Dense Tensors¶
class arrow::Tensor¶
Subclassed by arrow::NumericTensor< TYPE >
Public Functions
Constructor with no dimension names or strides, data assumed to be row-major.
Constructor with non-negative strides.
Constructor with non-negative strides and dimension names.
int64_t size() const¶
Total number of value cells in the tensor.
inline bool is_mutable() const¶
Return true if the underlying data buffer is mutable.
bool is_contiguous() const¶
Either row major or column major.
bool is_row_major() const¶
AKA “C order”.
bool is_column_major() const¶
AKA “Fortran order”.
Public Static Functions
Create a Tensor with full parameters.
This factory function will return Status::Invalid when the parameters are inconsistent
- Parameters
type – [in] The data type of the tensor values
data – [in] The buffer of the tensor content
shape – [in] The shape of the tensor
strides – [in] The strides of the tensor (if this is empty, the data assumed to be row-major)
dim_names – [in] The names of the tensor dimensions
static inline int64_t CalculateValueOffset(const std::vector<int64_t> &strides, const std::vector<int64_t> &index)¶
Return the offset of the given index on the given strides.
template<typename TYPE>
class arrow::NumericTensor : public arrow::Tensor¶ Public Functions
Constructor with non-negative strides and dimension names.
Constructor with no dimension names or strides, data assumed to be row-major.
Constructor with non-negative strides.
Public Static Functions
Create a NumericTensor with full parameters.
This factory function will return Status::Invalid when the parameters are inconsistent
- Parameters
data – [in] The buffer of the tensor content
shape – [in] The shape of the tensor
strides – [in] The strides of the tensor (if this is empty, the data assumed to be row-major)
dim_names – [in] The names of the tensor dimensions
Sparse Tensors¶
enum arrow::SparseTensorFormat::type¶
EXPERIMENTAL: The index format type of SparseTensor.
enumerator COO¶
Coordinate list (COO) format.
enumerator CSR¶
Compressed sparse row (CSR) format.
enumerator CSC¶
Compressed sparse column (CSC) format.
enumerator CSF¶
Compressed sparse fiber (CSF) format.
enumerator COO¶
class arrow::SparseIndex¶
EXPERIMENTAL: The base class for the index of a sparse tensor.
SparseIndex describes where the non-zero elements are within a SparseTensor.
There are several ways to represent this. The format_id is used to distinguish what kind of representation is used. Each possible value of format_id must have only one corresponding concrete subclass of SparseIndex.
Subclassed by arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase< SparseIndexType >, arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase< SparseCOOIndex >, arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase< SparseCSCIndex >, arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase< SparseCSFIndex >, arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase< SparseCSRIndex >
class arrow::SparseCOOIndex : public arrow::internal::SparseIndexBase<SparseCOOIndex>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: The index data for a COO sparse tensor.
A COO sparse index manages the location of its non-zero values by their coordinates.
Public Functions
Construct SparseCOOIndex from column-major NumericTensor.
inline const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &indices() const¶
Return a tensor that has the coordinates of the non-zero values.
The returned tensor is a N x D tensor where N is the number of non-zero values and D is the number of dimensions in the logical data. The column at index
is a D-tuple of coordinates indicating that the logical value at those coordinates should be found at physical indexi
inline virtual int64_t non_zero_length() const override¶
Return the number of non zero values in the sparse tensor related to this sparse index.
inline bool is_canonical() const¶
Return whether a sparse tensor index is canonical, or not.
If a sparse tensor index is canonical, it is sorted in the lexicographical order, and the corresponding sparse tensor doesn’t have duplicated entries.
virtual std::string ToString() const override¶
Return a string representation of the sparse index.
inline bool Equals(const SparseCOOIndex &other) const¶
Return whether the COO indices are equal.
Public Static Functions
Make SparseCOOIndex from a coords tensor and canonicality.
Make SparseCOOIndex from a coords tensor with canonicality auto-detection.
Make SparseCOOIndex from raw properties with canonicality auto-detection.
Make SparseCOOIndex from raw properties.
Make SparseCOOIndex from sparse tensor’s shape properties and data with canonicality auto-detection.
The indices_data should be in row-major (C-like) order. If not, use the raw properties constructor.
Make SparseCOOIndex from sparse tensor’s shape properties and data.
The indices_data should be in row-major (C-like) order. If not, use the raw properties constructor.
class SparseCSRIndex : public arrow::internal::SparseCSXIndex<SparseCSRIndex, internal::SparseMatrixCompressedAxis::ROW>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: The index data for a CSR sparse matrix.
A CSR sparse index manages the location of its non-zero values by two vectors.
The first vector, called indptr, represents the range of the rows; the i-th row spans from indptr[i] to indptr[i+1] in the corresponding value vector. So the length of an indptr vector is the number of rows + 1.
The other vector, called indices, represents the column indices of the corresponding non-zero values. So the length of an indices vector is same as the number of non-zero-values.
class arrow::SparseTensor¶
EXPERIMENTAL: The base class of sparse tensor container.
Subclassed by arrow::SparseTensorImpl< SparseIndexType >
Public Functions
inline std::shared_ptr<Buffer> data() const¶
Return a buffer that contains the value vector of the sparse tensor.
inline const uint8_t *raw_data() const¶
Return an immutable raw data pointer.
inline uint8_t *raw_mutable_data() const¶
Return a mutable raw data pointer.
inline const std::vector<int64_t> &shape() const¶
Return a shape vector of the sparse tensor.
inline const std::shared_ptr<SparseIndex> &sparse_index() const¶
Return a sparse index of the sparse tensor.
inline int ndim() const¶
Return a number of dimensions of the sparse tensor.
inline const std::vector<std::string> &dim_names() const¶
Return a vector of dimension names.
const std::string &dim_name(int i) const¶
Return the name of the i-th dimension.
int64_t size() const¶
Total number of value cells in the sparse tensor.
inline bool is_mutable() const¶
Return true if the underlying data buffer is mutable.
inline int64_t non_zero_length() const¶
Total number of non-zero cells in the sparse tensor.
bool Equals(const SparseTensor &other, const EqualOptions& = EqualOptions::Defaults()) const¶
Return whether sparse tensors are equal.
Result<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> ToTensor(MemoryPool *pool) const¶
Return dense representation of sparse tensor as tensor.
The returned Tensor has row-major order (C-like).
Status-return version of ToTensor().
inline std::shared_ptr<Buffer> data() const¶
template<typename SparseIndexType>
class arrow::SparseTensorImpl : public arrow::SparseTensor¶ EXPERIMENTAL: Concrete sparse tensor implementation classes with sparse index type.
Public Functions
Construct a sparse tensor from physical data buffer and logical index.
Construct an empty sparse tensor.
Public Static Functions
Create a SparseTensor with full parameters.
Create a sparse tensor from a dense tensor.
The dense tensor is re-encoded as a sparse index and a physical data buffer for the non-zero value.
using arrow::SparseCOOTensor = SparseTensorImpl<SparseCOOIndex>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: Type alias for COO sparse tensor.
using arrow::SparseCSCMatrix = SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSCIndex>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: Type alias for CSC sparse matrix.
using arrow::SparseCSFTensor = SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSFIndex>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: Type alias for CSF sparse matrix.
using arrow::SparseCSRMatrix = SparseTensorImpl<SparseCSRIndex>¶
EXPERIMENTAL: Type alias for CSR sparse matrix.