  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type Aliases

StructRowProxy<T>: StructRow<T> & { [ P in keyof T]: T[P]["TValue"] } & {}

Type Parameters

  • T extends TypeMap = any


  • builderThroughAsyncIterable<T, TNull>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>): ThroughAsyncIterable<T, TNull>
  • Transform an AsyncIterable of arbitrary JavaScript values into a sequence of Arrow Vector following the chunking semantics defined in the supplied options argument.

    This function returns a function that accepts an AsyncIterable of values to transform. When called, this function returns an AsyncIterator of Vector<T>.

    The resulting AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> yields Vectors based on the queueingStrategy and highWaterMark specified in the options argument.

    • If queueingStrategy is "count" (or omitted), The AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once the Builder's length reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.
    • If queueingStrategy is "bytes", the AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once its byteLength reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.

    Type Parameters


    • options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>

      An object of properties which determine the Builder to create and the chunking semantics to use.

    Returns ThroughAsyncIterable<T, TNull>

    A function which accepts a JavaScript AsyncIterable of values to write, and returns an AsyncIterator that yields Vectors according to the chunking semantics defined in the options argument.

  • builderThroughIterable<T, TNull>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>): ThroughIterable<T, TNull>
  • Transform a synchronous Iterable of arbitrary JavaScript values into a sequence of Arrow Vector following the chunking semantics defined in the supplied options argument.

    This function returns a function that accepts an Iterable of values to transform. When called, this function returns an Iterator of Vector<T>.

    The resulting Iterator<Vector<T>> yields Vectors based on the queueingStrategy and highWaterMark specified in the options argument.

    • If queueingStrategy is "count" (or omitted), The Iterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once the Builder's length reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.
    • If queueingStrategy is "bytes", the Iterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once its byteLength reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.

    Type Parameters


    • options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>

      An object of properties which determine the Builder to create and the chunking semantics to use.

    Returns ThroughIterable<T, TNull>

    A function which accepts a JavaScript Iterable of values to write, and returns an Iterator that yields Vectors according to the chunking semantics defined in the options argument.

  • makeBuilder<T, TNull>(options: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>): BuilderType<T, TNull>
  • Type Parameters


    • options: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>

    Returns BuilderType<T, TNull>

  • makeData<T>(props: NullDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: IntDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: DictionaryDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: FloatDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: BoolDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: DecimalDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: Date_DataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: TimeDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: TimestampDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: IntervalDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: FixedSizeBinaryDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: BinaryDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: Utf8DataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: ListDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: FixedSizeListDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: StructDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: Map_DataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: SparseUnionDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: DenseUnionDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: UnionDataProps<T>): Data<T>
  • makeData<T>(props: DataProps_<T>): Data<T>
  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Null<T>


    • props: NullDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Int_<Ints, T>


    • props: IntDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Dictionary<any, TKeys, T>


    • props: DictionaryDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Float<Floats, T>


    • props: FloatDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Bool<T>


    • props: BoolDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Decimal<T>


    • props: DecimalDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Date_<Dates, T>


    • props: Date_DataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Time_<Times, T>


    • props: TimeDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Timestamp_<Timestamps, T>


    • props: TimestampDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Interval_<Intervals, T>


    • props: IntervalDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends FixedSizeBinary<T>


    • props: FixedSizeBinaryDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Binary<T>


    • props: BinaryDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Utf8<T>


    • props: Utf8DataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends List<any, T>


    • props: ListDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends FixedSizeList<any, T>


    • props: FixedSizeListDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Struct<any, T>


    • props: StructDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Map_<any, any, T>


    • props: Map_DataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SparseUnion<T>


    • props: SparseUnionDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends DenseUnion<T>


    • props: DenseUnionDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Union_<Unions, T>


    • props: UnionDataProps<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • Type Parameters


    • props: DataProps_<T>

    Returns Data<T>

  • makeTable<I>(input: I): Table<{ [ P in keyof I]: TypedArrayDataType<I[P]> }>
  • Creates a new Table from an object of typed arrays.

    const table = makeTable({
    a: new Int8Array([1, 2, 3]),

    Type Parameters

    • I extends Record<string | number | symbol, TypedArray>


    • input: I

      Input an object of typed arrays.

    Returns Table<{ [ P in keyof I]: TypedArrayDataType<I[P]> }>

    A new Table.

