Data Types#

enum arrow::Type::type#

Main data type enumeration.

This enumeration provides a quick way to interrogate the category of a DataType instance.


enumerator NA#

A NULL type having no physical storage.

enumerator BOOL#

Boolean as 1 bit, LSB bit-packed ordering.

enumerator UINT8#

Unsigned 8-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator INT8#

Signed 8-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator UINT16#

Unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator INT16#

Signed 16-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator UINT32#

Unsigned 32-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator INT32#

Signed 32-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator UINT64#

Unsigned 64-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator INT64#

Signed 64-bit little-endian integer.

enumerator HALF_FLOAT#

2-byte floating point value

enumerator FLOAT#

4-byte floating point value

enumerator DOUBLE#

8-byte floating point value

enumerator STRING#

UTF8 variable-length string as List<Char>

enumerator BINARY#

Variable-length bytes (no guarantee of UTF8-ness)


Fixed-size binary. Each value occupies the same number of bytes.

enumerator DATE32#

int32_t days since the UNIX epoch

enumerator DATE64#

int64_t milliseconds since the UNIX epoch

enumerator TIMESTAMP#

Exact timestamp encoded with int64 since UNIX epoch Default unit millisecond.

enumerator TIME32#

Time as signed 32-bit integer, representing either seconds or milliseconds since midnight.

enumerator TIME64#

Time as signed 64-bit integer, representing either microseconds or nanoseconds since midnight.


YEAR_MONTH interval in SQL style.


DAY_TIME interval in SQL style.

enumerator DECIMAL128#

Precision- and scale-based decimal type with 128 bits.

enumerator DECIMAL#

Defined for backward-compatibility.

enumerator DECIMAL256#

Precision- and scale-based decimal type with 256 bits.

enumerator LIST#

A list of some logical data type.

enumerator STRUCT#

Struct of logical types.

enumerator SPARSE_UNION#

Sparse unions of logical types.

enumerator DENSE_UNION#

Dense unions of logical types.

enumerator DICTIONARY#

Dictionary-encoded type, also called “categorical” or “factor” in other programming languages.

Holds the dictionary value type but not the dictionary itself, which is part of the ArrayData struct

enumerator MAP#

Map, a repeated struct logical type.

enumerator EXTENSION#

Custom data type, implemented by user.

enumerator FIXED_SIZE_LIST#

Fixed size list of some logical type.

enumerator DURATION#

Measure of elapsed time in either seconds, milliseconds, microseconds or nanoseconds.

enumerator LARGE_STRING#

Like STRING, but with 64-bit offsets.

enumerator LARGE_BINARY#

Like BINARY, but with 64-bit offsets.

enumerator LARGE_LIST#

Like LIST, but with 64-bit offsets.


Calendar interval type with three fields.

enumerator RUN_END_ENCODED#

Run-end encoded data.

enumerator STRING_VIEW#

String (UTF8) view type with 4-byte prefix and inline small string optimization.

enumerator BINARY_VIEW#

Bytes view type with 4-byte prefix and inline small string optimization.

enumerator LIST_VIEW#

A list of some logical data type represented by offset and size.

enumerator LARGE_LIST_VIEW#

Like LIST_VIEW, but with 64-bit offsets and sizes.

enumerator MAX_ID#
class DataType : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DataType>, public arrow::detail::Fingerprintable, public arrow::util::EqualityComparable<DataType>#

Base class for all data types.

Data types in this library are all logical. They can be expressed as either a primitive physical type (bytes or bits of some fixed size), a nested type consisting of other data types, or another data type (e.g. a timestamp encoded as an int64).

Simple datatypes may be entirely described by their Type::type id, but complex datatypes are usually parametric.

Subclassed by arrow::BaseBinaryType, arrow::BinaryViewType, arrow::ExtensionType, arrow::FixedWidthType, arrow::NestedType, arrow::NullType

Public Functions

bool Equals(const DataType &other, bool check_metadata = false) const#

Return whether the types are equal.

Types that are logically convertible from one to another (e.g. List<UInt8> and Binary) are NOT equal.

bool Equals(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &other, bool check_metadata = false) const#

Return whether the types are equal.

inline const std::shared_ptr<Field> &field(int i) const#

Return the child field at index i.

inline const FieldVector &fields() const#

Return the children fields associated with this type.

inline int num_fields() const#

Return the number of children fields associated with this type.

Status Accept(TypeVisitor *visitor) const#

Apply the TypeVisitor::Visit() method specialized to the data type.

virtual std::string ToString() const = 0#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

size_t Hash() const#

Return hash value (excluding metadata in child fields)

virtual std::string name() const = 0#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const = 0#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

inline Type::type id() const#

Return the type category.

inline virtual Type::type storage_id() const#

Return the type category of the storage type.

inline virtual int32_t byte_width() const#

Returns the type’s fixed byte width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

inline virtual int bit_width() const#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

Factory functions#

These functions are recommended for creating data types. They may return new objects or existing singletons, depending on the type requested.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &null()#

Return a NullType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &boolean()#

Return a BooleanType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &int8()#

Return a Int8Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &int16()#

Return a Int16Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &int32()#

Return a Int32Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &int64()#

Return a Int64Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &uint8()#

Return a UInt8Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &uint16()#

Return a UInt16Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &uint32()#

Return a UInt32Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &uint64()#

Return a UInt64Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &float16()#

Return a HalfFloatType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &float32()#

Return a FloatType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &float64()#

Return a DoubleType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &utf8()#

Return a StringType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &utf8_view()#

Return a StringViewType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &large_utf8()#

Return a LargeStringType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &binary()#

Return a BinaryType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &binary_view()#

Return a BinaryViewType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &large_binary()#

Return a LargeBinaryType instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &date32()#

Return a Date32Type instance.

const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &date64()#

Return a Date64Type instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> fixed_size_binary(int32_t byte_width)#

Create a FixedSizeBinaryType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> decimal(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Create a DecimalType instance depending on the precision.

