The Arrow C Device data interface#


The Arrow C Device Data Interface should be considered experimental


The current C Data Interface, and most implementations of it, make the assumption that all data buffers provided are CPU buffers. Since Apache Arrow is designed to be a universal in-memory format for representing tabular (“columnar”) data, there will be the desire to leverage this data on non-CPU hardware such as GPUs. One example of such a case is the RAPIDS cuDF library which uses the Arrow memory format with CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs. Since copying data from host to device and back is expensive, the ideal would be to be able to leave the data on the device for as long as possible, even when passing it between runtimes and libraries.

The Arrow C Device data interface builds on the existing C data interface by adding a very small, stable set of C definitions to it. These definitions are equivalents to the ArrowArray and ArrowArrayStream structures from the C Data Interface which add members to allow specifying the device type and pass necessary information to synchronize with the producer. For non-C/C++ languages and runtimes, translating the C definitions to corresponding C FFI declarations should be just as simple as with the current C data interface.

Applications and libraries can then use Arrow schemas and Arrow formatted memory on non-CPU devices to exchange data just as easily as they do now with CPU data. This will enable leaving data on those devices longer and avoiding costly copies back and forth between the host and device just to leverage new libraries and runtimes.


  • Expose an ABI-stable interface built on the existing C data interface.

  • Make it easy for third-party projects to implement support with little initial investment.

  • Allow zero-copy sharing of Arrow formatted device memory between independent runtimes and components running in the same process.

  • Avoid the need for one-to-one adaptation layers such as the CUDA Array Interface for Python processes to pass CUDA data.

  • Enable integration without explicit dependencies (either at compile-time or runtime) on the Arrow software project itself.

The intent is for the Arrow C Device data interface to expand the reach of the current C data interface, allowing it to also become the standard low-level building block for columnar processing on devices like GPUs or FPGAs.

Structure definitions#

Because this is built on the C data interface, the C Device data interface uses the ArrowSchema and ArrowArray structures as defined in the C data interface spec. It then adds the following free-standing definitions. Like the rest of the Arrow project, they are available under the Apache License 2.0.


// Device type for the allocated memory
typedef int32_t ArrowDeviceType;

// CPU device, same as using ArrowArray directly
// CUDA GPU Device
// Pinned CUDA CPU memory by cudaMallocHost
// OpenCL Device
// Vulkan buffer for next-gen graphics
// Metal for Apple GPU
// Verilog simulator buffer
// ROCm GPUs for AMD GPUs
// Pinned ROCm CPU memory allocated by hipMallocHost
// Reserved for extension
// used to quickly test extension devices, semantics
// can differ based on implementation
// CUDA managed/unified memory allocated by cudaMallocManaged
// Unified shared memory allocated on a oneAPI
// non-partitioned device.
// A call to the oneAPI runtime is required to determine the
// device type, the USM allocation type and the sycl context
// that it is bound to.
// GPU support for next-gen WebGPU standard
// Qualcomm Hexagon DSP

struct ArrowDeviceArray {
  struct ArrowArray array;
  int64_t device_id;
  ArrowDeviceType device_type;
  void* sync_event;

  // reserved bytes for future expansion
  int64_t reserved[3];



The canonical guard ARROW_C_DEVICE_DATA_INTERFACE is meant to avoid duplicate definitions if two projects copy the definitions in their own headers, and a third-party project includes from these two projects. It is therefore important that this guard is kept exactly as-is when these definitions are copied.


The ArrowDeviceType typedef is used to indicate what type of device the provided memory buffers were allocated on. This, in conjunction with the device_id, should be sufficient to reference the correct data buffers.

We then use macros to define values for different device types. The provided macro values are compatible with the widely used dlpack DLDeviceType definition values, using the same value for each as the equivalent kDL<type> enum from dlpack.h. The list will be kept in sync with those equivalent enum values over time to ensure compatibility, rather than potentially diverging. To avoid the Arrow project having to be in the position of vetting new hardware devices, new additions should first be added to dlpack before we add a corresponding macro here.

To ensure predictability with the ABI, we use macros instead of an enum so the storage type is not compiler dependent.


CPU Device, equivalent to just using ArrowArray directly instead of using ArrowDeviceArray.


A CUDA GPU Device. This could represent data allocated either with the runtime library (cudaMalloc) or the device driver (cuMemAlloc).


