Reading and Writing Data

Recipes related to reading and writing data from disk using Apache Arrow.

Write a Parquet file

Given an array with 100 numbers, from 0 to 99

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

arr = pa.array(np.arange(100))

print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

To write it to a Parquet file, as Parquet is a format that contains multiple named columns, we must create a pyarrow.Table out of it, so that we get a table of a single column which can then be written to a Parquet file.

table = pa.Table.from_arrays([arr], names=["col1"])

Once we have a table, it can be written to a Parquet File using the functions provided by the pyarrow.parquet module

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

pq.write_table(table, "example.parquet", compression=None)

Reading a Parquet file

Given a Parquet file, it can be read back to a pyarrow.Table by using pyarrow.parquet.read_table() function

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

table = pq.read_table("example.parquet")

The resulting table will contain the same columns that existed in the parquet file as ChunkedArray

col1: int64
col1: [[0,1,2,3,4,...,95,96,97,98,99]]

Reading a subset of Parquet data

When reading a Parquet file with pyarrow.parquet.read_table() it is possible to restrict which Columns and Rows will be read into memory by using the filters and columns arguments

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

table = pq.read_table("example.parquet",
                          ("col1", ">", 5),
                          ("col1", "<", 10),

The resulting table will contain only the projected columns and filtered rows. Refer to pyarrow.parquet.read_table() documentation for details about the syntax for filters.

col1: int64
col1: [[6,7,8,9]]

Saving Arrow Arrays to disk

Apart from using arrow to read and save common file formats like Parquet, it is possible to dump data in the raw arrow format which allows direct memory mapping of data from disk. This format is called the Arrow IPC format.

Given an array with 100 numbers, from 0 to 99

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

arr = pa.array(np.arange(100))

print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

We can save the array by making a pyarrow.RecordBatch out of it and writing the record batch to disk.

schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('nums', arr.type)

with pa.OSFile('arraydata.arrow', 'wb') as sink:
    with pa.ipc.new_file(sink, schema=schema) as writer:
        batch = pa.record_batch([arr], schema=schema)

If we were to save multiple arrays into the same file, we would just have to adapt the schema accordingly and add them all to the record_batch call.

Memory Mapping Arrow Arrays from disk

Arrow arrays that have been written to disk in the Arrow IPC format can be memory mapped back directly from the disk.

with pa.memory_map('arraydata.arrow', 'r') as source:
    loaded_arrays = pa.ipc.open_file(source).read_all()
arr = loaded_arrays[0]
print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

Writing CSV files

It is possible to write an Arrow pyarrow.Table to a CSV file using the pyarrow.csv.write_csv() function

arr = pa.array(range(100))
table = pa.Table.from_arrays([arr], names=["col1"])

import pyarrow.csv
pa.csv.write_csv(table, "table.csv",

Writing CSV files incrementally

If you need to write data to a CSV file incrementally as you generate or retrieve the data and you don’t want to keep in memory the whole table to write it at once, it’s possible to use pyarrow.csv.CSVWriter to write data incrementally

schema = pa.schema([("col1", pa.int32())])
with pa.csv.CSVWriter("table.csv", schema=schema) as writer:
    for chunk in range(10):
        datachunk = range(chunk*10, (chunk+1)*10)
        table = pa.Table.from_arrays([pa.array(datachunk)], schema=schema)

It’s equally possible to write pyarrow.RecordBatch by passing them as you would for tables.

Reading CSV files

Arrow can read pyarrow.Table entities from CSV using an optimized codepath that can leverage multiple threads.

import pyarrow.csv

table = pa.csv.read_csv("table.csv")

Arrow will do its best to infer data types. Further options can be provided to pyarrow.csv.read_csv() to drive pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions.

col1: int64
col1: [[0,1,2,3,4,...,95,96,97,98,99]]

Writing Partitioned Datasets

When your dataset is big it usually makes sense to split it into multiple separate files. You can do this manually or use pyarrow.dataset.write_dataset() to let Arrow do the effort of splitting the data in chunks for you.