If the precision is greater than 38, a Decimal256Type is returned, otherwise a Decimal128Type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> decimal128(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Create a Decimal128Type instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> decimal256(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Create a Decimal256Type instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> list(const std::shared_ptr<Field> &value_type)#

Create a ListType instance from its child Field type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> list(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &value_type)#

Create a ListType instance from its child DataType.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> large_list(const std::shared_ptr<Field> &value_type)#

Create a LargeListType instance from its child Field type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> large_list(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &value_type)#

Create a LargeListType instance from its child DataType.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> list_view(std::shared_ptr<DataType> value_type)#

Create a ListViewType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> list_view(std::shared_ptr<Field> value_type)#

Create a ListViewType instance from its child Field type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> large_list_view(std::shared_ptr<DataType> value_type)#

Create a LargetListViewType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> large_list_view(std::shared_ptr<Field> value_type)#

Create a LargetListViewType instance from its child Field type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> map(std::shared_ptr<DataType> key_type, std::shared_ptr<DataType> item_type, bool keys_sorted = false)#

Create a MapType instance from its key and value DataTypes.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> map(std::shared_ptr<DataType> key_type, std::shared_ptr<Field> item_field, bool keys_sorted = false)#

Create a MapType instance from its key DataType and value field.

The field override is provided to communicate nullability of the value.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> fixed_size_list(const std::shared_ptr<Field> &value_type, int32_t list_size)#

Create a FixedSizeListType instance from its child Field type.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> fixed_size_list(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &value_type, int32_t list_size)#

Create a FixedSizeListType instance from its child DataType.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> duration(TimeUnit::type unit)#

Return a Duration instance (naming use _type to avoid namespace conflict with built in time classes).

std::shared_ptr<DataType> day_time_interval()#

Return a DayTimeIntervalType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> month_interval()#

Return a MonthIntervalType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> month_day_nano_interval()#

Return a MonthDayNanoIntervalType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> timestamp(TimeUnit::type unit)#

Create a TimestampType instance from its unit.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> timestamp(TimeUnit::type unit, const std::string &timezone)#

Create a TimestampType instance from its unit and timezone.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> time32(TimeUnit::type unit)#

Create a 32-bit time type instance.

Unit can be either SECOND or MILLI

std::shared_ptr<DataType> time64(TimeUnit::type unit)#

Create a 64-bit time type instance.

Unit can be either MICRO or NANO

std::shared_ptr<DataType> struct_(const FieldVector &fields)#

Create a StructType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> struct_(std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataType>>> fields)#

Create a StructType instance from (name, type) pairs.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> run_end_encoded(std::shared_ptr<DataType> run_end_type, std::shared_ptr<DataType> value_type)#

Create a RunEndEncodedType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> sparse_union(FieldVector child_fields, std::vector<int8_t> type_codes = {})#

Create a SparseUnionType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> sparse_union(const ArrayVector &children, std::vector<std::string> field_names = {}, std::vector<int8_t> type_codes = {})#

Create a SparseUnionType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> dense_union(FieldVector child_fields, std::vector<int8_t> type_codes = {})#

Create a DenseUnionType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> dense_union(const ArrayVector &children, std::vector<std::string> field_names = {}, std::vector<int8_t> type_codes = {})#

Create a DenseUnionType instance.

std::shared_ptr<DataType> dictionary(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &index_type, const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &dict_type, bool ordered = false)#

Create a DictionaryType instance.

  • index_type[in] the type of the dictionary indices (must be a signed integer)

  • dict_type[in] the type of the values in the variable dictionary

  • ordered[in] true if the order of the dictionary values has semantic meaning and should be preserved where possible

Concrete type subclasses#


class NullType : public arrow::DataType#

Concrete type class for always-null data.

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class BooleanType : public arrow::detail::CTypeImpl<BooleanType, PrimitiveCType, Type::BOOL, bool>#

Concrete type class for boolean data.

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const final#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

class UInt8Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<UInt8Type, Type::UINT8, uint8_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for unsigned 8-bit integer data.

class Int8Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<Int8Type, Type::INT8, int8_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for signed 8-bit integer data.

class UInt16Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<UInt16Type, Type::UINT16, uint16_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for unsigned 16-bit integer data.

class Int16Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<Int16Type, Type::INT16, int16_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for signed 16-bit integer data.

class UInt32Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<UInt32Type, Type::UINT32, uint32_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for unsigned 32-bit integer data.

class Int32Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<Int32Type, Type::INT32, int32_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for signed 32-bit integer data.

class UInt64Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<UInt64Type, Type::UINT64, uint64_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for unsigned 64-bit integer data.

class Int64Type : public arrow::detail::IntegerTypeImpl<Int64Type, Type::INT64, int64_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for signed 64-bit integer data.

class HalfFloatType : public arrow::detail::CTypeImpl<HalfFloatType, FloatingPointType, Type::HALF_FLOAT, uint16_t>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 16-bit floating-point data.

class FloatType : public arrow::detail::CTypeImpl<FloatType, FloatingPointType, Type::FLOAT, float>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 32-bit floating-point data (C “float”)

class DoubleType : public arrow::detail::CTypeImpl<DoubleType, FloatingPointType, Type::DOUBLE, double>#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 64-bit floating-point data (C “double”)

class DecimalType : public arrow::FixedSizeBinaryType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base type class for (fixed-size) decimal data.

