Class TimeStampNanoVector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, Iterable<ValueVector>, ElementAddressableVector, FieldVector, FixedWidthVector, ValueIterableVector<LocalDateTime>, ValueVector, VectorDefinitionSetter

public final class TimeStampNanoVector extends TimeStampVector implements ValueIterableVector<LocalDateTime>
TimeStampNanoVector implements a fixed width vector (8 bytes) of timestamp (nanosecond resolution) values which could be null. A validity buffer (bit vector) is maintained to track which elements in the vector are null.
  • Constructor Details

    • TimeStampNanoVector

      public TimeStampNanoVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator)
      Instantiate a TimeStampNanoVector. This doesn't allocate any memory for the data in vector.
      name - name of the vector
      allocator - allocator for memory management.
    • TimeStampNanoVector

      public TimeStampNanoVector(String name, FieldType fieldType, BufferAllocator allocator)
      Instantiate a TimeStampNanoVector. This doesn't allocate any memory for the data in vector.
      name - name of the vector
      fieldType - type of Field materialized by this vector
      allocator - allocator for memory management.
    • TimeStampNanoVector

      public TimeStampNanoVector(Field field, BufferAllocator allocator)
      Instantiate a TimeStampNanoVector. This doesn't allocate any memory for the data in vector.
      field - Field materialized by this vector
      allocator - allocator for memory management.
  • Method Details