Ballista Quickstart

A simple way to start a local cluster for testing purposes is to use cargo to build the project and then run the scheduler and executor binaries directly along with the Ballista UI.

Project Requirements:

Build the project

From the root of the project, build release binaries.

cargo build --release

Start a Ballista scheduler process in a new terminal session.

RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-scheduler

Start one or more Ballista executor processes in new terminal sessions. When starting more than one executor, a unique port number must be specified for each executor.

RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-executor -c 2 -p 50051

RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-executor -c 2 -p 50052

Start the Ballista UI in a new terminal session.

cd ballista/scheduler/ui
yarn start

You can now access the UI at http://localhost:3000/

Running the examples

The examples can be run using the cargo run --bin syntax. Open a new terminal session and run the following commands.

Running the examples

Distributed SQL Example

cd examples
cargo run --release --bin sql

Source code for distributed SQL example

use ballista::prelude::*;
use datafusion::prelude::CsvReadOptions;

/// This example demonstrates executing a simple query against an Arrow data source (CSV) and
/// fetching results, using SQL
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let config = BallistaConfig::builder()
        .set("ballista.shuffle.partitions", "4")
    let ctx = BallistaContext::remote("localhost", 50050, &config).await?;

    // register csv file with the execution context

    // execute the query
    let df = ctx
            "SELECT c1, MIN(c12), MAX(c12) \
        FROM test \
        WHERE c11 > 0.1 AND c11 < 0.9 \
        GROUP BY c1",

    // print the results;


Distributed DataFrame Example

cd examples
cargo run --release --bin dataframe

Source code for distributed DataFrame example

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let config = BallistaConfig::builder()
        .set("ballista.shuffle.partitions", "4")
    let ctx = BallistaContext::remote("localhost", 50050, &config).await?;

    let filename = "testdata/alltypes_plain.parquet";

    // define the query using the DataFrame trait
    let df = ctx
        .read_parquet(filename, ParquetReadOptions::default())
        .select_columns(&["id", "bool_col", "timestamp_col"])?

    // print the results;