Subclassed by arrow::Decimal128Type, arrow::Decimal256Type

Public Static Functions

static Result<std::shared_ptr<DataType>> Make(Type::type type_id, int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Constructs concrete decimal types.

static int32_t DecimalSize(int32_t precision)#

Returns the number of bytes needed for precision.

precision must be >= 1

class Decimal128Type : public arrow::DecimalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 128-bit decimal data.

Arrow decimals are fixed-point decimal numbers encoded as a scaled integer. The precision is the number of significant digits that the decimal type can represent; the scale is the number of digits after the decimal point (note the scale can be negative).

As an example, Decimal128Type(7, 3) can exactly represent the numbers 1234.567 and -1234.567 (encoded internally as the 128-bit integers 1234567 and -1234567, respectively), but neither 12345.67 nor 123.4567.

Decimal128Type has a maximum precision of 38 significant digits (also available as Decimal128Type::kMaxPrecision). If higher precision is needed, consider using Decimal256Type.

Public Functions

explicit Decimal128Type(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Decimal128Type constructor that aborts on invalid input.

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



Public Static Functions

static Result<std::shared_ptr<DataType>> Make(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Decimal128Type constructor that returns an error on invalid input.

class Decimal256Type : public arrow::DecimalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 256-bit decimal data.

Arrow decimals are fixed-point decimal numbers encoded as a scaled integer. The precision is the number of significant digits that the decimal type can represent; the scale is the number of digits after the decimal point (note the scale can be negative).

Decimal256Type has a maximum precision of 76 significant digits. (also available as Decimal256Type::kMaxPrecision).

For most use cases, the maximum precision offered by Decimal128Type is sufficient, and it will result in a more compact and more efficient encoding.

Public Functions

explicit Decimal256Type(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Decimal256Type constructor that aborts on invalid input.

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



Public Static Functions

static Result<std::shared_ptr<DataType>> Make(int32_t precision, int32_t scale)#

Decimal256Type constructor that returns an error on invalid input.


enum arrow::TimeUnit::type#

The unit for a time or timestamp DataType.


enumerator SECOND#
enumerator MILLI#
enumerator MICRO#
enumerator NANO#
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, TimeUnit::type unit)#
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, DayTimeIntervalType::DayMilliseconds interval)#
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, MonthDayNanoIntervalType::MonthDayNanos interval)#
class TemporalType : public arrow::FixedWidthType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base type for all date and time types.

Subclassed by arrow::DateType, arrow::DurationType, arrow::IntervalType, arrow::TimeType, arrow::TimestampType

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

class DateType : public arrow::TemporalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base type class for date data.

Subclassed by arrow::Date32Type, arrow::Date64Type

class Date32Type : public arrow::DateType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 32-bit date data (as number of days since UNIX epoch)

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class Date64Type : public arrow::DateType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 64-bit date data (as number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch)

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class TimeType : public arrow::TemporalType, public arrow::ParametricType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base type class for time data.

Subclassed by arrow::Time32Type, arrow::Time64Type

class Time32Type : public arrow::TimeType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 32-bit time data (as number of seconds or milliseconds since midnight)

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class Time64Type : public arrow::TimeType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for 64-bit time data (as number of microseconds or nanoseconds since midnight)

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class TimestampType : public arrow::TemporalType, public arrow::ParametricType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for datetime data (as number of seconds, milliseconds, microseconds or nanoseconds since UNIX epoch)

If supplied, the timezone string should take either the form (i) “Area/Location”, with values drawn from the names in the IANA Time Zone Database (such as “Europe/Zurich”); or (ii) “(+|-)HH:MM” indicating an absolute offset from GMT (such as “-08:00”). To indicate a native UTC timestamp, one of the strings “UTC”, “Etc/UTC” or “+00:00” should be used.

If any non-empty string is supplied as the timezone for a TimestampType, then the Arrow field containing that timestamp type (and by extension the column associated with such a field) is considered “timezone-aware”. The integer arrays that comprise a timezone-aware column must contain UTC normalized datetime values, regardless of the contents of their timezone string. More precisely, (i) the producer of a timezone-aware column must populate its constituent arrays with valid UTC values (performing offset conversions from non-UTC values if necessary); and (ii) the consumer of a timezone-aware column may assume that the column’s values are directly comparable (that is, with no offset adjustment required) to the values of any other timezone-aware column or to any other valid UTC datetime value (provided all values are expressed in the same units).

If a TimestampType is constructed without a timezone (or, equivalently, if the timezone supplied is an empty string) then the resulting Arrow field (column) is considered “timezone-naive”. The producer of a timezone-naive column may populate its constituent integer arrays with datetime values from any timezone; the consumer of a timezone-naive column should make no assumptions about the interoperability or comparability of the values of such a column with those of any other timestamp column or datetime value.

If a timezone-aware field contains a recognized timezone, its values may be localized to that locale upon display; the values of timezone-naive fields must always be displayed “as is”, with no localization performed on them.

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class IntervalType : public arrow::TemporalType, public arrow::ParametricType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Subclassed by arrow::DayTimeIntervalType, arrow::MonthDayNanoIntervalType, arrow::MonthIntervalType

class MonthIntervalType : public arrow::IntervalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Represents a number of months.