  • makeVector<T>(data: T | readonly T[]): Vector<TypedArrayDataType<T>>
  • makeVector<T>(data: T | readonly T[]): Vector<dtypes.Int8>
  • makeVector<T>(data: Data<T> | readonly Data<T>[]): Vector<T>
  • makeVector<T>(data: Vector<T> | readonly Vector<T>[]): Vector<T>
  • makeVector<T>(data: DataProps<T> | readonly DataProps<T>[]): Vector<T>
  • Creates a Vector without data copies.

    const vector = makeVector(new Int32Array([1, 2, 3]));

    Type Parameters

    • T extends TypedArray | BigIntArray


    • data: T | readonly T[]

    Returns Vector<TypedArrayDataType<T>>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends DataView


    • data: T | readonly T[]

    Returns Vector<dtypes.Int8>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters


    • data: DataProps<T> | readonly DataProps<T>[]

    Returns Vector<T>

  • tableFromArrays<I>(input: I): Table<{ [ P in keyof I]: ArrayDataType<I[P]> }>
  • Creates a new Table from an object of typed arrays or JavaScript arrays.

    const table = tableFromArrays({
    a: [1, 2, 3],
    b: new Int8Array([1, 2, 3]),

    Type Parameters

    • I extends Record<string | number | symbol, readonly unknown[] | TypedArray | BigIntArray>


    • input: I

      Input an object of typed arrays or JavaScript arrays.

    Returns Table<{ [ P in keyof I]: ArrayDataType<I[P]> }>

    A new Table.

  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: ArrowJSONLike | FromArg2): Table<T>
  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: FromArg1): Promise<Table<T>>
  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: FromArg3 | FromArg4 | FromArg5): Promise<Table<T>>
  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: RecordBatchReaders<T>): Table<T>
  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: AsyncRecordBatchReaders<T>): Promise<Table<T>>
  • tableFromIPC<T>(source: RecordBatchReader<T>): Table<T> | Promise<Table<T>>
  • tableFromJSON<T>(array: T[]): Table<{ [ P in keyof T]: JavaScriptDataType<T[P]> }>
  • Creates a Table from an array of objects.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, unknown>


    • array: T[]

      A table of objects.

    Returns Table<{ [ P in keyof T]: JavaScriptDataType<T[P]> }>

  • tableToIPC<T>(table: Table<any>, type?: "file" | "stream"): Uint8Array
  • Serialize a Table to the IPC format. This function is a convenience wrapper for {@link RecordBatchStreamWriter} and {@link RecordBatchFileWriter}. Opposite of tableFromIPC.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends TypeMap = any


    • table: Table<any>

      The Table to serialize.

    • type: "file" | "stream" = 'stream'

      Whether to serialize the Table as a file or a stream.

    Returns Uint8Array

  • vectorFromArray(values: readonly (undefined | null)[], type?: Null): Vector<dtypes.Null>
  • vectorFromArray(values: readonly (undefined | null | boolean)[], type?: Bool): Vector<dtypes.Bool>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly (undefined | null | string)[], type?: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly (undefined | null | Date)[], type?: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly (undefined | null | number)[], type: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly (undefined | null | bigint)[], type?: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly (undefined | null | number)[], type?: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: readonly unknown[], type: T): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(values: T): Vector<JavaScriptArrayDataType<T>>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(data: T): Vector<TypedArrayDataType<T>>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(data: Data<T>): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(data: Vector<T>): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(data: DataProps<T>): Vector<T>
  • vectorFromArray<T>(data: T): Vector<ArrayDataType<T>>
  • Creates a Vector from a JavaScript array via a Builder. Use makeVector if you only want to create a vector from a typed array.

    const vf64 = vectorFromArray([1, 2, 3]);
    const vi8 = vectorFromArray([1, 2, 3], new Int8);
    const vdict = vectorFromArray(['foo', 'bar']);
    const vstruct = vectorFromArray([{a: 'foo', b: 42}, {a: 'bar', b: 12}]);


    • values: readonly (undefined | null)[]
    • Optional type: Null

    Returns Vector<dtypes.Null>

  • Parameters

    • values: readonly (undefined | null | boolean)[]
    • Optional type: Bool

    Returns Vector<dtypes.Bool>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Utf8 | Dictionary<Utf8, TKeys> = Dictionary<Utf8, Int32>


    • values: readonly (undefined | null | string)[]
    • Optional type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Date_<Dates, T>


    • values: readonly (undefined | null | Date)[]
    • Optional type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Int_<Ints, T>


    • values: readonly (undefined | null | number)[]
    • type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Int64 | Uint64 = Int64


    • values: readonly (undefined | null | bigint)[]
    • Optional type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Float<Floats, T> = Float64


    • values: readonly (undefined | null | number)[]
    • Optional type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters


    • values: readonly unknown[]
    • type: T

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends readonly unknown[]


    • values: T

    Returns Vector<JavaScriptArrayDataType<T>>

  • Creates a Vector from a typed array via makeVector.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends TypedArray | BigIntArray


    • data: T

    Returns Vector<TypedArrayDataType<T>>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters


    • data: DataProps<T>

    Returns Vector<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends readonly unknown[] | TypedArray | BigIntArray


    • data: T

    Returns Vector<ArrayDataType<T>>

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