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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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//! Parquet schema definitions and methods to print and parse schema.
//! * [`SchemaDescriptor`] describes the data types of the columns stored in a file
//! * [`ColumnDescriptor`]: Describes the schema of a single (leaf) column.
//! * [`ColumnPath`]: Represents the location of a column in the schema (e.g. a nested field)
//! Parquet distinguishes
//! between "logical" and "physical" data types.
//! For instance, strings (logical type) are stored as byte arrays (physical type).
//! Likewise, temporal types like dates, times, timestamps, etc. (logical type)
//! are stored as integers (physical type).
//! [`SchemaDescriptor`]: types::SchemaDescriptor
//! [`ColumnDescriptor`]: types::ColumnDescriptor
//! [`ColumnPath`]: types::ColumnPath
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use parquet::{
//! basic::{ConvertedType, Repetition, Type as PhysicalType},
//! schema::{parser, printer, types::Type},
//! };
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! // Create the following schema:
//! //
//! // message schema {
//! // REQUIRED INT32 b;
//! // }
//! let field_a = Type::primitive_type_builder("a", PhysicalType::BYTE_ARRAY)
//! .with_converted_type(ConvertedType::UTF8)
//! .with_repetition(Repetition::OPTIONAL)
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! let field_b = Type::primitive_type_builder("b", PhysicalType::INT32)
//! .with_repetition(Repetition::REQUIRED)
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! let schema = Type::group_type_builder("schema")
//! .with_fields(vec![Arc::new(field_a), Arc::new(field_b)])
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! let mut buf = Vec::new();
//! // Print schema into buffer
//! printer::print_schema(&mut buf, &schema);
//! // Parse schema from the string
//! let string_schema = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
//! let parsed_schema = parser::parse_message_type(&string_schema).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(schema, parsed_schema);
//! ```
pub mod parser;
pub mod printer;
pub mod types;
pub mod visitor;