Type representing a number of months. Corresponds to YearMonth type in Schema.fbs (years are defined as 12 months).

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class DayTimeIntervalType : public arrow::IntervalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Represents a number of days and milliseconds (fraction of day).

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



struct DayMilliseconds#
#include <arrow/type.h>
class MonthDayNanoIntervalType : public arrow::IntervalType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Represents a number of months, days and nanoseconds between two dates.

All fields are independent from one another.

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

inline virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



struct MonthDayNanos#
#include <arrow/type.h>
class DurationType : public arrow::TemporalType, public arrow::ParametricType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Represents an elapsed time without any relation to a calendar artifact.

Public Functions

inline virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.




class BinaryType : public arrow::BaseBinaryType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for variable-size binary data.

Subclassed by arrow::StringType

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class BinaryViewType : public arrow::DataType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for variable-size binary view data.

Subclassed by arrow::StringViewType

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



union c_type#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Variable length string or binary with inline optimization for small values (12 bytes or fewer).

This is similar to std::string_view except limited in size to INT32_MAX and at least the first four bytes of the string are copied inline (accessible without pointer dereference). This inline prefix allows failing comparisons early. Furthermore when dealing with short strings the CPU cache working set is reduced since many can be inline.

This union supports two states:

  • Entirely inlined string data |-&#8212;|———–&#8212;| ^ ^ | | size in-line string data, zero padded

  • Reference into a buffer |-&#8212;|-&#8212;|-&#8212;|-&#8212;| ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | size | | `—&#8212;. prefix | | buffer index | offset in buffer

Adapted from TU Munich’s UmbraDB 1, Velox, DuckDB.

Alignment to 64 bits enables an aligned load of the size and prefix into a single 64 bit integer, which is useful to the comparison fast path.

Public Functions

inline int32_t size() const

The number of bytes viewed.

inline bool is_inline() const#

True if the view’s data is entirely stored inline.

inline const uint8_t *inline_data() const &#

Return a pointer to the inline data of a view.

For inline views, this points to the entire data of the view. For other views, this points to the 4 byte prefix.

const uint8_t *inline_data() && = delete#

Public Members

int32_t size#
std::array<uint8_t, kInlineSize> data#
struct arrow::BinaryViewType::c_type::[anonymous] inlined#
std::array<uint8_t, kPrefixSize> prefix#
int32_t buffer_index#
int32_t offset#
struct arrow::BinaryViewType::c_type::[anonymous] ref#
class LargeBinaryType : public arrow::BaseBinaryType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for large variable-size binary data.

Subclassed by arrow::LargeStringType

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class StringType : public arrow::BinaryType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for variable-size string data, utf8-encoded.

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class StringViewType : public arrow::BinaryViewType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for variable-size string data, utf8-encoded.

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class LargeStringType : public arrow::LargeBinaryType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for large variable-size string data, utf8-encoded.

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class FixedSizeBinaryType : public arrow::FixedWidthType, public arrow::ParametricType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for fixed-size binary data.

Subclassed by arrow::DecimalType

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

inline virtual int byte_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed byte width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType


class BaseListType : public arrow::NestedType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base class for all variable-size list data types.

Subclassed by arrow::FixedSizeListType, arrow::LargeListType, arrow::LargeListViewType, arrow::ListType, arrow::ListViewType

class ListType : public arrow::BaseListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for list data.

List data is nested data where each value is a variable number of child items. Lists can be recursively nested, for example list(list(int32)).

Subclassed by arrow::MapType

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class LargeListType : public arrow::BaseListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for large list data.

LargeListType is like ListType but with 64-bit rather than 32-bit offsets.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class ListViewType : public arrow::BaseListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Type class for array of list views.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class LargeListViewType : public arrow::BaseListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for large list-view data.

LargeListViewType is like ListViewType but with 64-bit rather than 32-bit offsets and sizes.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class MapType : public arrow::ListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for map data.

Map data is nested data where each value is a variable number of key-item pairs. Its physical representation is the same as a list of {key, item} structs.

Maps can be recursively nested, for example map(utf8, map(utf8, int32)).

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class FixedSizeListType : public arrow::BaseListType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for fixed size list data.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class StructType : public arrow::NestedType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for struct data.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



std::shared_ptr<Field> GetFieldByName(const std::string &name) const#

Returns null if name not found.

FieldVector GetAllFieldsByName(const std::string &name) const#

Return all fields having this name.

int GetFieldIndex(const std::string &name) const#

Returns -1 if name not found or if there are multiple fields having the same name.

std::vector<int> GetAllFieldIndices(const std::string &name) const#

Return the indices of all fields having this name in sorted order.

Result<std::shared_ptr<StructType>> AddField(int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field> &field) const#

Create a new StructType with field added at given index.

Result<std::shared_ptr<StructType>> RemoveField(int i) const#

Create a new StructType by removing the field at given index.

Result<std::shared_ptr<StructType>> SetField(int i, const std::shared_ptr<Field> &field) const#

Create a new StructType by changing the field at given index.

class UnionType : public arrow::NestedType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Base type class for union data.

Subclassed by arrow::DenseUnionType, arrow::SparseUnionType

Public Functions

virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline const std::vector<int8_t> &type_codes() const#

The array of logical type ids.

For example, the first type in the union might be denoted by the id 5 (instead of 0).

inline const std::vector<int> &child_ids() const#

An array mapping logical type ids to physical child ids.

class SparseUnionType : public arrow::UnionType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for sparse union data.

