Programming Support¶
General information¶
const BuildInfo &arrow::GetBuildInfo()¶
Get runtime build info.
The returned values correspond to exact loaded version of the Arrow library, rather than the values frozen at application compile-time through the
preprocessor definitions.
struct arrow::BuildInfo¶
Public Members
int version¶
The packed version number, e.g. 1002003 (decimal) for Arrow 1.2.3.
int version_major¶
The “major” version number, e.g. 1 for Arrow 1.2.3.
int version_minor¶
The “minor” version number, e.g. 2 for Arrow 1.2.3.
int version_patch¶
The “patch” version number, e.g. 3 for Arrow 1.2.3.
std::string version_string¶
The version string, e.g. “1.2.3”.
int version¶
Error return and reporting¶
class arrow::Status : public arrow::util::EqualityComparable<Status>, public arrow::util::ToStringOstreamable<Status>¶
Status outcome object (success or error)
The Status object is an object holding the outcome of an operation. The outcome is represented as a StatusCode, either success (StatusCode::OK) or an error (any other of the StatusCode enumeration values).
Additionally, if an error occurred, a specific error message is generally attached.
Public Functions
Pluggable constructor for use by sub-systems. detail cannot be null.
inline bool ok() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates success.
inline bool IsOutOfMemory() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates an out-of-memory error.
inline bool IsKeyError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a key lookup error.
inline bool IsInvalid() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates invalid data.
inline bool IsCancelled() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a cancelled operation.
inline bool IsIOError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates an IO-related failure.
inline bool IsCapacityError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a container reaching capacity limits.
inline bool IsIndexError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates an out of bounds index.
inline bool IsTypeError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a type error.
inline bool IsUnknownError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates an unknown error.
inline bool IsNotImplemented() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates an unimplemented operation.
inline bool IsSerializationError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a (de)serialization failure.
inline bool IsRError() const¶
Return true iff the status indicates a R-originated error.
std::string ToString() const¶
Return a string representation of this status suitable for printing.
The string “OK” is returned for success.
std::string CodeAsString() const¶
Return a string representation of the status code, without the message text or POSIX code information.
inline StatusCode code() const¶
Return the StatusCode value attached to this status.
inline std::string message() const¶
Return the specific error message attached to this status.
Return a new Status copying the existing status, but updating with the existing detail.
Public Static Functions
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status OutOfMemory(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for out-of-memory conditions.
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status KeyError(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for failed key lookups (e.g. column name in a table)
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status TypeError(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for type errors (such as mismatching data types)
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status UnknownError(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for unknown errors.
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status NotImplemented(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status when an operation or a combination of operation and data types is unimplemented.
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status Invalid(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for invalid data (for example a string that fails parsing)
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status Cancelled(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status for cancelled operation.
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status IndexError(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status when an index is out of bounds.
template<typename ...Args>
static inline Status CapacityError(Args&&... args)¶ Return an error status when a container’s capacity would exceed its limits.
class arrow::StatusDetail¶
An opaque class that allows subsystems to retain additional information inside the Status.
Subclassed by arrow::flight::FlightStatusDetail, arrow::flight::FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail
Public Functions
virtual const char *type_id() const = 0¶
Return a unique id for the type of the StatusDetail (effectively a poor man’s substitute for RTTI).
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0¶
Produce a human-readable description of this status.
virtual const char *type_id() const = 0¶
template<class T>
class arrow::Result¶ A class for representing either a usable value, or an error.
A Result object either contains a value of type
or a Status object explaining why such a value is not present. The typeT
must be copy-constructible and/or move-constructible.The state of a Result object may be determined by calling ok() or status(). The ok() method returns true if the object contains a valid value. The status() method returns the internal Status object. A Result object that contains a valid value will return an OK Status for a call to status().
A value of type
may be extracted from a Result object through a call to ValueOrDie(). This function should only be called if a call to ok() returns true. Sample usage:arrow::Result<Foo> result = CalculateFoo(); if (result.ok()) { Foo foo = result.ValueOrDie(); foo.DoSomethingCool(); } else { ARROW_LOG(ERROR) << result.status(); }
is a move-only type, likestd::unique_ptr<>
, then the value should only be extracted after invokingstd::move()
on the Result object. Sample usage:arrow::Result<std::unique_ptr<Foo>> result = CalculateFoo(); if (result.ok()) { std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo = std::move(result).ValueOrDie(); foo->DoSomethingCool(); } else { ARROW_LOG(ERROR) << result.status(); }
Result is provided for the convenience of implementing functions that return some value but may fail during execution. For instance, consider a function with the following signature:
arrow::Status CalculateFoo(int *output);
This function may instead be written as:
arrow::Result<int> CalculateFoo();
Public Functions
inline explicit Result()¶
Constructs a Result object that contains a non-OK status.
This constructor is marked
to prevent attempts toreturn {}
from a function with a return type of, for example,Result<std::vector<int>>
. Whilereturn {}
seems like it would return an empty vector, it will actually invoke the default constructor of Result.
inline Result(const Status &status)¶
Constructs a Result object with the given non-OK Status object.