The partitioning argument allows to tell pyarrow.dataset.write_dataset() for which columns the data should be split.

For example given 100 birthdays, within 2000 and 2009

import numpy.random
data = pa.table({"day": numpy.random.randint(1, 31, size=100),
                 "month": numpy.random.randint(1, 12, size=100),
                 "year": [2000 + x // 10 for x in range(100)]})

Then we could partition the data by the year column so that it gets saved in 10 different files:

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as ds

ds.write_dataset(data, "./partitioned", format="parquet",
                 partitioning=ds.partitioning(pa.schema([("year", pa.int16())])))

Arrow will partition datasets in subdirectories by default, which will result in 10 different directories named with the value of the partitioning column each with a file containing the subset of the data for that partition:

from pyarrow import fs

localfs = fs.LocalFileSystem()
partitioned_dir_content = localfs.get_file_info(fs.FileSelector("./partitioned", recursive=True))
files = sorted((f.path for f in partitioned_dir_content if f.type == fs.FileType.File))

for file in files:

Reading Partitioned data

In some cases, your dataset might be composed by multiple separate files each containing a piece of the data.

In this case the pyarrow.dataset.dataset() function provides an interface to discover and read all those files as a single big dataset.

For example if we have a structure like:

├── dataset1.parquet
├── dataset2.parquet
└── dataset3.parquet

Then, pointing the pyarrow.dataset.dataset() function to the examples directory will discover those parquet files and will expose them all as a single pyarrow.dataset.Dataset:

import pyarrow.dataset as ds

dataset = ds.dataset("./examples", format="parquet")
['./examples/dataset1.parquet', './examples/dataset2.parquet', './examples/dataset3.parquet']

The whole dataset can be viewed as a single big table using pyarrow.dataset.Dataset.to_table(). While each parquet file contains only 10 rows, converting the dataset to a table will expose them as a single Table.

table = dataset.to_table()
col1: int64
col1: [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19],[20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]]

Notice that converting to a table will force all data to be loaded in memory. For big datasets is usually not what you want.

For this reason, it might be better to rely on the pyarrow.dataset.Dataset.to_batches() method, which will iteratively load the dataset one chunk of data at the time returning a pyarrow.RecordBatch for each one of them.

for record_batch in dataset.to_batches():
    col1 = record_batch.column("col1")
    print(f"{col1._name} = {col1[0]} .. {col1[-1]}")
col1 = 0 .. 9
col1 = 10 .. 19
col1 = 20 .. 29

Reading Partitioned Data from S3

The pyarrow.dataset.Dataset is also able to abstract partitioned data coming from remote sources like S3 or HDFS.

from pyarrow import fs

# List content of s3://ursa-labs-taxi-data/2011
s3 = fs.SubTreeFileSystem(
    fs.S3FileSystem(region="us-east-2", anonymous=True)
for entry in s3.get_file_info(fs.FileSelector("2011", recursive=True)):
    if entry.type == fs.FileType.File:

The data in the bucket can be loaded as a single big dataset partitioned by month using

dataset = ds.dataset("s3://ursa-labs-taxi-data/2011",
for f in dataset.files[:10]:

The dataset can then be used with pyarrow.dataset.Dataset.to_table() or pyarrow.dataset.Dataset.to_batches() like you would for a local one.


It is possible to load partitioned data also in the ipc arrow format or in feather format.


If the above code throws an error most likely the reason is your AWS credentials are not set. Follow these instructions to get AWS Access Key Id and AWS Secret Access Key: AWS Credentials.

The credentials are normally stored in ~/.aws/credentials (on Mac or Linux) or in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.aws\credentials (on Windows) file. You will need to either create or update this file in the appropriate location.

