# Overview ## What is this? Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL is a PostgreSQL extension that adds an [Apache Arrow Flight SQL][apache-arrow-flight-sql] endpoint to PostgreSQL. Apache Arrow Flight SQL is a protocol to use [Apache Arrow format][apache-arrow-format] to interact with SQL databases. You can use Apache Arrow Flight SQL instead of [the PostgreSQL wire protocol][postgresql-protocol] to interact with PostgreSQL by Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL. Apache Arrow format is designed for fast typed table data exchange. If you want to get large data by `SELECT` or `INSERT`/`UPDATE` large data, Apache Arrow Flight SQL will be faster than the PostgreSQL wire protocol. ## Benchmark See also [a simple benchmark result][benchmark-integer] that just executes `SELECT * FROM integer_only_table`. It shows that Apache Arrow Flight SQL is faster than the PostgreSQL wire protocol when result data is large. [apache-arrow-flight-sql]: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/FlightSql.html [apache-arrow-format]: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/Columnar.html [postgresql-protocol]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol.html [benchmark-integer]: https://github.com/apache/arrow-flight-sql-postgresql/tree/main/benchmark/integer