A sparse union is a nested type where each logical value is taken from a single child. A buffer of 8-bit type ids indicates which child a given logical value is to be taken from.

In a sparse union, each child array should have the same length as the union array, regardless of the actual number of union values that refer to it.

Note that, unlike most other types, unions don’t have a top-level validity bitmap.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class DenseUnionType : public arrow::UnionType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Concrete type class for dense union data.

A dense union is a nested type where each logical value is taken from a single child, at a specific offset. A buffer of 8-bit type ids indicates which child a given logical value is to be taken from, and a buffer of 32-bit offsets indicates at which physical position in the given child array the logical value is to be taken from.

Unlike a sparse union, a dense union allows encoding only the child array values which are actually referred to by the union array. This is counterbalanced by the additional footprint of the offsets buffer, and the additional indirection cost when looking up values.

Note that, unlike most other types, unions don’t have a top-level validity bitmap.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



class RunEndEncodedType : public arrow::NestedType#
#include <arrow/type.h>

Type class for run-end encoded data.

Public Functions

inline virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.




class DictionaryType : public arrow::FixedWidthType#

Dictionary-encoded value type with data-dependent dictionary.

Indices are represented by any integer types.

Public Functions

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



virtual int bit_width() const override#

Returns the type’s fixed bit width, if any.

Returns -1 for non-fixed-width types, and should only be used for subclasses of FixedWidthType

virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

Extension types#

class ExtensionType : public arrow::DataType#

The base class for custom / user-defined types.

Subclassed by arrow::extension::FixedShapeTensorType

Public Functions

inline const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &storage_type() const#

The type of array used to represent this extension type’s data.

inline virtual Type::type storage_id() const override#

Return the type category of the storage type.

virtual DataTypeLayout layout() const override#

Return the data type layout.

Children are not included.


Experimental API

virtual std::string ToString() const override#

A string representation of the type, including any children.

inline virtual std::string name() const override#

A string name of the type, omitting any child fields.



virtual std::string extension_name() const = 0#

Unique name of extension type used to identify type for serialization.


the string name of the extension

virtual bool ExtensionEquals(const ExtensionType &other) const = 0#

Determine if two instances of the same extension types are equal.

Invoked from ExtensionType::Equals


other[in] the type to compare this type with


bool true if type instances are equal

virtual std::shared_ptr<Array> MakeArray(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> data) const = 0#

Wrap built-in Array type in a user-defined ExtensionArray instance.


data[in] the physical storage for the extension type

virtual Result<std::shared_ptr<DataType>> Deserialize(std::shared_ptr<DataType> storage_type, const std::string &serialized_data) const = 0#

Create an instance of the ExtensionType given the actual storage type and the serialized representation.

  • storage_type[in] the physical storage type of the extension

  • serialized_data[in] the serialized representation produced by Serialize

virtual std::string Serialize() const = 0#

Create a serialized representation of the extension type’s metadata.

The storage type will be handled automatically in IPC code paths


the serialized representation

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<Array> WrapArray(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &ext_type, const std::shared_ptr<Array> &storage)#

Wrap the given storage array as an extension array.

static std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> WrapArray(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &ext_type, const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> &storage)#

Wrap the given chunked storage array as a chunked extension array.

Fields and Schemas#

std::shared_ptr<Field> field(std::string name, std::shared_ptr<DataType> type, bool nullable = true, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata = NULLPTR)#

Create a Field instance.

  • name – the field name

  • type – the field value type

  • nullable – whether the values are nullable, default true

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata, default null

std::shared_ptr<Field> field(std::string name, std::shared_ptr<DataType> type, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata)#

Create a Field instance with metadata.

The field will be assumed to be nullable.

  • name – the field name

  • type – the field value type

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata

std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema(FieldVector fields, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata = NULLPTR)#

Create a Schema instance.

  • fields – the schema’s fields

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata, default null


schema shared_ptr to Schema

std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema(std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataType>>> fields, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata = NULLPTR)#

Create a Schema instance from (name, type) pairs.

The schema’s fields will all be nullable with no associated metadata.

  • fields – (name, type) pairs of the schema’s fields

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata, default null


schema shared_ptr to Schema

std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema(FieldVector fields, Endianness endianness, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata = NULLPTR)#

Create a Schema instance.

  • fields – the schema’s fields

  • endianness – the endianness of the data

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata, default null


schema shared_ptr to Schema

std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema(std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DataType>>> fields, Endianness endianness, std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata = NULLPTR)#

Create a Schema instance.

The schema’s fields will all be nullable with no associated metadata.

  • fields – (name, type) pairs of the schema’s fields

  • endianness – the endianness of the data

  • metadata – any custom key-value metadata, default null


schema shared_ptr to Schema

class Field : public arrow::detail::Fingerprintable, public arrow::util::EqualityComparable<Field>#

The combination of a field name and data type, with optional metadata.

Fields are used to describe the individual constituents of a nested DataType or a Schema.

A field’s metadata is represented by a KeyValueMetadata instance, which holds arbitrary key-value pairs.

