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This experimental vctr class allows zero or more Arrow arrays to present as an R vector without converting them. This is useful for arrays with types that do not have a non-lossy R equivalent, and helps provide an intermediary object type where the default conversion is prohibitively expensive (e.g., a nested list of data frames). These objects will not survive many vctr transformations; however, they can be sliced without copying the underlying arrays.


as_nanoarrow_vctr(x, ..., schema = NULL, subclass = character())

nanoarrow_vctr(schema = NULL, subclass = character())



An object that works with as_nanoarrow_array_stream().


Passed to as_nanoarrow_array_stream()


An optional schema


An optional subclass of nanoarrow_vctr to prepend to the final class name.


A vctr of class 'nanoarrow_vctr'


The nanoarrow_vctr is currently implemented similarly to factor(): its storage type is an integer() that is a sequence along the total length of the vctr and there are attributes that are required to resolve these indices to an array + offset. Sequences typically have a very compact representation in recent versions of R such that this has a cheap storage footprint even for large arrays. The attributes are currently:

  • schema: The nanoarrow_schema shared by each chunk.

  • chunks: A list() of nanoarrow_array.

  • offsets: An integer() vector beginning with 0 and followed by the cumulative length of each chunk. This allows the chunk index + offset to be resolved from a logical index with log(n) complexity.

This implementation is preliminary and may change; however, the result of as_nanoarrow_array_stream(some_vctr[begin:end]) should remain stable.


array <- as_nanoarrow_array(1:5)
#> <nanoarrow_vctr int32[5]>
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5