Reading and Writing Datasets¶
This section contains a number of recipes for reading and writing datasets. Datasets are a collection of one or more files containing tabular data.
Read a Partitioned Dataset¶
The individual data files that make up a dataset will often be distributed across several different directories according to some kind of partitioning scheme.
This simplifies management of the data and also allows for partial reads of the dataset by inspecting the file paths and utilizing the guarantees provided by the partitioning scheme.
This recipe demonstrates the basics of reading a partitioned dataset. First let us inspect our data:
const std::string& directory_base = airquality_basedir;
// Create a filesystem
std::shared_ptr<arrow::fs::LocalFileSystem> fs =
// Create a file selector which describes which files are part of
// the dataset. This selector performs a recursive search of a base
// directory which is typical with partitioned datasets. You can also
// create a dataset from a list of one or more paths.
arrow::fs::FileSelector selector;
selector.base_dir = directory_base;
selector.recursive = true;
// List out the files so we can see how our data is partitioned.
// This step is not necessary for reading a dataset
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(std::vector<arrow::fs::FileInfo> file_infos,
int num_printed = 0;
for (const auto& path : file_infos) {
if (path.IsFile()) {
rout << path.path().substr(directory_base.size()) << std::endl;
if (++num_printed == 10) {
rout << "..." << std::endl;
This partitioning scheme of key=value is referred to as “hive” partitioning within Arrow.
Now that we have a filesystem and a selector we can go ahead and create a dataset. To do this we need to pick a format and a partitioning scheme. Once we have all of the pieces we need we can create an arrow::dataset::Dataset instance.
// Create a file format which describes the format of the files.
// Here we specify we are reading parquet files. We could pick a different format
// such as Arrow-IPC files or CSV files or we could customize the parquet format with
// additional reading & parsing options.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::dataset::ParquetFileFormat> format =
// Create a partitioning factory. A partitioning factory will be used by a dataset
// factory to infer the partitioning schema from the filenames. All we need to
// specify is the flavor of partitioning which, in our case, is "hive".
// Alternatively, we could manually create a partitioning scheme from a schema. This
// is typically not necessary for hive partitioning as inference works well.
std::shared_ptr<arrow::dataset::PartitioningFactory> partitioning_factory =
arrow::dataset::FileSystemFactoryOptions options;
options.partitioning = partitioning_factory;
// Create a dataset factory
std::shared_ptr<arrow::dataset::DatasetFactory> dataset_factory,
arrow::dataset::FileSystemDatasetFactory::Make(fs, selector, format, options));
// Create the dataset, this will scan the dataset directory to find all the files
// and may scan some file metadata in order to determine the dataset schema.
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(std::shared_ptr<arrow::dataset::Dataset> dataset,
rout << "We discovered the following schema for the dataset:" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< dataset->schema()->ToString() << std::endl;
We discovered the following schema for the dataset:
Ozone: int32
Solar.R: int32
Wind: double
Temp: int32
Month: int32
Day: int32
Once we have a dataset object we can read in the data. Reading the data from a dataset is sometimes called “scanning” the dataset and the object we use to do this is an arrow::dataset::Scanner. The following snippet shows how to scan the entire dataset into an in-memory table:
// Create a scanner
arrow::dataset::ScannerBuilder scanner_builder(dataset);
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(std::shared_ptr<arrow::dataset::Scanner> scanner,
// Scan the dataset. There are a variety of other methods available on the scanner as
// well
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table, scanner->ToTable());
rout << "Read in a table with " << table->num_rows() << " rows and "
<< table->num_columns() << " columns";
Read in a table with 153 rows and 6 columns