BaseFixedWidthVector provides an abstract interface for implementing vectors of fixed width
BaseLargeVariableWidthVector is a base class providing functionality for large strings/large
bytes types.
BaseVariableWidthVector is a base class providing functionality for strings/bytes types.
BaseVariableWidthViewVector is a base class providing functionality for strings/bytes types in
view format.
final class
BigIntVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of integer values which could be null.
final class
BitVector implements a fixed width (1 bit) vector of boolean values which could be null.
final class
DateDayVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of date values which could be null.
final class
DateMilliVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of date values which could be null.
final class
Decimal256Vector implements a fixed width vector (32 bytes) of decimal values which could be
final class
DecimalVector implements a fixed width vector (16 bytes) of decimal values which could be null.
final class
DurationVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of a configurable TimeUnit granularity
duration values which could be null.
A vector that wraps an underlying vector, used to help implement extension types.
FixedSizeBinaryVector implements a fixed width vector of binary values which could be null.
final class
Float2Vector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of short values which could be null.
final class
Float4Vector implements a fixed width vector (4 bytes) of float values which could be null.
final class
Float8Vector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of double values which could be null.
final class
IntervalDayVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of interval (days and milliseconds)
values which could be null.
final class
IntervalMonthDayNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (16 bytes) of interval (month, days
and nanoseconds) values which could be null.
final class
IntervalYearVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of interval (years and months)
values which could be null.
final class
IntVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
LargeVarBinaryVector implements a large variable width vector of binary values which could be
final class
LargeVarCharVector implements a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be NULL.
final class
SmallIntVector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of short values which could be null.
final class
TimeMicroVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of time (microsecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeMilliVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of time (millisecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of time (nanosecond resolution) values
which could be null.
final class
TimeSecVector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of time (seconds resolution) values which
could be null.
final class
TimeStampMicroTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (microsecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMicroVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (microsecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMilliTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (millisecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampMilliVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (millisecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampNanoTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (nanosecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (nanosecond
resolution) values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampSecTZVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (seconds resolution)
values which could be null.
final class
TimeStampSecVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (seconds resolution)
values which could be null.
TimeStampVector is an abstract interface for fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp values
which could be null.
final class
TinyIntVector implements a fixed width (1 bytes) vector of byte values which could be null.
final class
UInt1Vector implements a fixed width (1 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt2Vector implements a fixed width (2 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt4Vector implements a fixed width (4 bytes) vector of integer values which could be null.
final class
UInt8Vector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of integer values which could be null.
final class
VarBinaryVector implements a variable width vector of binary values which could be NULL.
final class
VarCharVector implements a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be NULL.
final class
ViewVarBinaryVector implements a variable width view vector of binary values which could be NULL.
final class
ViewVarCharVector implements a view of a variable width vector of VARCHAR values which could be