CPU memory that was pinned and page-locked by CUDA by using cudaMallocHost or cuMemAllocHost.


Data allocated on the device by using the OpenCL (Open Computing Language) framework.


Data allocated by the Vulkan framework and libraries.


Data on Apple GPU devices using the Metal framework and libraries.


Indicates usage of a Verilog simulator buffer.


An AMD device using the ROCm stack.


CPU memory that was pinned and page-locked by ROCm by using hipMallocHost.


This value is an escape-hatch for devices to extend which aren’t currently represented otherwise. Producers would need to provide additional information/context specific to the device if using this device type. This is used to quickly test extension devices and semantics can differ based on the implementation.


CUDA managed/unified memory which is allocated by cudaMallocManaged.


Unified shared memory allocated on an Intel oneAPI non-partitioned device. A call to the oneAPI runtime is required to determine the specific device type, the USM allocation type and the sycl context that it is bound to.


GPU support for next-gen WebGPU standards


Data allocated on a Qualcomm Hexagon DSP device.

The ArrowDeviceArray structure#

The ArrowDeviceArray structure embeds the C data ArrowArray structure and adds additional information necessary for consumers to use the data. It has the following fields:

struct ArrowArray ArrowDeviceArray.array#

Mandatory. The allocated array data. The values in the void** buffers (along with the buffers of any children) are what is allocated on the device. The buffer values should be device pointers. The rest of the structure should be accessible to the CPU.

The private_data and release callback of this structure should contain any necessary information and structures related to freeing the array according to the device it is allocated on, rather than having a separate release callback and private_data pointer here.

int64_t ArrowDeviceArray.device_id#

Mandatory. The device id to identify a specific device if multiple devices of this type are on the system. The semantics of the id will be hardware dependent, but we use an int64_t to future-proof the id as devices change over time.

For device types that do not have an intrinsic notion of a device identifier (e.g., ARROW_DEVICE_CPU), it is recommended to use a device_id of -1 as a convention.

ArrowDeviceType ArrowDeviceArray.device_type#

Mandatory. The type of the device which can access the buffers in the array.

void *ArrowDeviceArray.sync_event#

Optional. An event-like object to synchronize on if needed.

Many devices, like GPUs, are primarily asynchronous with respect to CPU processing. As such, in order to safely access device memory, it is often necessary to have an object to synchronize processing with. Since different devices will use different types to specify this, we use a void* which can be coerced into a pointer to whatever the device appropriate type is.

If synchronization is not needed, this can be null. If this is non-null then it MUST be used to call the appropriate sync method for the device (e.g. cudaStreamWaitEvent or hipStreamWaitEvent) before attempting to access the memory in the buffers.

If an event is provided, then the producer MUST ensure that the exported data is available on the device before the event is triggered. The consumer SHOULD wait on the event before trying to access the exported data.

See also

The synchronization event types section below.

int64_t ArrowDeviceArray.reserved[3]#

As non-CPU development expands, there may be a need to expand this structure. In order to do so without potentially breaking ABI changes, we reserve 24 bytes at the end of the object. These bytes MUST be zero’d out after initialization by the producer in order to ensure safe evolution of the ABI in the future.

Synchronization event types#

The table below lists the expected event types for each device type. If no event type is supported (“N/A”), then the sync_event member should always be null.

Remember that the event CAN be null if synchronization is not needed to access the data.

Device Type

Actual Event Type






























  • (1) Currently unknown if framework has an event type to support.

  • (2) Extension Device has producer defined semantics and thus if synchronization is needed for an extension device, the producer should document the type.


Memory management#

First and foremost: Out of everything in this interface, it is only the data buffers themselves which reside in device memory (i.e. the buffers member of the ArrowArray struct). Everything else should be in CPU memory.

The ArrowDeviceArray structure contains an ArrowArray object which itself has specific semantics for releasing memory. The term “base structure” below refers to the ArrowDeviceArray object that is passed directly between the producer and consumer – not any child structure thereof.

It is intended for the base structure to be stack- or heap-allocated by the consumer. In this case, the producer API should take a pointer to the consumer-allocated structure.

However, any data pointed to by the struct MUST be allocated and maintained by the producer. This includes the sync_event member if it is not null, along with any pointers in the ArrowArray object as usual. Data lifetime is managed through the release callback of the ArrowArray member.

