Module api

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Contains Row enum that is used to represent record in Rust.


list_complex_accessor πŸ”’
Macro to generate type-safe get_xxx methods for reference types e.g. get_list, get_map
list_primitive_accessor πŸ”’
Macro to generate type-safe get_xxx methods for primitive types, e.g. get_bool, get_short
map_list_primitive_accessor πŸ”’
Macro to generate type-safe get_xxx methods for primitive types, e.g. get_bool, get_short
nyi πŸ”’
Macro as a shortcut to generate β€˜not yet implemented’ panic error.
row_complex_accessor πŸ”’
Macro to generate type-safe get_xxx methods for reference types, e.g. get_list, get_map.
row_primitive_accessor πŸ”’
Macro to generate type-safe get_xxx methods for primitive types, e.g. get_bool, get_short.


List represents a list which contains an array of elements.
Map represents a map which contains a list of key->value pairs.
MapList πŸ”’
Row represents a nested Parquet record.
RowColumnIter represents an iterator over column names and values in a Row.


API to represent a single field in a Row.


Trait for type-safe access of an index for a List. Note that the get_XXX methods do not do bound checking.
Trait for type-safe access of an index for a Map
Trait for type-safe convenient access to fields within a Row.
Trait for formatting fields within a Row.


convert_date_to_string πŸ”’
Helper method to convert Parquet date into a string. Input value is a number of days since the epoch in UTC. Date is displayed in local timezone.
convert_decimal_to_string πŸ”’
Helper method to convert Parquet decimal into a string. We assert that scale >= 0 and precision > scale, but this will be enforced when constructing Parquet schema.
convert_timestamp_micros_to_string πŸ”’
Helper method to convert Parquet timestamp into a string. Input value is a number of microseconds since the epoch in UTC. Datetime is displayed in local timezone.
convert_timestamp_millis_to_string πŸ”’
Helper method to convert Parquet timestamp into a string. Input value is a number of milliseconds since the epoch in UTC. Datetime is displayed in local timezone.
convert_timestamp_secs_to_string πŸ”’
Helper method to convert Parquet timestamp into a string. Input value is a number of seconds since the epoch in UTC. Datetime is displayed in local timezone.
Constructs a List from the list of fields and returns it.
Constructs a Map from the list of entries and returns it.