, we want a RecordBatch, which has columns and labels for said columns.
// This gets us to the 2d data structures we want in Arrow.
// These are defined by schema, which have fields -- here we get both those object types
// ready.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> field_day, field_month, field_year;
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> schema;
// Every field needs its name and data type.
field_day = arrow::field("Day", arrow::int8());
field_month = arrow::field("Month", arrow::int8());
field_year = arrow::field("Year", arrow::int16());
// The schema can be built from a vector of fields, and we do so here.
schema = arrow::schema({field_day, field_month, field_year});
Building a RecordBatch¶
With data in Arrays
from the previous section, and column descriptions in our
from the previous step, we can make the RecordBatch
. Note that the
length of the columns is necessary, and the length is shared by all columns.
// With the schema and Arrays full of data, we can make our RecordBatch! Here,
// each column is internally contiguous. This is in opposition to Tables, which we'll
// see next.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> rbatch;
// The RecordBatch needs the schema, length for columns, which all must match,
// and the actual data itself.
rbatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, days->length(), {days, months, years});
std::cout << rbatch->ToString();
Now, we have our data in a nice tabular form, safely within the RecordBatch
What we can do with this will be discussed in the later tutorials.
Making a ChunkedArray¶
Let’s say that we want an array made up of sub-arrays, because it
can be useful for avoiding data copies when concatenating, for parallelizing work, for fitting each chunk
cutely into cache, or for exceeding the 2,147,483,647 row limit in a
standard Arrow Array
. For this, Arrow offers ChunkedArray
, which can be
made up of individual Arrow Arrays
. In this example, we can reuse the arrays
we made earlier in part of our chunked array, allowing us to extend them without having to copy
data. So, let’s build a few more Arrays
using the same builders for ease of use:
// Now, let's get some new arrays! It'll be the same datatypes as above, so we re-use
// Builders.
int8_t days_raw2[5] = {6, 12, 3, 30, 22};
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(days_raw2, 5));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> days2;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(days2, int8builder.Finish());
int8_t months_raw2[5] = {5, 4, 11, 3, 2};
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(months_raw2, 5));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> months2;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(months2, int8builder.Finish());
int16_t years_raw2[5] = {1980, 2001, 1915, 2020, 1996};
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int16builder.AppendValues(years_raw2, 5));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> years2;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(years2, int16builder.Finish());
In order to support an arbitrary amount of Arrays
in the construction of the
, Arrow supplies ArrayVector
. This provides a vector for Arrays
and we’ll use it here to prepare to make a ChunkedArray
// ChunkedArrays let us have a list of arrays, which aren't contiguous
// with each other. First, we get a vector of arrays.
arrow::ArrayVector day_vecs{days, days2};
In order to leverage Arrow, we do need to take that last step, and move into a ChunkedArray
// Then, we use that to initialize a ChunkedArray, which can be used with other
// functions in Arrow! This is good, since having a normal vector of arrays wouldn't
// get us far.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> day_chunks =
With a ChunkedArray
for our day values, we now just need to repeat the process
for the month and year data:
// Repeat for months.
arrow::ArrayVector month_vecs{months, months};
std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> month_chunks =
// Repeat for years.
arrow::ArrayVector year_vecs{years, years2};
std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> year_chunks =
With that, we are left with three ChunkedArrays
, varying in type.
Making a Table¶
One particularly useful thing we can do with the ChunkedArrays
from the previous section is creating
. Much like a RecordBatch
, a Table
stores tabular data. However, a
does not guarantee contiguity, due to being made up of ChunkedArrays
This can be useful for logic, paralellizing work, for fitting chunks into cache, or exceeding the 2,147,483,647 row limit
present in Array
and, thus, RecordBatch
If you read up to RecordBatch
, you may note that the Table
constructor in the following code is
effectively identical, it just happens to put the length of the columns
in position 3, and makes a Table
. We re-use the Schema
from before, and
make our Table
// A Table is the structure we need for these non-contiguous columns, and keeps them
// all in one place for us so we can use them as if they were normal arrays.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table;
table = arrow::Table::Make(schema, {day_chunks, month_chunks, year_chunks}, 10);
std::cout << table->ToString();
Now, we have our data in a nice tabular form, safely within the Table
What we can do with this will be discussed in the later tutorials.
Ending Program¶
At the end, we just return Status::OK()
, so the main()
knows that
we’re done, and that everything’s okay.
return arrow::Status::OK();
Wrapping Up¶
With that, you’ve created the fundamental data structures in Arrow, and can proceed to getting them in and out of a program with file I/O in the next article.
Refer to the below for a copy of the complete code:
19// (Doc section: Includes)
20#include <arrow/api.h>
22#include <iostream>
23// (Doc section: Includes)
25// (Doc section: RunMain Start)
26arrow::Status RunMain() {
27 // (Doc section: RunMain Start)
28 // (Doc section: int8builder 1 Append)
29 // Builders are the main way to create Arrays in Arrow from existing values that are not
30 // on-disk. In this case, we'll make a simple array, and feed that in.