For an ArrowDeviceArray, the semantics of a released structure and the callback semantics are identical to those for ArrowArray itself. Any producer specific context information necessary for releasing the device data buffers, in addition to any allocated event, should be stored in the private_data member of the ArrowArray and managed by the release callback.

Moving an array#

The consumer can move the ArrowDeviceArray structure by bitwise copying or shallow member-wise copying. Then it MUST mark the source structure released by setting the release member of the embedded ArrowArray structure to NULL, but without calling that release callback. This ensures that only one live copy of the struct is active at any given time and that lifetime is correctly communicated to the producer.

As usual, the release callback will be called on the destination structure when it is not needed anymore.

Record batches#

As with the C data interface itself, a record batch can be trivially considered as an equivalent struct array. In this case the metadata of the top-level ArrowSchema can be used for schema-level metadata of the record batch.


Both the producer and the consumer SHOULD consider the exported data (that is, the data reachable on the device through the buffers member of the embedded ArrowArray) to be immutable, as either party could otherwise see inconsistent data while the other is mutating it.


If the sync_event member is non-NULL, the consumer should not attempt to access or read the data until they have synchronized on that event. If the sync_event member is NULL, then it MUST be safe to access the data without any synchronization necessary on the part of the consumer.

C producer example#

Exporting a simple int32 device array#

Export a non-nullable int32 type with empty metadata. An example of this can be seen in the C data interface docs directly.

To export the data itself, we transfer ownership to the consumer through the release callback. This example will use CUDA, but the equivalent calls could be used for any device:

static void release_int32_device_array(struct ArrowArray* array) {
    assert(array->n_buffers == 2);
    // destroy the event
    cudaEvent_t* ev_ptr = (cudaEvent_t*)(array->private_data);
    cudaError_t status = cudaEventDestroy(*ev_ptr);
    assert(status == cudaSuccess);

    // free the buffers and the buffers array
    status = cudaFree(array->buffers[1]);
    assert(status == cudaSuccess);

    // mark released
    array->release = NULL;

void export_int32_device_array(void* cudaAllocedPtr,
                               cudaStream_t stream,
                               int64_t length,
                               struct ArrowDeviceArray* array) {
    // get device id
    int device;
    cudaError_t status;
    status = cudaGetDevice(&device);
    assert(status == cudaSuccess);

    cudaEvent_t* ev_ptr = (cudaEvent_t*)malloc(sizeof(cudaEvent_t));
    assert(ev_ptr != NULL);
    status = cudaEventCreate(ev_ptr);
    assert(status == cudaSuccess);

    // record event on the stream, assuming that the passed in
    // stream is where the work to produce the data will be processing.
    status = cudaEventRecord(*ev_ptr, stream);
    assert(status == cudaSuccess);

    memset(array, 0, sizeof(struct ArrowDeviceArray));
    // initialize fields
    *array = (struct ArrowDeviceArray) {
        .array = (struct ArrowArray) {
            .length = length,
            .null_count = 0,
            .offset = 0,
            .n_buffers = 2,
            .n_children = 0,
            .children = NULL,
            .dictionary = NULL,
            // bookkeeping
            .release = &release_int32_device_array,
            // store the event pointer as private data in the array
            // so that we can access it in the release callback.
            .private_data = (void*)(ev_ptr),
        .device_id = (int64_t)(device),
        .device_type = ARROW_DEVICE_CUDA,
        // pass the event pointer to the consumer
        .sync_event = (void*)(ev_ptr),

    // allocate list of buffers
    array->array.buffers = (const void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * array->array.n_buffers);
    assert(array->array.buffers != NULL);
    array->array.buffers[0] = NULL;
    array->array.buffers[1] = cudaAllocedPtr;

// calling the release callback should be done using the array member
// of the device array.
static void release_device_array_helper(struct ArrowDeviceArray* arr) {

Device Stream Interface#

Like the C stream interface, the C Device data interface also specifies a higher-level structure for easing communication of streaming data within a single process.


An Arrow C device stream exposes a streaming source of data chunks, each with the same schema. Chunks are obtained by calling a blocking pull-style iteration function. It is expected that all chunks should be providing data on the same device type (but not necessarily the same device id). If it is necessary to provide a stream of data on multiple device types, a producer should provide a separate stream object for each device type.

