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The goal of adbcflightsql is to provide a low-level developer-facing interface to the Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC) FlightSQL driver.


You can install the released version of adbcflightsql from R-multiverse with:

install.packages("adbcflightsql", repos = "")

You can install the development version of adbcflightsql from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")

ADBC drivers for R use a relatively new feature of pkgbuild to enable installation from GitHub via pak. Depending on when you installed pak, you may need to update its internal version of pkgbuild.

install.packages("pkgbuild", pak:::private_lib_dir())


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem.


# Use the driver manager to connect to a database. This example URI is
# grpc://localhost:8080 and uses a Go FlightSQL/SQLite server docker image
uri <- Sys.getenv("ADBC_FLIGHTSQL_TEST_URI")
db <- adbc_database_init(adbcflightsql::adbcflightsql(), uri = uri)
con <- adbc_connection_init(db)

# Write a table
con |>
  execute_adbc("CREATE TABLE crossfit (exercise TEXT, difficulty_level INTEGER)") |>
    "INSERT INTO crossfit values
      ('Push Ups', 3),
      ('Pull Ups', 5),
      ('Push Jerk', 7),
      ('Bar Muscle Up', 10);"

# Query it
con |>
  read_adbc("SELECT * from crossfit") |>
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   exercise      difficulty_level
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>
#> 1 Push Ups                     3
#> 2 Pull Ups                     5
#> 3 Push Jerk                    7
#> 4 Bar Muscle Up               10
# Clean up
con |>
  execute_adbc("DROP TABLE crossfit")