Expand description
Contains Rust mappings for Thrift definition.
Refer to parquet.thrift
file to see raw definitions.
pub use crate::format::BsonType;
pub use crate::format::DateType;
pub use crate::format::DecimalType;
pub use crate::format::EnumType;
pub use crate::format::IntType;
pub use crate::format::JsonType;
pub use crate::format::ListType;
pub use crate::format::MapType;
pub use crate::format::NullType;
pub use crate::format::StringType;
pub use crate::format::TimeType;
pub use crate::format::TimeUnit;
pub use crate::format::TimestampType;
pub use crate::format::UUIDType;
- Represents a valid brotli compression level.
- Represents a valid gzip compression level.
- Represents a valid zstd compression level.
- Column order that specifies what method was used to aggregate min/max values for statistics.
- Supported block compression algorithms.
- Common types (converted types) used by frameworks when using Parquet.
- Encodings supported by Parquet.
- Logical types used by version 2.4.0+ of the Parquet format.
- Mirrors parquet::PageType
- Representation of field types in schema.
- Sort order for page and column statistics.
- Types supported by Parquet.
- check_
level_ ๐is_ none - require_
level ๐