Public Functions

inline std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> metadata() const#

Return the field’s attached metadata.

bool HasMetadata() const#

Return whether the field has non-empty metadata.

std::shared_ptr<Field> WithMetadata(const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> &metadata) const#

Return a copy of this field with the given metadata attached to it.

std::shared_ptr<Field> WithMergedMetadata(const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> &metadata) const#

EXPERIMENTAL: Return a copy of this field with the given metadata merged with existing metadata (any colliding keys will be overridden by the passed metadata)

std::shared_ptr<Field> RemoveMetadata() const#

Return a copy of this field without any metadata attached to it.

std::shared_ptr<Field> WithType(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &type) const#

Return a copy of this field with the replaced type.

std::shared_ptr<Field> WithName(const std::string &name) const#

Return a copy of this field with the replaced name.

std::shared_ptr<Field> WithNullable(bool nullable) const#

Return a copy of this field with the replaced nullability.

Result<std::shared_ptr<Field>> MergeWith(const Field &other, MergeOptions options = MergeOptions::Defaults()) const#

Merge the current field with a field of the same name.

The two fields must be compatible, i.e:

  • have the same name

  • have the same type, or of compatible types according to options.

The metadata of the current field is preserved; the metadata of the other field is discarded.

bool Equals(const Field &other, bool check_metadata = false) const#

Indicate if fields are equals.

  • other[in] field to check equality with.

  • check_metadata[in] controls if it should check for metadata equality.


true if fields are equal, false otherwise.

bool IsCompatibleWith(const Field &other) const#

Indicate if fields are compatibles.

See the criteria of MergeWith.


true if fields are compatible, false otherwise.

std::string ToString(bool show_metadata = false) const#

Return a string representation ot the field.


show_metadata[in] when true, if KeyValueMetadata is non-empty, print keys and values in the output

inline const std::string &name() const#

Return the field name.

inline const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &type() const#

Return the field data type.

inline bool nullable() const#

Return whether the field is nullable.

struct MergeOptions : public arrow::util::ToStringOstreamable<MergeOptions>#

Options that control the behavior of MergeWith.

Options are to be added to allow type conversions, including integer widening, promotion from integer to float, or conversion to or from boolean.

Public Functions

std::string ToString() const#

Get a human-readable representation of the options.

Public Members

bool promote_nullability = true#

If true, a Field of NullType can be unified with a Field of another type.

The unified field will be of the other type and become nullable. Nullability will be promoted to the looser option (nullable if one is not nullable).

bool promote_decimal = false#

Allow a decimal to be unified with another decimal of the same width, adjusting scale and precision as appropriate.

May fail if the adjustment is not possible.

bool promote_decimal_to_float = false#

Allow a decimal to be promoted to a float.

The float type will not itself be promoted (e.g. Decimal128 + Float32 = Float32).

bool promote_integer_to_decimal = false#

Allow an integer to be promoted to a decimal.

May fail if the decimal has insufficient precision to accommodate the integer (see promote_numeric_width).

bool promote_integer_to_float = false#

Allow an integer of a given bit width to be promoted to a float; the result will be a float of an equal or greater bit width to both of the inputs.


  • int8 + float32 = float32

  • int32 + float32 = float64

  • int32 + float64 = float64 Because an int32 cannot always be represented exactly in the 24 bits of a float32 mantissa.

bool promote_integer_sign = false#

Allow an unsigned integer of a given bit width to be promoted to a signed integer that fits into the signed type: uint + int16 = int16 When widening is needed, set promote_numeric_width to true: uint16 + int16 = int32.

bool promote_numeric_width = false#

Allow an integer, float, or decimal of a given bit width to be promoted to an equivalent type of a greater bit width.

bool promote_binary = false#

Allow strings to be promoted to binary types.

Promotion of fixed size binary types to variable sized formats, and binary to large binary, and string to large string.

bool promote_temporal_unit = false#

Second to millisecond, Time32 to Time64, Time32(SECOND) to Time32(MILLI), etc.

bool promote_list = false#

Allow promotion from a list to a large-list and from a fixed-size list to a variable sized list.

bool promote_dictionary = false#

Unify dictionary index types and dictionary value types.

bool promote_dictionary_ordered = false#

Allow merging ordered and non-ordered dictionaries.

The result will be ordered if and only if both inputs are ordered.

Public Static Functions

static inline MergeOptions Defaults()#

Get default options. Only NullType will be merged with other types.

static MergeOptions Permissive()#

Get permissive options.

All options are enabled, except promote_dictionary_ordered.

class Schema : public arrow::detail::Fingerprintable, public arrow::util::EqualityComparable<Schema>, public arrow::util::ToStringOstreamable<Schema>#

Sequence of arrow::Field objects describing the columns of a record batch or table data structure.

Public Functions

bool Equals(const Schema &other, bool check_metadata = false) const#

Returns true if all of the schema fields are equal.

std::shared_ptr<Schema> WithEndianness(Endianness endianness) const#

Set endianness in the schema.


new Schema

Endianness endianness() const#

Return endianness in the schema.

bool is_native_endian() const#

Indicate if endianness is equal to platform-native endianness.

int num_fields() const#

Return the number of fields (columns) in the schema.

const std::shared_ptr<Field> &field(int i) const#

Return the ith schema element. Does not boundscheck.

std::shared_ptr<Field> GetFieldByName(const std::string &name) const#

Returns null if name not found.

FieldVector GetAllFieldsByName(const std::string &name) const#

Return the indices of all fields having this name in sorted order.

int GetFieldIndex(const std::string &name) const#

Returns -1 if name not found.

std::vector<int> GetAllFieldIndices(const std::string &name) const#

Return the indices of all fields having this name.

Status CanReferenceFieldByName(const std::string &name) const#

Indicate if field named name can be found unambiguously in the schema.

