
class pyarrow.flight.FlightClient(location, tls_root_certs=None, *, cert_chain=None, private_key=None, override_hostname=None, middleware=None, write_size_limit_bytes=None, disable_server_verification=None, generic_options=None)

Bases: pyarrow.lib._Weakrefable

A client to a Flight service.

Connect to a Flight service on the given host and port.

  • location (str, tuple or Location) – Location to connect to. Either a gRPC URI like grpc://localhost:port, a tuple of (host, port) pair, or a Location instance.

  • tls_root_certs (bytes or None) – PEM-encoded

  • cert_chain (bytes or None) – Client certificate if using mutual TLS

  • private_key (bytes or None) – Client private key for cert_chain is using mutual TLS

  • override_hostname (str or None) – Override the hostname checked by TLS. Insecure, use with caution.

  • middleware (list optional, default None) – A list of ClientMiddlewareFactory instances.

  • write_size_limit_bytes (int optional, default None) – A soft limit on the size of a data payload sent to the server. Enabled if positive. If enabled, writing a record batch that (when serialized) exceeds this limit will raise an exception; the client can retry the write with a smaller batch.

  • disable_server_verification (boolean optional, default False) – A flag that indicates that, if the client is connecting with TLS, that it skips server verification. If this is enabled, all other TLS settings are overridden.

  • generic_options (list optional, default None) – A list of generic (string, int or string) option tuples passed to the underlying transport. Effect is implementation dependent.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self.

authenticate(self, auth_handler, …)

Authenticate to the server.

authenticate_basic_token(self, username, …)

Authenticate to the server with HTTP basic authentication.

connect(type cls, location[, …])

do_action(self, action, …)

Execute an action on a service.

do_exchange(self, …)

Start a bidirectional data exchange with a server.

do_get(self, Ticket ticket, …)

Request the data for a flight.

do_put(self, FlightDescriptor descriptor, …)

Upload data to a flight.

get_flight_info(self, …)

Request information about an available flight.

get_schema(self, …)

Request schema for an available flight.

list_actions(self, FlightCallOptions options)

List the actions available on a service.

list_flights(self, bytes criteria, …)

List the flights available on a service.

wait_for_available(self[, timeout])

Block until the server can be contacted.

authenticate(self, auth_handler, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Authenticate to the server.

authenticate_basic_token(self, username, password, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Authenticate to the server with HTTP basic authentication.

  • username (string) – Username to authenticate with

  • password (string) – Password to authenticate with

  • options (FlightCallOptions) – Options for this call


tuple (Tuple[str, str]) – A tuple representing the FlightCallOptions authorization header entry of a bearer token.

connect(type cls, location, tls_root_certs=None, cert_chain=None, private_key=None, override_hostname=None, disable_server_verification=None)
do_action(self, action, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Execute an action on a service.

  • action (str, tuple, or Action) – Can be action type name (no body), type and body, or any Action object

  • options (FlightCallOptions) – RPC options


results (iterator of Result values)

do_exchange(self, FlightDescriptor descriptor: FlightDescriptor, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Start a bidirectional data exchange with a server.


  • writer (FlightStreamWriter)

  • reader (FlightStreamReader)

do_get(self, Ticket ticket: Ticket, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Request the data for a flight.


reader (FlightStreamReader)

do_put(self, FlightDescriptor descriptor: FlightDescriptor, Schema schema: Schema, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Upload data to a flight.


  • writer (FlightStreamWriter)

  • reader (FlightMetadataReader)

get_flight_info(self, FlightDescriptor descriptor: FlightDescriptor, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Request information about an available flight.

get_schema(self, FlightDescriptor descriptor: FlightDescriptor, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

Request schema for an available flight.

list_actions(self, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

List the actions available on a service.

list_flights(self, bytes criteria: bytes = None, FlightCallOptions options: FlightCallOptions = None)

List the flights available on a service.

wait_for_available(self, timeout=5)

Block until the server can be contacted.


timeout (int, default 5) – The maximum seconds to wait.