Interface FlightSql.DoPutPreparedStatementResultOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
FlightSql.DoPutPreparedStatementResult, FlightSql.DoPutPreparedStatementResult.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface FlightSql.DoPutPreparedStatementResultOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Represents a (potentially updated) opaque handle for the prepared statement on the server.
    Represents a (potentially updated) opaque handle for the prepared statement on the server.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasPreparedStatementHandle

      boolean hasPreparedStatementHandle()
       Represents a (potentially updated) opaque handle for the prepared statement on the server.
       Because the handle could potentially be updated, any previous handles for this prepared
       statement should be considered invalid, and all subsequent requests for this prepared
       statement must use this new handle.
       The updated handle allows implementing query parameters with stateless services.
       When an updated handle is not provided by the server, clients should contiue
       using the previous handle provided by `ActionCreatePreparedStatementResonse`.
      optional bytes prepared_statement_handle = 1;
      Whether the preparedStatementHandle field is set.
    • getPreparedStatementHandle getPreparedStatementHandle()
       Represents a (potentially updated) opaque handle for the prepared statement on the server.
       Because the handle could potentially be updated, any previous handles for this prepared
       statement should be considered invalid, and all subsequent requests for this prepared
       statement must use this new handle.
       The updated handle allows implementing query parameters with stateless services.
       When an updated handle is not provided by the server, clients should contiue
       using the previous handle provided by `ActionCreatePreparedStatementResonse`.
      optional bytes prepared_statement_handle = 1;
      The preparedStatementHandle.