Status CanReferenceFieldsByNames(const std::vector<std::string> &names) const#

Indicate if fields named names can be found unambiguously in the schema.

const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> &metadata() const#

The custom key-value metadata, if any.


metadata may be null

std::string ToString(bool show_metadata = false) const#

Render a string representation of the schema suitable for debugging.


show_metadata[in] when true, if KeyValueMetadata is non-empty, print keys and values in the output

Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> WithNames(const std::vector<std::string> &names) const#

Replace field names with new names.


names[in] new names


new Schema

std::shared_ptr<Schema> WithMetadata(const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> &metadata) const#

Replace key-value metadata with new metadata.


metadata[in] new KeyValueMetadata


new Schema

std::shared_ptr<Schema> RemoveMetadata() const#

Return copy of Schema without the KeyValueMetadata.

bool HasMetadata() const#

Indicate that the Schema has non-empty KevValueMetadata.

bool HasDistinctFieldNames() const#

Indicate that the Schema has distinct field names.

class KeyValueMetadata#

A container for key-value pair type metadata. Not thread-safe.

Helpers for looking up fields#

class FieldPath#

Represents a path to a nested field using indices of child fields.

For example, given indices {5, 9, 3} the field would be retrieved with schema->field(5)->type()->field(9)->type()->field(3)

Attempting to retrieve a child field using a FieldPath which is not valid for a given schema will raise an error. Invalid FieldPaths include:

  • an index is out of range

  • the path is empty (note: a default constructed FieldPath will be empty)

FieldPaths provide a number of accessors for drilling down to potentially nested children. They are overloaded for convenience to support Schema (returns a field), DataType (returns a child field), Field (returns a child field of this field’s type) Array (returns a child array), RecordBatch (returns a column).

Public Functions

FieldPath() = default#
inline FieldPath(std::vector<int> indices)#
inline FieldPath(std::initializer_list<int> indices)#
std::string ToString() const#
size_t hash() const#
inline bool empty() const#
inline bool operator==(const FieldPath &other) const#
inline bool operator!=(const FieldPath &other) const#
inline const std::vector<int> &indices() const#
inline int operator[](size_t i) const#
inline std::vector<int>::const_iterator begin() const#
inline std::vector<int>::const_iterator end() const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Field>> Get(const Schema &schema) const#

Retrieve the referenced child Field from a Schema, Field, or DataType.

Result<std::shared_ptr<Field>> Get(const Field &field) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Field>> Get(const DataType &type) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Field>> Get(const FieldVector &fields) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> Get(const RecordBatch &batch) const#

Retrieve the referenced column from a RecordBatch or Table.

Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> Get(const Table &table) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> Get(const Array &array) const#

Retrieve the referenced child from an Array or ArrayData.

Result<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> Get(const ArrayData &data) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> Get(const ChunkedArray &chunked_array) const#

Retrieve the referenced child from a ChunkedArray.

Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> GetFlattened(const Array &array, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#

Retrieve the referenced child/column from an Array, ArrayData, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, or Table.

Unlike FieldPath::Get, these variants are not zero-copy and the retrieved child’s null bitmap is ANDed with its ancestors’

Result<std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>> GetFlattened(const ArrayData &data, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> GetFlattened(const ChunkedArray &chunked_array, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<Array>> GetFlattened(const RecordBatch &batch, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#
Result<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> GetFlattened(const Table &table, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#

Public Static Functions

static Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> GetAll(const Schema &schema, const std::vector<FieldPath> &paths)#
struct Hash#

Public Functions

inline size_t operator()(const FieldPath &path) const#
class FieldRef : public arrow::util::EqualityComparable<FieldRef>#

Descriptor of a (potentially nested) field within a schema.

Unlike FieldPath (which exclusively uses indices of child fields), FieldRef may reference a field by name. It is intended to replace parameters like int field_index and const std::string& field_name; it can be implicitly constructed from either a field index or a name.

Nested fields can be referenced as well. Given schema({field(“a”, struct_({field(“n”, null())})), field(“b”, int32())})

the following all indicate the nested field named “n”: FieldRef ref1(0, 0); FieldRef ref2(“a”, 0); FieldRef ref3(“a”, “n”); FieldRef ref4(0, “n”); ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(FieldRef ref5, FieldRef::FromDotPath(“.a[0]”));

FieldPaths matching a FieldRef are retrieved using the member function FindAll. Multiple matches are possible because field names may be duplicated within a schema. For example: Schema a_is_ambiguous({field(“a”, int32()), field(“a”, float32())}); auto matches = FieldRef(“a”).FindAll(a_is_ambiguous); assert(matches.size() == 2); assert(matches[0].Get(a_is_ambiguous)->Equals(a_is_ambiguous.field(0))); assert(matches[1].Get(a_is_ambiguous)->Equals(a_is_ambiguous.field(1)));

Convenience accessors are available which raise a helpful error if the field is not found or ambiguous, and for immediately calling FieldPath::Get to retrieve any matching children: auto maybe_match = FieldRef(“struct”, “field_i32”).FindOneOrNone(schema); auto maybe_column = FieldRef(“struct”, “field_i32”).GetOne(some_table);

Public Types

template<typename T>
using GetType = decltype(std::declval<FieldPath>().Get(std::declval<T>()).ValueOrDie())#

Public Functions

FieldRef() = default#
FieldRef(FieldPath indices)#

Construct a FieldRef using a string of indices.

The reference will be retrieved as: schema.fields[self.indices[0]].type.fields[self.indices[1]] …

Empty indices are not valid.

inline FieldRef(std::string name)#

Construct a by-name FieldRef.

