Package org.apache.arrow.vector.complex
Interface BaseListVector
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Abstraction for all list type vectors.
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(int index) Get data vector end index with the given list
(int index) Get data vector start index with the given list index.Methods inherited from interface org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector
exportBuffer, exportCDataBuffers, getChildrenFromFields, getDataBufferAddress, getExportedCDataBufferCount, getFieldBuffers, getFieldInnerVectors, getOffsetBufferAddress, getValidityBufferAddress, initializeChildrenFromFields, loadFieldBuffers, setNull
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, iterator, spliterator
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.arrow.vector.ValueVector
accept, allocateNew, allocateNewSafe, clear, close, copyFrom, copyFromSafe, getAllocator, getBuffers, getBufferSize, getBufferSizeFor, getDataBuffer, getField, getMinorType, getName, getNullCount, getObject, getOffsetBuffer, getReader, getTransferPair, getTransferPair, getTransferPair, getTransferPair, getTransferPair, getValidityBuffer, getValueCapacity, getValueCount, hashCode, hashCode, isNull, makeTransferPair, reAlloc, reset, setInitialCapacity, setValueCount, validate, validateFull
Method Details
int getElementStartIndex(int index) Get data vector start index with the given list index. -
int getElementEndIndex(int index) Get data vector end index with the given list index.