
Type Alias TimestampSecondArray

pub type TimestampSecondArray = PrimitiveArray<TimestampSecondType>;
Expand description

A PrimitiveArray of seconds since UNIX epoch stored as i64

This type is similar to the chrono::DateTime type and can hold values such as 1970-05-09 14:25:11 +01:00

See also Timestamp.

§Example: UTC timestamps post epoch

use arrow_array::timezone::Tz;
// Corresponds to single element array with entry 1970-05-09T14:25:11+0:00
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![11111111]);
// OR
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![Some(11111111)]);
let utc_tz: Tz = "+00:00".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(arr.value_as_datetime_with_tz(0, utc_tz).map(|v| v.to_string()).unwrap(), "1970-05-09 14:25:11 +00:00")

§Example: UTC timestamps pre epoch

use arrow_array::timezone::Tz;
// Corresponds to single element array with entry 1969-08-25T09:34:49+0:00
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![-11111111]);
// OR
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![Some(-11111111)]);
let utc_tz: Tz = "+00:00".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(arr.value_as_datetime_with_tz(0, utc_tz).map(|v| v.to_string()).unwrap(), "1969-08-25 09:34:49 +00:00")

§Example: With timezone specified

use arrow_array::timezone::Tz;
// Corresponds to single element array with entry 1970-05-10T00:25:11+10:00
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![11111111]).with_timezone("+10:00".to_string());
// OR
let arr = TimestampSecondArray::from(vec![Some(11111111)]).with_timezone("+10:00".to_string());
let sydney_tz: Tz = "+10:00".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(arr.value_as_datetime_with_tz(0, sydney_tz).map(|v| v.to_string()).unwrap(), "1970-05-10 00:25:11 +10:00")

See PrimitiveArray for more information and examples

Aliased Type§

struct TimestampSecondArray { /* private fields */ }