Snowflake Driver

Available for: C/C++, GLib/Ruby, Go, Python, R

The Snowflake Driver provides access to Snowflake Database Warehouses.


For conda-forge users:

mamba install libadbc-driver-snowflake
go get
# For conda-forge
mamba install adbc-driver-snowflake

# For pip
pip install adbc_driver_snowflake
# install.packages("pak")


To connect to a Snowflake database you can supply the “uri” parameter when constructing the :cpp:AdbcDatabase.

#include "arrow-adbc/adbc.h"

// Ignoring error handling
struct AdbcDatabase database;
AdbcDatabaseNew(&database, nullptr);
AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&database, "driver", "adbc_driver_snowflake", nullptr);
AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&database, "uri", "<snowflake uri>", nullptr);
AdbcDatabaseInit(&database, nullptr);
import adbc_driver_snowflake.dbapi

with adbc_driver_snowflake.dbapi.connect("<snowflake uri>") as conn:

# Use the driver manager to connect to a database
uri <- Sys.getenv("ADBC_SNOWFLAKE_TEST_URI")
db <- adbc_database_init(adbcsnowflake::adbcsnowflake(), uri = uri)
con <- adbc_connection_init(db)
import (


func main() {
   var drv snowflake.Driver
   db, err := drv.NewDatabase(map[string]string{
       adbc.OptionKeyURI: "<snowflake uri>",
   if err != nil {
       // handle error
   defer db.Close()

   cnxn, err := db.Open(context.Background())
   if err != nil {
       // handle error
   defer cnxn.Close()

URI Format

The Snowflake URI should be of one of the following formats:

  • user[:password]@account/database/schema[?param1=value1&paramN=valueN]

  • user[:password]@account/database[?param1=value1&paramN=valueN]

  • user[:password]@host:port/database/schema?account=user_account[&param1=value1&paramN=valueN]

  • host:port/database/schema?account=user_account[&param1=value1&paramN=valueN]

Alternately, instead of providing a full URI, the configuration can be entirely supplied using the other available options or some combination of the URI and other options. If a URI is provided, it will be parsed first and any explicit options provided will override anything parsed from the URI.

Supported Features

The Snowflake driver generally supports features defined in the ADBC API specification 1.0.0, as well as some additional, custom options.


Snowflake requires some form of authentication to be enabled. By default it will attempt to use Username/Password authentication. The username and password can be provided in the URI or via the username and password options to the AdbcDatabase.

Alternately, other types of authentication can be specified and customized. See “Client Options” below for details on all the options.

SSO Authentication

Snowflake supports single sign-on. If your account has been configured with SSO, it can be used with the Snowflake driver by setting the following options when constructing the AdbcDatabase:

  • adbc.snowflake.sql.account: your Snowflake account. (For example, if you log in to, then your account identifier is foobar.)

  • adbc.snowflake.sql.auth_type: auth_ext_browser.

  • username: your username. (This should probably be your email, e.g.

A new browser tab or window should appear where you can continue the login. Once this is complete, you will have a complete ADBC database/connection object. Some users have reported needing other configuration options, such as adbc.snowflake.sql.region and adbc.snowflake.sql.uri.* (see below for a listing).

import adbc_driver_snowflake.dbapi
# This will open a new browser tab, and block until you log in.
    "adbc.snowflake.sql.account": "foobar",
    "adbc.snowflake.sql.auth_type": "auth_ext_browser",
    "username": "",
db <- adbc_database_init(
  adbc.snowflake.sql.account = 'foobar',
  adbc.snowflake.sql.auth_type = 'auth_ext_browser'
  username = '',
# This will open a new browser tab, and block until you log in.
con <- adbc_connection_init(db)
import (


func main() {
   var drv snowflake.Driver
   db, err := drv.NewDatabase(map[string]string{
       snowflake.OptionAccount: "foobar",
       snowflake.OptionAuthType: snowflake.OptionValueAuthExternalBrowser,
       adbc.OptionKeyUsername: "",
   if err != nil {
       // handle error
   defer db.Close()

   cnxn, err := db.Open(context.Background())
   if err != nil {
       // handle error
   defer cnxn.Close()

Bulk Ingestion

Bulk ingestion is supported. The mapping from Arrow types to Snowflake types is provided below.