Structure definition#

The C device stream interface is defined by a single struct definition:


struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream {
    // device type that all arrays will be accessible from
    ArrowDeviceType device_type;
    // callbacks
    int (*get_schema)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*, struct ArrowSchema*);
    int (*get_next)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*, struct ArrowDeviceArray*);
    const char* (*get_last_error)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*);

    // release callback
    void (*release)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*);

    // opaque producer-specific data
    void* private_data;



The canonical guard ARROW_C_DEVICE_STREAM_INTERFACE is meant to avoid duplicate definitions if two projects copy the C device stream interface definitions into their own headers, and a third-party project includes from these two projects. It is therefore important that this guard is kept exactly as-is when these definitions are copied.

The ArrowDeviceArrayStream structure#

The ArrowDeviceArrayStream provides a device type that can access the resulting data along with the required callbacks to interact with a streaming source of Arrow arrays. It has the following fields:

ArrowDeviceType device_type#

Mandatory. The device type that this stream produces data on. All ArrowDeviceArray s that are produced by this stream should have the same device type as is set here. This is a convenience for the consumer to not have to check every array that is retrieved and instead allows higher-level coding constructs for streams.

int (*ArrowDeviceArrayStream.get_schema)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*, struct ArrowSchema *out)#

Mandatory. This callback allows the consumer to query the schema of the chunks of data in the stream. The schema is the same for all data chunks.

This callback must NOT be called on a released ArrowDeviceArrayStream.

Return value: 0 on success, a non-zero error code otherwise.

int (*ArrowDeviceArrayStream.get_next)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*, struct ArrowDeviceArray *out)#

Mandatory. This callback allows the consumer to get the next chunk of data in the stream.

This callback must NOT be called on a released ArrowDeviceArrayStream.

The next chunk of data MUST be accessible from a device type matching the ArrowDeviceArrayStream.device_type.

Return value: 0 on success, a non-zero error code otherwise.

On success, the consumer must check whether the ArrowDeviceArray’s embedded ArrowArray is marked released. If the embedded ArrowDeviceArray.array is released, then the end of the stream has been reached. Otherwise, the ArrowDeviceArray contains a valid data chunk.

const char *(*ArrowDeviceArrayStream.get_last_error)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*)#

Mandatory. This callback allows the consumer to get a textual description of the last error.

This callback must ONLY be called if the last operation on the ArrowDeviceArrayStream returned an error. It must NOT be called on a released ArrowDeviceArrayStream.

Return value: a pointer to a NULL-terminated character string (UTF8-encoded). NULL can also be returned if no detailed description is available.

The returned pointer is only guaranteed to be valid until the next call of one of the stream’s callbacks. The character string it points to should be copied to consumer-managed storage if it is intended to survive longer.

void (*ArrowDeviceArrayStream.release)(struct ArrowDeviceArrayStream*)#

Mandatory. A pointer to a producer-provided release callback.

void *ArrowDeviceArrayStream.private_data#

Optional. An opaque pointer to producer-provided private data.

Consumers MUST NOT process this member. Lifetime of this member is handled by the producer, and especially by the release callback.

Result lifetimes#

The data returned by the get_schema and get_next callbacks must be released independently. Their lifetimes are not tied to that of ArrowDeviceArrayStream.

Stream lifetime#

Lifetime of the C stream is managed using a release callback with similar usage as in C data interface.

Thread safety#

The stream source is not assumed to be thread-safe. Consumers wanting to call get_next from several threads should ensure those calls are serialized.

Async Device Stream Interface#


Experimental: The Async C Device Stream interface is experimental in its current form. Based on feedback and usage the protocol definition may change until it is fully standardized.

The C stream interface provides a synchronous API centered around the consumer calling the producer functions to retrieve the next record batch. For concurrent communication between producer and consumer, the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler can be used. This interface is non-opinionated and may fit into different concurrent communication models.


Rather than the producer providing a structure of callbacks for a consumer to call and retrieve records, the Async interface is a structure allocated and populated by the consumer. The consumer allocated struct provides handler callbacks for the producer to call when the schema and chunks of data are available.

In addition to the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler, there are also two additional structs used for the full data flow: ArrowAsyncTask and ArrowAsyncProducer.

