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In nanoarrow, an 'array stream' corresponds to the struct ArrowArrayStream as defined in the Arrow C Stream interface. This object is used to represent a stream of arrays with a common schema. This is similar to an arrow::RecordBatchReader except it can be used to represent a stream of any type (not just record batches). Note that a stream of record batches and a stream of non-nullable struct arrays are represented identically. Also note that array streams are mutable objects and are passed by reference and not by value.


as_nanoarrow_array_stream(x, ..., schema = NULL)



An object to convert to a array_stream


Passed to S3 methods


An optional schema used to enforce conversion to a particular type. Defaults to infer_nanoarrow_schema().


An object of class 'nanoarrow_array_stream'


(stream <- as_nanoarrow_array_stream(data.frame(x = 1:5)))
#> <nanoarrow_array_stream struct<x: int32>>
#>  $ get_schema:function ()  
#>  $ get_next  :function (schema = x$get_schema(), validate = TRUE)  
#>  $ release   :function ()  
#> <nanoarrow_schema struct>
#>  $ format    : chr "+s"
#>  $ name      : chr ""
#>  $ metadata  : list()
#>  $ flags     : int 0
#>  $ children  :List of 1
#>   ..$ x:<nanoarrow_schema int32>
#>   .. ..$ format    : chr "i"
#>   .. ..$ name      : chr "x"
#>   .. ..$ metadata  : list()
#>   .. ..$ flags     : int 2
#>   .. ..$ children  : list()
#>   .. ..$ dictionary: NULL
#>  $ dictionary: NULL
#> <nanoarrow_array struct[5]>
#>  $ length    : int 5
#>  $ null_count: int 0
#>  $ offset    : int 0
#>  $ buffers   :List of 1
#>   ..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer validity<bool>[null] ``
#>  $ children  :List of 1
#>   ..$ x:<nanoarrow_array int32[5]>
#>   .. ..$ length    : int 5
#>   .. ..$ null_count: int 0
#>   .. ..$ offset    : int 0
#>   .. ..$ buffers   :List of 2
#>   .. .. ..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer validity<bool>[null] ``
#>   .. .. ..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer data<int32>[5][20 b]> `1 2 3 4 5`
#>   .. ..$ dictionary: NULL
#>   .. ..$ children  : list()
#>  $ dictionary: NULL

# The last batch is returned as NULL

# Release the stream