Class Flight.FlightInfo.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, Cloneable, Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
Enclosing class:

public static final class Flight.FlightInfo.Builder extends<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder> implements Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder

 The access coordinates for retrieval of a dataset. With a FlightInfo, a
 consumer is able to determine how to retrieve a dataset.
Protobuf type arrow.flight.protocol.FlightInfo
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • clear

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public Flight.FlightInfo getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public Flight.FlightInfo build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public Flight.FlightInfo buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • setField

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • clearField

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder mergeFrom(Flight.FlightInfo other)
    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • getSchema

      public getSchema()
       The schema of the dataset in its IPC form:
         4 bytes - an optional IPC_CONTINUATION_TOKEN prefix
         4 bytes - the byte length of the payload
         a flatbuffer Message whose header is the Schema
      bytes schema = 1;
      Specified by:
      getSchema in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The schema.
    • setSchema

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setSchema( value)
       The schema of the dataset in its IPC form:
         4 bytes - an optional IPC_CONTINUATION_TOKEN prefix
         4 bytes - the byte length of the payload
         a flatbuffer Message whose header is the Schema
      bytes schema = 1;
      value - The schema to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearSchema

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearSchema()
       The schema of the dataset in its IPC form:
         4 bytes - an optional IPC_CONTINUATION_TOKEN prefix
         4 bytes - the byte length of the payload
         a flatbuffer Message whose header is the Schema
      bytes schema = 1;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasFlightDescriptor

      public boolean hasFlightDescriptor()
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
      Specified by:
      hasFlightDescriptor in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      Whether the flightDescriptor field is set.
    • getFlightDescriptor

      public Flight.FlightDescriptor getFlightDescriptor()
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
      Specified by:
      getFlightDescriptor in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The flightDescriptor.
    • setFlightDescriptor

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setFlightDescriptor(Flight.FlightDescriptor value)
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
    • setFlightDescriptor

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setFlightDescriptor(Flight.FlightDescriptor.Builder builderForValue)
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
    • mergeFlightDescriptor

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder mergeFlightDescriptor(Flight.FlightDescriptor value)
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
    • clearFlightDescriptor

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearFlightDescriptor()
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
    • getFlightDescriptorBuilder

      public Flight.FlightDescriptor.Builder getFlightDescriptorBuilder()
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
    • getFlightDescriptorOrBuilder

      public Flight.FlightDescriptorOrBuilder getFlightDescriptorOrBuilder()
       The descriptor associated with this info.
      .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightDescriptor flight_descriptor = 2;
      Specified by:
      getFlightDescriptorOrBuilder in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • getEndpointList

      public List<Flight.FlightEndpoint> getEndpointList()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
      Specified by:
      getEndpointList in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • getEndpointCount

      public int getEndpointCount()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
      Specified by:
      getEndpointCount in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • getEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightEndpoint getEndpoint(int index)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
      Specified by:
      getEndpoint in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • setEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setEndpoint(int index, Flight.FlightEndpoint value)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • setEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setEndpoint(int index, Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder builderForValue)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addEndpoint

       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder addEndpoint(int index, Flight.FlightEndpoint value)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder addEndpoint(Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder builderForValue)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder addEndpoint(int index, Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder builderForValue)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addAllEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder addAllEndpoint(Iterable<? extends Flight.FlightEndpoint> values)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • clearEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearEndpoint()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • removeEndpoint

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder removeEndpoint(int index)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • getEndpointBuilder

      public Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder getEndpointBuilder(int index)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • getEndpointOrBuilder

      public Flight.FlightEndpointOrBuilder getEndpointOrBuilder(int index)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
      Specified by:
      getEndpointOrBuilder in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • getEndpointOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends Flight.FlightEndpointOrBuilder> getEndpointOrBuilderList()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
      Specified by:
      getEndpointOrBuilderList in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
    • addEndpointBuilder

      public Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder addEndpointBuilder()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • addEndpointBuilder

      public Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder addEndpointBuilder(int index)
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • getEndpointBuilderList

      public List<Flight.FlightEndpoint.Builder> getEndpointBuilderList()
       A list of endpoints associated with the flight. To consume the
       whole flight, all endpoints (and hence all Tickets) must be
       consumed. Endpoints can be consumed in any order.
       In other words, an application can use multiple endpoints to
       represent partitioned data.
       If the returned data has an ordering, an application can use
       "FlightInfo.ordered = true" or should return the all data in a
       single endpoint. Otherwise, there is no ordering defined on
       endpoints or the data within.
       A client can read ordered data by reading data from returned
       endpoints, in order, from front to back.
       Note that a client may ignore "FlightInfo.ordered = true". If an
       ordering is important for an application, an application must
       choose one of them:
       * An application requires that all clients must read data in
         returned endpoints order.
       * An application must return the all data in a single endpoint.
      repeated .arrow.flight.protocol.FlightEndpoint endpoint = 3;
    • getTotalRecords

      public long getTotalRecords()
       Set these to -1 if unknown.
      int64 total_records = 4;
      Specified by:
      getTotalRecords in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The totalRecords.
    • setTotalRecords

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setTotalRecords(long value)
       Set these to -1 if unknown.
      int64 total_records = 4;
      value - The totalRecords to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearTotalRecords

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearTotalRecords()
       Set these to -1 if unknown.
      int64 total_records = 4;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getTotalBytes

      public long getTotalBytes()
      int64 total_bytes = 5;
      Specified by:
      getTotalBytes in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The totalBytes.
    • setTotalBytes

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setTotalBytes(long value)
      int64 total_bytes = 5;
      value - The totalBytes to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearTotalBytes

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearTotalBytes()
      int64 total_bytes = 5;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getOrdered

      public boolean getOrdered()
       FlightEndpoints are in the same order as the data.
      bool ordered = 6;
      Specified by:
      getOrdered in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The ordered.
    • setOrdered

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setOrdered(boolean value)
       FlightEndpoints are in the same order as the data.
      bool ordered = 6;
      value - The ordered to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearOrdered

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearOrdered()
       FlightEndpoints are in the same order as the data.
      bool ordered = 6;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getAppMetadata

      public getAppMetadata()
       Application-defined metadata.
       There is no inherent or required relationship between this
       and the app_metadata fields in the FlightEndpoints or resulting
       FlightData messages. Since this metadata is application-defined,
       a given application could define there to be a relationship,
       but there is none required by the spec.
      bytes app_metadata = 7;
      Specified by:
      getAppMetadata in interface Flight.FlightInfoOrBuilder
      The appMetadata.
    • setAppMetadata

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setAppMetadata( value)
       Application-defined metadata.
       There is no inherent or required relationship between this
       and the app_metadata fields in the FlightEndpoints or resulting
       FlightData messages. Since this metadata is application-defined,
       a given application could define there to be a relationship,
       but there is none required by the spec.
      bytes app_metadata = 7;
      value - The appMetadata to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearAppMetadata

      public Flight.FlightInfo.Builder clearAppMetadata()
       Application-defined metadata.
       There is no inherent or required relationship between this
       and the app_metadata fields in the FlightEndpoints or resulting
       FlightData messages. Since this metadata is application-defined,
       a given application could define there to be a relationship,
       but there is none required by the spec.
      bytes app_metadata = 7;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnknownFields

      public final Flight.FlightInfo.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final Flight.FlightInfo.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<Flight.FlightInfo.Builder>