Structure Definition#

The C device async stream interface consists of three struct definitions:


struct ArrowAsyncTask {
  int (*extract_data)(struct ArrowArrayTask* self, struct ArrowDeviceArray* out);

  void* private_data;

struct ArrowAsyncProducer {
  ArrowDeviceType device_type;

  void (*request)(struct ArrowAsyncProducer* self, int64_t n);
  void (*cancel)(struct ArrowAsyncProducer* self);

  void (*release)(struct ArrowAsyncProducer* self);
  const char* additional_metadata;
  void* private_data;

struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler {
  // consumer-specific handlers
  int (*on_schema)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler* self,
                   struct ArrowSchema* stream_schema);
  int (*on_next_task)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler* self,
                      struct ArrowAsyncTask* task, const char* metadata);
  void (*on_error)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler* self,
                   int code, const char* message, const char* metadata);

  // release callback
  void (*release)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler* self);

  // must be populated before calling any callbacks
  struct ArrowAsyncProducer* producer;

  // opaque handler-specific data
  void* private_data;



The canonical guard ARROW_C_ASYNC_STREAM_INTERFACE is meant to avoid duplicate definitions if two projects copy the C async stream interface definitions into their own headers, and a third-party project includes from these two projects. It is therefore important that this guard is kept exactly as-is when these definitions are copied.

The ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler structure#

The structure has the following fields:

int (*ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_schema)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler*, struct ArrowSchema*)#

Mandatory. Handler for receiving the schema of the stream. All incoming records should match the provided schema. If successful, the function should return 0, otherwise it should return an errno-compatible error code.

If there is any extra contextual information that the producer wants to provide, it can set ArrowAsyncProducer.additional_metadata to a non-NULL value. This is encoded in the same format as ArrowSchema.metadata. The lifetime of this metadata, if not NULL, should be tied to the lifetime of the ArrowAsyncProducer object.

Unless the on_error handler is called, this will always get called exactly once and will be the first method called on this object. As such the producer MUST populate the ArrowAsyncProducer member before calling this function to allow the consumer to apply back-pressure and control the flow of data. The producer maintains ownership of the ArrowAsyncProducer and must clean it up after calling the release callback on the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.

A producer that receives a non-zero result here must not subsequently call anything other than the release callback on this object.

int (*ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_next_task)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler*, struct ArrowAsyncTask*, const char*)#

Mandatory. Handler to be called when a new record is available for processing. The schema for each record should be the same as the schema that on_schema was called with. If successfully handled, the function should return 0, otherwise it should return an errno-compatible error code.

Rather than passing the record itself it receives an ArrowAsyncTask instead to facilitate better consumer-focused thread control as far as receiving the data. A call to this function simply indicates that data is available via the provided task.

The producer signals the end of the stream by passing NULL for the ArrowAsyncTask pointer instead of a valid address. This task object is only valid during the lifetime of this function call. If the consumer wants to use the task beyond the scope of this method, it must copy or move its contents to a new ArrowAsyncTask object.

The const char* parameter exists for producers to provide any extra contextual information they want. This is encoded in the same format as ArrowSchema.metadata. If not NULL, the lifetime is only the scope of the call to this function. A consumer who wants to maintain the additional metadata beyond the lifetime of this call MUST copy the value themselves.

A producer MUST NOT call this concurrently from multiple threads.

The ArrowAsyncProducer.request callback must be called to start receiving calls to this handler.

void (*ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_error)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler, int, const char*, const char*)#

Mandatory. Handler to be called when an error is encountered by the producer. After calling this, the release callback will be called as the last call on this struct. The parameters are an errno-compatible error code and an optional error message and metadata.

If the message and metadata are not NULL, their lifetime is only valid during the scope of this call. A consumer who wants to maintain these values past the return of this function MUST copy the values themselves.

If the metadata parameter is not NULL, to provide key-value error metadata, then it should be encoded identically to the way that metadata is encoded in ArrowSchema.metadata.

It is valid for this to be called by a producer with or without a preceding call to ArrowAsyncProducer.request. This callback MUST NOT call any methods of an ArrowAsyncProducer object.

void (*ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.release)(struct ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler*)#

Mandatory. A pointer to a consumer-provided release callback for the handler.

