Interface CallHeaders

All Known Implementing Classes:
ErrorFlightMetadata, FlightCallHeaders, MetadataAdapter

public interface CallHeaders
A set of metadata key value pairs for a call (request or response).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Check whether the given metadata key is present.
    get(String key)
    Get the value of a metadata key.
    Get all values present for the given metadata key.
    Get all values present for the given metadata key.
    Get the value of a metadata key.
    insert(String key, byte[] value)
    Insert a metadata pair with the given value.
    insert(String key, String value)
    Insert a metadata pair with the given value.
    Get a set of all the metadata keys.
  • Method Details

    • get

      String get(String key)
      Get the value of a metadata key. If multiple values are present, then get the last one.
    • getByte

      byte[] getByte(String key)
      Get the value of a metadata key. If multiple values are present, then get the last one.
    • getAll

      Iterable<String> getAll(String key)
      Get all values present for the given metadata key.
    • getAllByte

      Iterable<byte[]> getAllByte(String key)
      Get all values present for the given metadata key.
    • insert

      void insert(String key, String value)
      Insert a metadata pair with the given value.

      Duplicate metadata are permitted.

    • insert

      void insert(String key, byte[] value)
      Insert a metadata pair with the given value.

      Duplicate metadata are permitted.

    • keys

      Set<String> keys()
      Get a set of all the metadata keys.
    • containsKey

      boolean containsKey(String key)
      Check whether the given metadata key is present.