The contents of the file should look like this:


Write a Feather file

Given an array with 100 numbers, from 0 to 99

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

arr = pa.array(np.arange(100))

print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

To write it to a Feather file, as Feather stores multiple columns, we must create a pyarrow.Table out of it, so that we get a table of a single column which can then be written to a Feather file.

table = pa.Table.from_arrays([arr], names=["col1"])

Once we have a table, it can be written to a Feather File using the functions provided by the pyarrow.feather module

import pyarrow.feather as ft

ft.write_feather(table, 'example.feather')

Reading a Feather file

Given a Feather file, it can be read back to a pyarrow.Table by using pyarrow.feather.read_table() function

import pyarrow.feather as ft

table = ft.read_table("example.feather")

The resulting table will contain the same columns that existed in the parquet file as ChunkedArray

col1: int64
col1: [[0,1,2,3,4,...,95,96,97,98,99]]

Reading Line Delimited JSON

Arrow has builtin support for line-delimited JSON. Each line represents a row of data as a JSON object.

Given some data in a file where each line is a JSON object containing a row of data:

import tempfile

with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w+") as f:
    f.write('{"a": 1, "b": 2.0, "c": 1}\n')
    f.write('{"a": 3, "b": 3.0, "c": 2}\n')
    f.write('{"a": 5, "b": 4.0, "c": 3}\n')
    f.write('{"a": 7, "b": 5.0, "c": 4}\n')

The content of the file can be read back to a pyarrow.Table using pyarrow.json.read_json():

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.json

table = pa.json.read_json(
{'a': [1, 3, 5, 7], 'b': [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], 'c': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

Writing Compressed Data

Arrow provides support for writing files in compressed formats, both for formats that provide compression natively like Parquet or Feather, and for formats that don’t support compression out of the box like CSV.

Given a table:

table = pa.table([
    pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
], names=["numbers"])

Writing compressed Parquet or Feather data is driven by the compression argument to the pyarrow.feather.write_feather() and pyarrow.parquet.write_table() functions:

pa.feather.write_feather(table, "compressed.feather",
pa.parquet.write_table(table, "compressed.parquet",

You can refer to each of those functions’ documentation for a complete list of supported compression formats.


Arrow actually uses compression by default when writing Parquet or Feather files. Feather is compressed using lz4 by default and Parquet uses snappy by default.

For formats that don’t support compression natively, like CSV, it’s possible to save compressed data using pyarrow.CompressedOutputStream:

with pa.CompressedOutputStream("compressed.csv.gz", "gzip") as out:
    pa.csv.write_csv(table, out)

This requires decompressing the file when reading it back, which can be done using pyarrow.CompressedInputStream as explained in the next recipe.

Reading Compressed Data

Arrow provides support for reading compressed files, both for formats that provide it natively like Parquet or Feather, and for files in formats that don’t support compression natively, like CSV, but have been compressed by an application.

Reading compressed formats that have native support for compression doesn’t require any special handling. We can for example read back the Parquet and Feather files we wrote in the previous recipe by simply invoking pyarrow.feather.read_table() and pyarrow.parquet.read_table():

table_feather = pa.feather.read_table("compressed.feather")
numbers: int64
numbers: [[1,2,3,4,5]]
table_parquet = pa.parquet.read_table("compressed.parquet")
numbers: int64
numbers: [[1,2,3,4,5]]

Reading data from formats that don’t have native support for compression instead involves decompressing them before decoding them. This can be done using the pyarrow.CompressedInputStream class which wraps files with a decompress operation before the result is provided to the actual read function.

For example to read a compressed CSV file:

with pa.CompressedInputStream(pa.OSFile("compressed.csv.gz"), "gzip") as input:
    table_csv = pa.csv.read_csv(input)
numbers: int64
numbers: [[1,2,3,4,5]]


In the case of CSV, arrow is actually smart enough to try detecting compressed files using the file extension. So if your file is named *.gz or *.bz2 the pyarrow.csv.read_csv() function will try to decompress it accordingly

table_csv2 = pa.csv.read_csv("compressed.csv.gz")
numbers: int64
numbers: [[1,2,3,4,5]]