It is valid for this to be called by a producer with or without a preceding call to ArrowAsyncProducer.request. This must not call any methods of an ArrowAsyncProducer object.

struct ArrowAsyncProducer ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.producer#

Mandatory. The producer object that the consumer will use to request additional data or cancel.

This object MUST be populated by the producer before calling the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_schema callback. The producer maintains ownership of this object and must clean it up after calling the release callback on the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.

The consumer CANNOT assume that this is valid until the on_schema callback is called.

void *ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.private_data#

Optional. An opaque pointer to consumer-provided private data.

Producers MUST NOT process this member. Lifetime of this member is handled by the consumer, and especially by the release callback.

The ArrowAsyncTask structure#

The purpose of using a Task object rather than passing the array directly to the on_next callback is to allow for more complex and efficient thread handling. Utilizing a Task object allows for a producer to separate the “decoding” logic from the I/O, enabling a consumer to avoid transferring data between CPU cores (e.g. from one L1/L2 cache to another).

This producer-provided structure has the following fields:

int (*ArrowArrayTask.extract_data)(struct ArrowArrayTask*, struct ArrowDeviceArray*)#

Mandatory. A callback to populate the provided ArrowDeviceArray with the available data. The order of ArrowAsyncTasks provided by the producer enables a consumer to know the order of the data to process. If the consumer does not care about the data that is owned by this task, it must still call extract_data so that the producer can perform any required cleanup. NULL should be passed as the device array pointer to indicate that the consumer doesn’t want the actual data, letting the task perform necessary cleanup.

If a non-zero value is returned from this, it should be followed only by the producer calling the on_error callback of the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler. Because calling this method is likely to be separate from the current control flow, returning a non-zero value to signal an error occuring allows the current thread to decide handle the case accordingly, while still allowing all error logging and handling to be centralized in the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_error callback.

Rather than having a separate release callback, any required cleanup should be performed as part of the invocation of this callback. Ownership of the Array is given to the pointer passed in as a parameter, and this array must be released separately.

It is only valid to call this method exactly once.

void *ArrowArrayTask.private_data#

Optional. An opaque pointer to producer-provided private data.

Consumers MUST NOT process this member. Lifetime of this member is handled by the producer who created this object, and should be cleaned up if necessary during the call to ArrowArrayTask.extract_data.

The ArrowAsyncProducer structure#

This producer-provided and managed object has the following fields:

ArrowDeviceType ArrowAsyncProducer.device_type#

Mandatory. The device type that this producer will provide data on. All ArrowDeviceArray structs that are produced by this producer should have the same device type as is set here.

void (*ArrowAsyncProducer.request)(struct ArrowAsyncProducer*, uint64_t)#

Mandatory. This function must be called by a consumer to start receiving calls to ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_next_task. It MUST be valid to call this synchronously from within ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_next_task or ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_schema. As a result, this function MUST NOT synchronously call on_next_task or on_error to avoid recursive and reentrant callbacks.

After cancel is called, additional calls to this function must be a NOP, but allowed.

While not cancelled, calling this function registers the given number of additional arrays/batches to be produced by the producer. A producer should only call the appropriate on_next_task callback up to a maximum of the total sum of calls to this method before propagating back-pressure / waiting.

Any error encountered by calling request must be propagated by calling the on_error callback of the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.

It is invalid to call this function with a value of n that is <= 0. Producers should error (e.g. call on_error) if receiving such a value for n.

void (*ArrowAsyncProducer.cancel)(struct ArrowAsyncProducer*)#

Mandatory. This function signals to the producer that it must eventually stop calling on_next_task. Calls to cancel must be idempotent and thread-safe. After calling it once, subsequent calls MUST be a NOP. This MUST NOT call any consumer-side handlers other than on_error.

It is not required that calling cancel affect the producer immediately, only that it must eventually stop calling on_next_task and then subsequently call release on the async handler object. As such, a consumer MUST be prepared to receive one or more calls to on_next_task or on_error even after calling cancel if there are still requested arrays pending.

Successful cancelling MUST NOT result in a producer calling ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler.on_error, instead it should finish out any remaining tasks (calling on_next_task accordingly) and eventually just call release.