31 // Data types are important as ever, and there is a Builder for each compatible type;
32 // in this case, int8.
33 arrow::Int8Builder int8builder;
34 int8_t days_raw[5] = {1, 12, 17, 23, 28};
35 // AppendValues, as called, puts 5 values from days_raw into our Builder object.
36 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(days_raw, 5));
37 // (Doc section: int8builder 1 Append)
39 // (Doc section: int8builder 1 Finish)
40 // We only have a Builder though, not an Array -- the following code pushes out the
41 // built up data into a proper Array.
42 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> days;
43 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(days, int8builder.Finish());
44 // (Doc section: int8builder 1 Finish)
46 // (Doc section: int8builder 2)
47 // Builders clear their state every time they fill an Array, so if the type is the same,
48 // we can re-use the builder. We do that here for month values.
49 int8_t months_raw[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 1};
50 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(months_raw, 5));
51 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> months;
52 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(months, int8builder.Finish());
53 // (Doc section: int8builder 2)
55 // (Doc section: int16builder)
56 // Now that we change to int16, we use the Builder for that data type instead.
57 arrow::Int16Builder int16builder;
58 int16_t years_raw[5] = {1990, 2000, 1995, 2000, 1995};
59 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int16builder.AppendValues(years_raw, 5));
60 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> years;
61 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(years, int16builder.Finish());
62 // (Doc section: int16builder)
64 // (Doc section: Schema)
65 // Now, we want a RecordBatch, which has columns and labels for said columns.
66 // This gets us to the 2d data structures we want in Arrow.
67 // These are defined by schema, which have fields -- here we get both those object types
68 // ready.
69 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> field_day, field_month, field_year;
70 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> schema;
72 // Every field needs its name and data type.
73 field_day = arrow::field("Day", arrow::int8());
74 field_month = arrow::field("Month", arrow::int8());
75 field_year = arrow::field("Year", arrow::int16());
77 // The schema can be built from a vector of fields, and we do so here.
78 schema = arrow::schema({field_day, field_month, field_year});
79 // (Doc section: Schema)
81 // (Doc section: RBatch)
82 // With the schema and Arrays full of data, we can make our RecordBatch! Here,
83 // each column is internally contiguous. This is in opposition to Tables, which we'll
84 // see next.
85 std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> rbatch;
86 // The RecordBatch needs the schema, length for columns, which all must match,
87 // and the actual data itself.
88 rbatch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, days->length(), {days, months, years});
90 std::cout << rbatch->ToString();
91 // (Doc section: RBatch)
93 // (Doc section: More Arrays)
94 // Now, let's get some new arrays! It'll be the same datatypes as above, so we re-use
95 // Builders.
96 int8_t days_raw2[5] = {6, 12, 3, 30, 22};
97 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(days_raw2, 5));
98 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> days2;
99 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(days2, int8builder.Finish());
101 int8_t months_raw2[5] = {5, 4, 11, 3, 2};
102 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int8builder.AppendValues(months_raw2, 5));
103 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> months2;
104 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(months2, int8builder.Finish());
106 int16_t years_raw2[5] = {1980, 2001, 1915, 2020, 1996};
107 ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(int16builder.AppendValues(years_raw2, 5));
108 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> years2;
109 ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(years2, int16builder.Finish());
110 // (Doc section: More Arrays)
112 // (Doc section: ArrayVector)
113 // ChunkedArrays let us have a list of arrays, which aren't contiguous
114 // with each other. First, we get a vector of arrays.
115 arrow::ArrayVector day_vecs{days, days2};
116 // (Doc section: ArrayVector)
117 // (Doc section: ChunkedArray Day)
118 // Then, we use that to initialize a ChunkedArray, which can be used with other
119 // functions in Arrow! This is good, since having a normal vector of arrays wouldn't
120 // get us far.
121 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> day_chunks =
122 std::make_shared<arrow::ChunkedArray>(day_vecs);
123 // (Doc section: ChunkedArray Day)
125 // (Doc section: ChunkedArray Month Year)
126 // Repeat for months.
127 arrow::ArrayVector month_vecs{months, months};
128 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> month_chunks =
129 std::make_shared<arrow::ChunkedArray>(month_vecs);
131 // Repeat for years.
132 arrow::ArrayVector year_vecs{years, years2};
133 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> year_chunks =
134 std::make_shared<arrow::ChunkedArray>(year_vecs);
135 // (Doc section: ChunkedArray Month Year)
137 // (Doc section: Table)
138 // A Table is the structure we need for these non-contiguous columns, and keeps them
139 // all in one place for us so we can use them as if they were normal arrays.
140 std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table;
141 table = arrow::Table::Make(schema, {day_chunks, month_chunks, year_chunks}, 10);
143 std::cout << table->ToString();
144 // (Doc section: Table)
146 // (Doc section: Ret)
147 return arrow::Status::OK();
149// (Doc section: Ret)
151// (Doc section: Main)
152int main() {
153 arrow::Status st = RunMain();
154 if (!st.ok()) {
155 std::cerr << st << std::endl;
156 return 1;
157 }
158 return 0;
161// (Doc section: Main)