Multiple fields may match a by-name FieldRef: [f for f in schema.fields where ==]

inline FieldRef(const char *name)#
inline FieldRef(int index)#

Equivalent to a single index string of indices.

inline explicit FieldRef(std::vector<FieldRef> refs)#

Construct a nested FieldRef.

template<typename A0, typename A1, typename ...A>
inline FieldRef(A0 &&a0, A1 &&a1, A&&... a)#

Convenience constructor for nested FieldRefs: each argument will be used to construct a FieldRef.

std::string ToDotPath() const#
inline bool Equals(const FieldRef &other) const#
std::string ToString() const#
size_t hash() const#
inline explicit operator bool() const#
inline bool operator!() const#
inline bool IsFieldPath() const#
inline bool IsName() const#
inline bool IsNested() const#
inline bool IsNameSequence() const#

Return true if this ref is a name or a nested sequence of only names.

Useful for determining if iteration is possible without recursion or inner loops

inline const FieldPath *field_path() const#
inline const std::string *name() const#
inline const std::vector<FieldRef> *nested_refs() const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const Schema &schema) const#

Retrieve FieldPath of every child field which matches this FieldRef.

std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const Field &field) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const DataType &type) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const FieldVector &fields) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const ArrayData &array) const#

Convenience function which applies FindAll to arg’s type or schema.

std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const Array &array) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const ChunkedArray &chunked_array) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const RecordBatch &batch) const#
std::vector<FieldPath> FindAll(const Table &table) const#
template<typename T>
inline Status CheckNonEmpty(const std::vector<FieldPath> &matches, const T &root) const#

Convenience function: raise an error if matches is empty.

template<typename T>
inline Status CheckNonMultiple(const std::vector<FieldPath> &matches, const T &root) const#

Convenience function: raise an error if matches contains multiple FieldPaths.

template<typename T>
inline Result<FieldPath> FindOne(const T &root) const#

Retrieve FieldPath of a single child field which matches this FieldRef.

Emit an error if none or multiple match.

template<typename T>
inline Result<FieldPath> FindOneOrNone(const T &root) const#

Retrieve FieldPath of a single child field which matches this FieldRef.

Emit an error if multiple match. An empty (invalid) FieldPath will be returned if none match.

template<typename T>
inline std::vector<GetType<T>> GetAll(const T &root) const#

Get all children matching this FieldRef.

template<typename T>
inline Result<std::vector<GetType<T>>> GetAllFlattened(const T &root, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#

Get all children matching this FieldRef.

Unlike FieldRef::GetAll, this variant is not zero-copy and the retrieved children’s null bitmaps are ANDed with their ancestors’

template<typename T>
inline Result<GetType<T>> GetOne(const T &root) const#

Get the single child matching this FieldRef.

Emit an error if none or multiple match.

template<typename T>
inline Result<GetType<T>> GetOneFlattened(const T &root, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#

Get the single child matching this FieldRef.

Unlike FieldRef::GetOne, this variant is not zero-copy and the retrieved child’s null bitmap is ANDed with its ancestors’

template<typename T>
inline Result<GetType<T>> GetOneOrNone(const T &root) const#

Get the single child matching this FieldRef.

Return nullptr if none match, emit an error if multiple match.

template<typename T>
inline Result<GetType<T>> GetOneOrNoneFlattened(const T &root, MemoryPool *pool = NULLPTR) const#

Get the single child matching this FieldRef.

Return nullptr if none match, emit an error if multiple match. Unlike FieldRef::GetOneOrNone, this variant is not zero-copy and the retrieved child’s null bitmap is ANDed with its ancestors’

Public Static Functions

static Result<FieldRef> FromDotPath(const std::string &dot_path)#

Parse a dot path into a FieldRef.

dot_path = ‘.’ name | ‘[’ digit+ ‘]’ | dot_path+

Examples: “.alpha” => FieldRef(“alpha”) “[2]” => FieldRef(2) “.beta[3]” => FieldRef(“beta”, 3) “[5][7]” => FieldRef(5, “gamma”, “delta”, 7) “.hello world” => FieldRef(“hello world”) R”(.\[y\]\tho.\)” => FieldRef(R”([y]\tho.\)”)

Note: When parsing a name, a ‘' preceding any other character will be dropped from the resulting name. Therefore if a name must contain the characters ‘.’, ‘', or ‘[’ those must be escaped with a preceding ‘'.

struct Hash#

Public Functions

inline size_t operator()(const FieldRef &ref) const#


class TypeVisitor#

Abstract type visitor class.

Subclass this to create a visitor that can be used with the DataType::Accept() method.

Public Functions

virtual ~TypeVisitor() = default#
virtual Status Visit(const NullType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const BooleanType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Int8Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Int16Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Int32Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Int64Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const UInt8Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const UInt16Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const UInt32Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const UInt64Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const HalfFloatType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const FloatType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const DoubleType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const StringType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const StringViewType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const BinaryType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const BinaryViewType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const LargeStringType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const LargeBinaryType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const FixedSizeBinaryType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Date64Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Date32Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Time32Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Time64Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const TimestampType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const MonthDayNanoIntervalType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const MonthIntervalType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const DayTimeIntervalType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const DurationType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Decimal128Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const Decimal256Type &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const ListType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const LargeListType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const ListViewType &scalar)#
virtual Status Visit(const LargeListViewType &scalar)#
virtual Status Visit(const MapType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const FixedSizeListType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const StructType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const SparseUnionType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const DenseUnionType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const DictionaryType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const RunEndEncodedType &type)#
virtual Status Visit(const ExtensionType &type)#