All calls to ValueOrDie() on this object will abort. The given
must not be an OK status, otherwise this constructor will abort.This constructor is not declared explicit so that a function with a return type of
can return a Status object, and the status will be implicitly converted to the appropriate return type as a matter of convenience.- Parameters
status – The non-OK Status object to initialize to.
template<typename U, typename E = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, U>::value && std::is_convertible<U, T>::value && !std::is_same<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_cv<U>::type>::type, Status>::value>::type>
inline Result(U &&value) noexcept¶ Constructs a Result object that contains
.The resulting object is considered to have an OK status. The wrapped element can be accessed with ValueOrDie().
This constructor is made implicit so that a function with a return type of
can return an object of typeU &&
, implicitly converting it to aResult<T>
object.Note that
must be implicitly constructible fromU
, andU
must not be a (cv-qualified) Status or Status-reference type. Due to C++ reference-collapsing rules and perfect-forwarding semantics, this constructor matches invocations that passvalue
either as a const reference or as an rvalue reference. Since Result needs to work for both reference and rvalue-reference types, the constructor uses perfect forwarding to avoid invalidating arguments that were passed by reference. See for additional details.- Parameters
value – The value to initialize to.
inline Result(T &&value) noexcept¶
Constructs a Result object that contains
.The resulting object is considered to have an OK status. The wrapped element can be accessed with ValueOrDie().
This constructor is made implicit so that a function with a return type of
can return an object of typeT
, implicitly converting it to aResult<T>
object.- Parameters
value – The value to initialize to.
inline Result(const Result &other)¶
Copy constructor.
This constructor needs to be explicitly defined because the presence of the move-assignment operator deletes the default copy constructor. In such a scenario, since the deleted copy constructor has stricter binding rules than the templated copy constructor, the templated constructor cannot act as a copy constructor, and any attempt to copy-construct a
object results in a compilation error.- Parameters
other – The value to copy from.
template<typename U, typename E = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, const U&>::value && std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
inline Result(const Result<U> &other)¶ Templatized constructor that constructs a
from a const reference to aResult<U>
must be implicitly constructible fromconst U &
.- Parameters
other – The value to copy from.
inline Result &operator=(const Result &other)¶
Copy-assignment operator.
- Parameters
other – The Result object to copy.
template<typename U, typename E = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, U&&>::value && std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
inline Result(Result<U> &&other) noexcept¶ Templatized constructor which constructs a
by moving the contents of aResult<U>
must be implicitly constructible fromU &&
to contain a non-OK status with aStatusError::Invalid
error code.- Parameters
other – The Result object to move from and set to a non-OK status.
inline Result &operator=(Result &&other) noexcept¶
Move-assignment operator.
to an invalid state..- Parameters
other – The Result object to assign from and set to a non-OK status.
inline bool ok() const¶
Indicates whether the object contains a
value.Generally instead of accessing this directly you will want to use ASSIGN_OR_RAISE defined below.
- Returns
True if this Result object’s status is OK (i.e. a call to ok() returns true). If this function returns true, then it is safe to access the wrapped element through a call to ValueOrDie().
inline const Status &status() const¶
Equivalent to ok().
Gets the stored status object, or an OK status if a
value is stored.- Returns
The stored non-OK status object, or an OK status if this object has a value.
inline const T &ValueOrDie() const &¶
Gets the stored
value.This method should only be called if this Result object’s status is OK (i.e. a call to ok() returns true), otherwise this call will abort.
- Returns
The stored
inline T &ValueOrDie() &¶
Gets a mutable reference to the stored
value.This method should only be called if this Result object’s status is OK (i.e. a call to ok() returns true), otherwise this call will abort.
- Returns
The stored
inline T ValueOrDie() &&¶
Moves and returns the internally-stored
value.This method should only be called if this Result object’s status is OK (i.e. a call to ok() returns true), otherwise this call will abort. The Result object is invalidated after this call and will be updated to contain a non-OK status.
- Returns
The stored
template<typename U, typename E = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<U, T>::value>::type>
inline Status Value(U *out) &&¶ Helper method for implementing Status returning functions in terms of semantically equivalent Result returning functions.
For example:
Status GetInt(int *out) { return GetInt().Value(out); }
inline T ValueOr(T alternative) &&¶
Move and return the internally stored value or alternative if an error is stored.
template<typename G>
inline T ValueOrElse(G &&generate_alternative) &&¶ Retrieve the value if ok(), falling back to an alternative generated by the provided factory.
template<typename M>
inline EnsureResult<typename std::result_of<M&&(T)>::type>::type Map(M &&m) &&¶ Apply a function to the internally stored value to produce a new result or propagate the stored error.
template<typename M>
inline EnsureResult<typename std::result_of<M&&(const T&)>::type>::type Map(M &&m) const &¶ Apply a function to the internally stored value to produce a new result or propagate the stored error.
inline explicit Result()¶
class ParquetException : public exception¶
Subclassed by parquet::HiddenColumnException, parquet::KeyAccessDeniedException, parquet::ParquetStatusException
Propagate any non-successful Status to the caller.
Execute an expression that returns a Result, extracting its value into the variable defined by
(or returning a Status on error).Example: Assigning to a new value: ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto value, MaybeGetValue(arg));
Example: Assigning to an existing value: ValueType value; ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(value, MaybeGetValue(arg));
WARNING: ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE expands into multiple statements; it cannot be used in a single statement (e.g. as the body of an if statement without {})!
s its right operand. If you have an lvalue Result which you don’t want to move out of cast appropriately.