Function builderThroughAsyncIterable

  • Transform an AsyncIterable of arbitrary JavaScript values into a sequence of Arrow Vector following the chunking semantics defined in the supplied options argument.

    This function returns a function that accepts an AsyncIterable of values to transform. When called, this function returns an AsyncIterator of Vector<T>.

    The resulting AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> yields Vectors based on the queueingStrategy and highWaterMark specified in the options argument.

    • If queueingStrategy is "count" (or omitted), The AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once the Builder's length reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.
    • If queueingStrategy is "bytes", the AsyncIterator<Vector<T>> will flush the underlying Builder (and yield a new Vector<T>) once its byteLength reaches or exceeds the supplied highWaterMark.


    A function which accepts a JavaScript AsyncIterable of values to write, and returns an AsyncIterator that yields Vectors according to the chunking semantics defined in the options argument.


    Type Parameters


    • options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>

      An object of properties which determine the Builder to create and the chunking semantics to use.

    Returns ThroughAsyncIterable<T, TNull>

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