final class
BigIntVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of integer values which could be null.
final class
BitVector implements a fixed width (1 bit) vector of boolean values which could be null.
final class
DateDayVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of date values which could be null.
final class
DateMilliVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of date values which could be null.
final class
Decimal256Vector implements a fixed width vector (32 bytes) of decimal values which could be
final class
DecimalVector implements a fixed width vector (16 bytes) of decimal values which could be null.
final class
DurationVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of a configurable TimeUnit granularity
duration values which could be null.
FixedSizeBinaryVector implements a fixed width vector of binary values which could be null.
final class
Float2Vector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of short values which could be null.
final class
Float4Vector implements a fixed width vector (4 bytes) of float values which could be null.
final class
Float8Vector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of double values which could be null.
final class
IntervalDayVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of interval (days and milliseconds)
values which could be null.
final class
IntervalMonthDayNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (16 bytes) of interval (month, days
and nanoseconds) values which could be null.
final class
IntervalYearVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of interval (years and months)
values which could be null.
final class
IntVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
LargeVarBinaryVector implements a large variable width vector of binary values which could be
final class
LargeVarCharVector implements a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be NULL.
final class
SmallIntVector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of short values which could be null.
final class
TimeMicroVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of time (microsecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeMilliVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of time (millisecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of time (nanosecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeSecVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of time (seconds resolution) values which
could be null.
final class
TimeStampMicroTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (microsecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMicroVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (microsecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMilliTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (millisecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMilliVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (millisecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampNanoTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (nanosecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (nanosecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampSecTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (seconds resolution)
values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampSecVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (seconds resolution)
values which could be null.
final class
TinyIntVector implements a fixed width (1 bytes) vector of byte values which could be null.
final class
UInt1Vector implements a fixed width (1 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt2Vector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt4Vector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt8Vector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of integer values which could be null.
final class
VarBinaryVector implements a variable width vector of binary values which could be NULL.
final class
VarCharVector implements a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be NULL.
final class
ViewVarBinaryVector implements a variable width view vector of binary values which could be NULL.
final class
ViewVarCharVector implements a view of a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be
final class
A zero length vector of any type.