Bulk ingestion is implemented by writing Arrow data to Parquet file(s) and uploading (via PUT) to a temporary internal stage. One or more COPY queries are executed in order to load the data into the target table.

In order for the driver to leverage this temporary stage, the user must have the CREATE STAGE <> privilege on the schema. In addition, the current database and schema for the session must be set. If these are not set, the CREATE TEMPORARY STAGE command executed by the driver can fail with the following error:

CANNOT perform CREATE STAGE. This session does not have a current schema. Call 'USE SCHEMA' or use a qualified name.

The following informal benchmark demonstrates expected performance using default ingestion settings:

Running on GCP e2-standard-4 (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM)
Snowflake warehouse size M, same GCP region as Snowflake account
Default ingestion settings

TPC-H Lineitem (16 Columns):
   Scale Factor 1 (6M Rows): 9.5s
   Scale Factor 10 (60M Rows): 45s

The default settings for ingestion should be well balanced for many real-world configurations. If required, performance and resource usage may be tuned with the following options on the AdbcStatement object:


Number of Parquet files to write in parallel. Default attempts to maximize workers based on logical cores detected, but may need to be adjusted if running in a constrained environment. If set to 0, default value is used. Cannot be negative.


Number of Parquet files to upload in parallel. Greater concurrency can smooth out TCP congestion and help make use of available network bandwith, but will increase memory utilization. Default is 8. If set to 0, default value is used. Cannot be negative.


Maximum number of COPY operations to run concurrently. Bulk ingestion performance is optimized by executing COPY queries as files are still being uploaded. Snowflake COPY speed scales with warehouse size, so smaller warehouses may benefit from setting this value higher to ensure long-running COPY queries do not block newly uploaded files from being loaded. Default is 4. If set to 0, only a single COPY query will be executed as part of ingestion, once all files have finished uploading. Cannot be negative.


Approximate size of Parquet files written during ingestion. Actual size will be slightly larger, depending on size of footer/metadata. Default is 10 MB. If set to 0, file size has no limit. Cannot be negative.

Partitioned Result Sets

Partitioned result sets are not currently supported.


When querying Snowflake data, results are potentially fetched in parallel from multiple endpoints. A limited number of batches are queued per endpoint, though data is always returned to the client in the order of the endpoints.

To manage the performance of result fetching there are two options to control buffering and concurrency behavior. These options are only available to be set on the AdbcStatement object:


The number of batches to queue in the record reader. Defaults to 200. Must be an integer > 0.


The number of concurrent streams being fetched from snowflake at a time. Defaults to 10. Must be an integer > 0.


Transactions are supported. Keep in mind that Snowflake transactions will implicitly commit if any DDL statements are run, such as CREATE TABLE.

Client Options

The options used for creating a Snowflake Database connection can be customized. These options map 1:1 with the Snowflake Config object <>.


The database this session should default to using.


The schema this session should default to using.


The warehouse this session should default to using.


The role that should be used for authentication.


The Snowflake region to use for constructing the connection URI.


The Snowflake account that should be used for authentication and building the connection URI.


This should be either http or https.


The port to use for constructing the URI for connection.

The explicit host to use for constructing the URL to connect to.


Allows specifying alternate types of authentication, the allowed values are:

  • auth_snowflake: General username/password authentication (this is the default)

  • auth_oauth: Use OAuth authentication for the snowflake connection.

  • auth_ext_browser: Use an external browser to access a FED and perform SSO auth.

  • auth_okta: Use a native Okta URL to perform SSO authentication using Okta

  • auth_jwt: Use a provided JWT to perform authentication.

  • auth_mfa: Use a username and password with MFA.


If using OAuth or another form of authentication, this option is how you can explicitly specify the token to be used for connection.


If using auth_okta, this option is required in order to specify the Okta URL to connect to for SSO authentication.


