Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.impl
Classes in org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.impl used by org.apache.arrow.driver.jdbc.client
Classes in org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.impl used by org.apache.arrow.flight.integration.testsClassDescriptionRequest message for the "BeginSavepoint" action.The result of a "BeginSavepoint" action.Request message for the "BeginTransaction" action.The result of a "BeginTransaction" action.Request message for the "ClosePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "CreatePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Wrap the result of a "CreatePreparedStatement" or "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action.Request message for the "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "EndSavepoint" action.Request message for the "EndTransaction" action.Represents a request to retrieve the list of catalogs on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns in the given foreign key table that reference the primary key or the columns representing a unique constraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table) on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of database schemas on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table) of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the foreign keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the primary keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a metadata request.Represents a request to retrieve the list of tables, and optionally their schemas, on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of table types on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve information about data type supported on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents an instance of executing a prepared statement.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a SQL query.Represents a Substrait plan.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a ticket resulting from GetFlightInfo with a CommandStatementQuery.
Classes in org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.impl used by org.apache.arrow.flight.sqlClassDescriptionRequest message for the "BeginSavepoint" action.The result of a "BeginSavepoint" action.Request message for the "BeginTransaction" action.The result of a "BeginTransaction" action.Request message for the "ClosePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "CreatePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Wrap the result of a "CreatePreparedStatement" or "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action.Request message for the "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "EndSavepoint" action.Request message for the "EndTransaction" action.Represents a request to retrieve the list of catalogs on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns in the given foreign key table that reference the primary key or the columns representing a unique constraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table) on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of database schemas on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table) of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the foreign keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the primary keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a metadata request.Represents a request to retrieve the list of tables, and optionally their schemas, on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of table types on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve information about data type supported on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents an instance of executing a prepared statement.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a SQL query.Represents a Substrait plan.Represents a SQL update query.Options for CommandGetSqlInfo.Protobuf enum
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlOuterJoinsSupportLevel
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedElementActions
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedGroupBy
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedPositionedCommands
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedSubqueries
The level of support for Flight SQL transaction RPCs.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedUnions
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedAnsi92SqlGrammarLevel
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedSqlGrammar
Represents a ticket resulting from GetFlightInfo with a CommandStatementQuery. -
Classes in org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.impl used by org.apache.arrow.flight.sql.implClassDescriptionRequest message for the "BeginSavepoint" action.Request message for the "BeginSavepoint" action.The result of a "BeginSavepoint" action.The result of a "BeginSavepoint" action.Request message for the "BeginTransaction" action.Request message for the "BeginTransaction" action.The result of a "BeginTransaction" action.The result of a "BeginTransaction" action.Deprecated.Deprecated.Request message for the "CancelQuery" action.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.The result of cancelling a query.Deprecated.Protobuf enum
Deprecated.Request message for the "ClosePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "ClosePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "CreatePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "CreatePreparedStatement" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Wrap the result of a "CreatePreparedStatement" or "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action.Wrap the result of a "CreatePreparedStatement" or "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action.Request message for the "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "CreatePreparedSubstraitPlan" action on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Request message for the "EndSavepoint" action.Request message for the "EndSavepoint" action.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.ActionEndSavepointRequest.EndSavepoint
Request message for the "EndTransaction" action.Request message for the "EndTransaction" action.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.ActionEndTransactionRequest.EndTransaction
Represents a request to retrieve the list of catalogs on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of catalogs on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns in the given foreign key table that reference the primary key or the columns representing a unique constraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table) on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns in the given foreign key table that reference the primary key or the columns representing a unique constraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table) on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of database schemas on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of database schemas on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table) of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table) of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the foreign keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the foreign keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the primary keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the primary keys of a table on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a metadata request.Represents a metadata request.Represents a request to retrieve the list of tables, and optionally their schemas, on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of tables, and optionally their schemas, on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of table types on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve the list of table types on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve information about data type supported on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents a request to retrieve information about data type supported on a Flight SQL enabled backend.Represents an instance of executing a prepared statement.Represents an instance of executing a prepared statement.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a bulk ingestion request.Represents a bulk ingestion request.Options for table definition behaviorOptions for table definition behaviorThe action to take if the target table already existsThe action to take if the target table does not existRepresents a SQL query.Represents a SQL query.Represents a Substrait plan.Represents a Substrait plan.Represents a SQL update query.Represents a SQL update query.An *optional* response returned when `DoPut` is called with `CommandPreparedStatementQuery`.An *optional* response returned when `DoPut` is called with `CommandPreparedStatementQuery`.Returned from the RPC call DoPut when a CommandStatementUpdate, CommandPreparedStatementUpdate, or CommandStatementIngest was in the request, containing results from the update.Returned from the RPC call DoPut when a CommandStatementUpdate, CommandPreparedStatementUpdate, or CommandStatementIngest was in the request, containing results from the update.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.Nullable
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.Searchable
Options for CommandGetSqlInfo.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlNullOrdering
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlOuterJoinsSupportLevel
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedCaseSensitivity
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedElementActions
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedGroupBy
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedPositionedCommands
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetConcurrency
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedResultSetType
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedSubqueries
The level of support for Flight SQL transaction RPCs.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedTransactions
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportedUnions
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlSupportsConvert
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SqlTransactionIsolationLevel
An embedded message describing a Substrait plan to execute.An embedded message describing a Substrait plan to execute.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedAnsi92SqlGrammarLevel
Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.SupportedSqlGrammar
Represents a ticket resulting from GetFlightInfo with a CommandStatementQuery.Represents a ticket resulting from GetFlightInfo with a CommandStatementQuery.Protobuf enumarrow.flight.protocol.sql.UpdateDeleteRules
The JDBC/ODBC-defined type of any object.Detailed subtype information for XDBC_TYPE_DATETIME and XDBC_TYPE_INTERVAL.