Any error encountered during handling a call to cancel must be reported via the on_error callback on the async stream handler.

const char *ArrowAsyncProducer.additional_metadata#

Optional. An additional metadata string to provide any extra context to the consumer. This MUST either be NULL or a valid string that is encoded in the same way as ArrowSchema.metadata. As an example, a producer could utilize this metadata to provide the total number of rows and/or batches in the stream if known.

If not NULL it MUST be valid for at least the lifetime of this object.

void *ArrowAsyncProducer.private_data#

Optional. An opaque pointer to producer-provided specific data.

Consumers MUST NOT process this member, the lifetime is owned by the producer that constructed this object.

Error Handling#

Unlike the regular C Stream interface, the Async interface allows for errors to flow in both directions. As a result, error handling can be slightly more complex. Thus this spec designates the following rules:

  • If the producer encounters an error during processing, it should call the on_error callback, and then call release after it returns.

  • If on_schema or on_next_task returns a non-zero integer value, the producer should not call the on_error callback, but instead should eventually call release at some point before or after any logging or processing of the error code.

Result lifetimes#

The ArrowSchema passed to the on_schema callback must be released independently, with the object itself needing to be moved to a consumer owned ArrowSchema object. The ArrowSchema* passed as a parameter to the callback MUST NOT be stored and kept.

The ArrowAsyncTask object provided to on_next_task is owned by the producer and will be cleaned up during the invocation of calling extract_data on it. If the consumer doesn’t care about the data, it should pass NULL instead of a valid ArrowDeviceArray*.

The const char* error message and metadata which are passed to on_error are only valid within the scope of the on_error function itself. They must be copied if it is necessary for them to exist after it returns.

Stream Handler Lifetime#

Lifetime of the async stream handler is managed using a release callback with similar usage as in C data interface.

ArrowAsyncProducer Lifetime#

The lifetime of the ArrowAsyncProducer is owned by the producer itself and should be managed by it. It MUST be populated before calling any methods other than release and MUST remain valid at least until just before calling release on the stream handler object.

Thread safety#

All handler functions on the ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler should only be called in a serialized manner, but are not guaranteed to be called from the same thread every time. A producer should wait for handler callbacks to return before calling the next handler callback, and before calling the release callback.

Back-pressure is managed by the consumer making calls to ArrowAsyncProducer.request to indicate how many arrays it is ready to receive.

The ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler object should be able to handle callbacks as soon as it is passed to the producer, any initialization should be performed before it is provided.

Possible Sequence Diagram#

sequenceDiagram Consumer->>+Producer: ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler* Producer-->>+Consumer: on_schema(ArrowAsyncProducer*, ArrowSchema*) Consumer->>Producer: ArrowAsyncProducer->request(n) par loop up to n times Producer-->>Consumer: on_next_task(ArrowAsyncTask*) end and for each task Consumer-->>Producer: ArrowAsyncTask.extract_data(...) Consumer-->>Producer: ArrowAsyncProducer->request(1) end break Optionally Consumer->>-Producer: ArrowAsyncProducer->cancel() end loop possible remaining Producer-->>Consumer: on_next_task(ArrowAsyncTask*) end Producer->>-Consumer: ArrowAsyncDeviceStreamHandler->release()

Interoperability with other interchange formats#

Other interchange APIs, such as the CUDA Array Interface, include members to pass the shape and the data types of the data buffers being exported. This information is necessary to interpret the raw bytes in the device data buffers that are being shared. Rather than store the shape / types of the data alongside the ArrowDeviceArray, users should utilize the existing ArrowSchema structure to pass any data type and shape information.

Updating this specification#


Since this specification is still considered experimental, there is the (still very low) possibility it might change slightly. The reason for tagging this as “experimental” is because we don’t know what we don’t know. Work and research was done to ensure a generic ABI compatible with many different frameworks, but it is always possible something was missed. Once this is supported in an official Arrow release and usage is observed to confirm there aren’t any modifications necessary, the “experimental” tag will be removed and the ABI frozen.

Once this specification is supported in an official Arrow release, the C ABI is frozen. This means that the ArrowDeviceArray structure definition should not change in any way – including adding new members.

Backwards-compatible changes are allowed, for example new macro values for ArrowDeviceType or converting the reserved 24 bytes into a different type/member without changing the size of the structure.

Any incompatible changes should be part of a new specification, for example ArrowDeviceArrayV2.