Specify login retry timeout excluding network roundtrip and reading http responses. Value should be formatted as described here <>, such as 300ms, 1.5s or 1m30s. Even though negative values are accepted, the absolute value of such a duration will be used.


Specify request retry timeout excluding network roundtrip and reading http responses. Value should be formatted as described here <>, such as 300ms, 1.5s or 1m30s. Even though negative values are accepted, the absolute value of such a duration will be used.


JWT expiration will occur after this timeout. Value should be formatted as described here <>, such as 300ms, 1.5s or 1m30s. Even though negative values are accepted, the absolute value of such a duration will be used.


Specify timeout for network roundtrip and reading http responses. Value should be formatted as described here <>, such as 300ms, 1.5s or 1m30s. Even though negative values are accepted, the absolute value of such a duration will be used.


Allows specifying the Application Name to Snowflake for the connection.


Disable verification of the server’s TLS certificate. Value should be true or false.


Control the fail open mode for OCSP. Default is true. Value should be either true or false.


Enable the session to persist even after the connection is closed. Value should be either true or false.


Specify the RSA private key which should be used to sign the JWT for authentication. This should be a path to a file containing a PKCS1 private key to be read in and parsed. Commonly encoded in PEM blocks of type “RSA PRIVATE KEY”.


Parses an encrypted or unencrypted PKCS #8 private key without having to read it from the file system. If using encrypted, the adbc.snowflake.sql.client_option.jwt_private_key_pkcs8_password value is required and used to decrypt.


Passcode to use when passing an encrypted PKCS #8 value.


The Snowflake driver allows for telemetry information which can be disabled by setting this to true. Value should be either true or false.


Set the logging level


When true, the MFA token is cached in the credential manager. Defaults to true on Windows/OSX, false on Linux.


When true, the ID token is cached in the credential manager. Defaults to true on Windows/OSX, false on Linux.


When true, fixed-point snowflake columns with the type NUMBER will be returned as Decimal128 type Arrow columns using the precision and scale of the NUMBER type. When false, NUMBER columns with a scale of 0 will be returned as Int64 typed Arrow columns and non-zero scaled columns will be returned as Float64 typed Arrow columns. The default is true.


When calling AdbcConnectionGetTableSchema(), the returned Arrow Schema will contain metadata on each field:


This will be a string containing the raw Snowflake data type of this column


This will be either Y or N to indicate a column is a primary key.

In addition, the schema on the stream of results from a query will contain the following metadata keys on each field:


The Snowflake logical type of this column. Will be one of fixed, real, text, date, variant, timestamp_ltz, timestamp_ntz, timestamp_tz, object, array, binary, time, boolean.


An integer representing the Snowflake precision of the field.


An integer representing the Snowflake scale of the values in this field.


If a text field, this will be equivalent to the VARCHAR(#) parameter #.


Will contain the length, in bytes, of the raw data sent back from Snowflake regardless of the type of the field in Arrow.

Type Support

Because Snowflake types do not necessary match up 1-to-1 with Arrow types the following is what should be expected when requesting data. Any conversions indicated are done to ensure consistency of the stream of record batches.

Snowflake Type

Arrow Type


integral types

number(38, 0)

All integral types in Snowflake are stored as numbers for which neither precision nor scale can be specified.



Snowflake does not distinguish between float or double. Both are 64-bit values.



Snowflake will respect the precision/scale of the Arrow type. See the adbc.snowflake.sql.client_option.use_high_precision for exceptions to this behavior.



For ingestion, time32 can also be used.



For ingestion, date64 can also be used.



Local time zone will be used, except for timestamp_ntz which is not an instant. In this case no timezone will be present in the type. Physical values will be UTC-normalized.



Snowflake does not provide information about nested types. Values will be strings in a format similar to JSON that can be parsed. The Arrow type will contain a metadata key logicalType with the Snowflake field type. Arrow Struct and Map types will be stored as objects when ingested. List types will be stored as arrays.



There is no current canonical Arrow (extension) type for these types, so they will be returned as the string values that Snowflake provides.