Interface CallHeaderAuthenticator.AuthResult

Enclosing interface:

public static interface CallHeaderAuthenticator.AuthResult
Encapsulates the result of the CallHeaderAuthenticator analysis of headers.

This includes the identity of the incoming user and any outbound headers to send as a response to the client.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Appends a header to the outgoing call headers.
    The peer identity that was determined by the handshake process based on the authentication credentials supplied by the client.
  • Method Details

    • getPeerIdentity

      String getPeerIdentity()
      The peer identity that was determined by the handshake process based on the authentication credentials supplied by the client.
      The peer identity.
    • appendToOutgoingHeaders

      default void appendToOutgoingHeaders(CallHeaders outgoingHeaders)
      Appends a header to the outgoing call headers.
      outgoingHeaders - The outgoing headers.