Class JdbcConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, AdbcConnection, AdbcOptions

public class JdbcConnection extends Object implements AdbcConnection
  • Method Details

    • commit

      public void commit() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Commit the pending transaction.
      Specified by:
      commit in interface AdbcConnection
    • createStatement

      public AdbcStatement createStatement() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Create a new statement that can be executed.
      Specified by:
      createStatement in interface AdbcConnection
    • bulkIngest

      public AdbcStatement bulkIngest(String targetTableName, BulkIngestMode mode) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Create a new statement to bulk insert a VectorSchemaRoot into a table.

      Bind data to the statement, then call AdbcStatement.executeUpdate(). See BulkIngestMode for description of behavior around creating tables.

      Specified by:
      bulkIngest in interface AdbcConnection
    • getInfo

      public ArrowReader getInfo(int @Nullable [] infoCodes) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get metadata about the driver/database.
      Specified by:
      getInfo in interface AdbcConnection
      infoCodes - The metadata items to fetch.
    • getObjects

      public ArrowReader getObjects(AdbcConnection.GetObjectsDepth depth, String catalogPattern, String dbSchemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] tableTypes, String columnNamePattern) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get a hierarchical view of all catalogs, database schemas, tables, and columns.

      The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:

      Field Name Field Type
      catalog_name utf8
      catalog_db_schemas list[DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA]
      The definition of the GetObjects result schema.

      DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type
      db_schema_name utf8
      db_schema_tables list[TABLE_SCHEMA]
      The definition of DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA.

      TABLE_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type
      table_name utf8 not null
      table_type utf8 not null
      table_columns list[COLUMN_SCHEMA]
      table_constraints list[CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA]
      The definition of TABLE_SCHEMA.

      COLUMN_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type Comments
      column_name utf8 not null
      ordinal_position int32 (1)
      remarks utf8 (2)
      xdbc_data_type int16 (3)
      xdbc_type_name utf8 (3)
      xdbc_column_size int32 (3)
      xdbc_decimal_digits int16 (3)
      xdbc_num_prec_radix int16 (3)
      xdbc_nullable int16 (3)
      xdbc_column_def utf8 (3)
      xdbc_sql_data_type int16 (3)
      xdbc_datetime_sub int16 (3)
      xdbc_char_octet_length int32 (3)
      xdbc_is_nullable utf8 (3)
      xdbc_scope_catalog utf8 (3)
      xdbc_scope_schema utf8 (3)
      xdbc_scope_table utf8 (3)
      xdbc_is_autoincrement bool (3)
      xdbc_is_generatedcolumn bool (3)
      The definition of COLUMN_SCHEMA.


      1. The column's ordinal position in the table (starting from 1).
      2. Database-specific description of the column.
      3. Optional value. Should be null if not supported by the driver. xdbc_ values are meant to provide JDBC/ODBC-compatible metadata in an agnostic manner.

      CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type Comments
      constraint_name utf8 not null
      constraint_type utf8 not null (1)
      constraint_column_names list[utf8] not null (2)
      constraint_column_usage list[USAGE_SCHEMA] (3)
      The definition of CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA.
      1. One of 'CHECK', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'PRIMARY KEY', or 'UNIQUE'.
      2. The columns on the current table that are constrained, in order.
      3. For FOREIGN KEY only, the referenced table and columns.

      USAGE_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type
      fk_catalog utf8
      fk_db_schema utf8
      fk_table utf8 not null
      fk_column_name utf8 not null
      The definition of USAGE_SCHEMA.
      Specified by:
      getObjects in interface AdbcConnection
      depth - The level of nesting to display. If ALL, display all levels (up through columns). If CATALOGS, display only catalogs (i.e. catalog_schemas will be null), and so on. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      catalogPattern - Only show tables in the given catalog. If null, do not filter by catalog. If an empty string, only show tables without a catalog. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      dbSchemaPattern - Only show tables in the given database schema. If null, do not filter by database schema. If an empty string, only show tables without a database schema. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      tableNamePattern - Only show tables with the given name. If an empty string, only show tables without a catalog. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      tableTypes - Only show tables matching one of the given table types. If null, show tables of any type. Valid table types can be fetched from AdbcConnection.getTableTypes().
      columnNamePattern - Only show columns with the given name. If null, do not filter by name. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
    • getStatistics

      public ArrowReader getStatistics(String catalogPattern, String dbSchemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, boolean approximate) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get statistics about the data distribution of table(s).

      The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:

      Field Name Field Type
      catalog_name utf8
      catalog_db_schemas list[DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA] not null
      The definition of the GetStatistics result schema.

      DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type
      db_schema_name utf8
      db_schema_statistics list[STATISTICS_SCHEMA] not null
      The definition of DB_SCHEMA_SCHEMA.

      STATISTICS_SCHEMA is a Struct with fields:

      Field Name Field Type Comments
      table_name utf8 not null
      column_name utf8 (1)
      statistic_key int16 not null (2)
      statistic_value VALUE_SCHEMA not null
      statistic_is_approximatebool not null (3)
      The definition of STATISTICS_SCHEMA.
      1. If null, then the statistic applies to the entire table.
      2. A dictionary-encoded statistic name (although we do not use the Arrow dictionary type). Values in [0, 1024) are reserved for ADBC. Other values are for implementation-specific statistics. For the definitions of predefined statistic types, see StandardStatistics. To get driver-specific statistic names, use AdbcConnection.getStatisticNames().
      3. If true, then the value is approximate or best-effort.

      VALUE_SCHEMA is a dense union with members:

      Field Name Field Type
      int64 int64
      uint64 uint64
      float64 float64
      binary binary
      The definition of VALUE_SCHEMA.
      Specified by:
      getStatistics in interface AdbcConnection
      catalogPattern - Only show tables in the given catalog. If null, do not filter by catalog. If an empty string, only show tables without a catalog. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      dbSchemaPattern - Only show tables in the given database schema. If null, do not filter by database schema. If an empty string, only show tables without a database schema. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      tableNamePattern - Only show tables with the given name. If an empty string, only show tables without a catalog. May be a search pattern (see class documentation).
      approximate - If false, request exact values of statistics, else allow for best-effort, approximate, or cached values. The database may return approximate values regardless, as indicated in the result. Requesting exact values may be expensive or unsupported.
    • getStatisticNames

      public ArrowReader getStatisticNames() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the names of additional statistics defined by this driver.

      The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:

      Field Name Field Type
      statistic_name utf8 not null
      statistic_key int16 not null
      The definition of the GetStatistics result schema.
      Specified by:
      getStatisticNames in interface AdbcConnection
    • getTableSchema

      public Schema getTableSchema(String catalog, String dbSchema, String tableName) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the Arrow schema of a database table.
      Specified by:
      getTableSchema in interface AdbcConnection
      catalog - The catalog of the table (or null).
      dbSchema - The database schema of the table (or null).
      tableName - The table name.
      The table schema.
    • getTableTypes

      public ArrowReader getTableTypes() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get a list of table types supported by the database.

      The result is an Arrow dataset with the following schema:

      Field Name Field Type
      table_type utf8 not null
      The definition of the result schema.
      Specified by:
      getTableTypes in interface AdbcConnection
    • rollback

      public void rollback() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Rollback the pending transaction.
      Specified by:
      rollback in interface AdbcConnection
      AdbcException - if a database error occurs
    • getAutoCommit

      public boolean getAutoCommit() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the autocommit state.

      Connections start in autocommit mode by default.

      Specified by:
      getAutoCommit in interface AdbcConnection
    • setAutoCommit

      public void setAutoCommit(boolean enableAutoCommit) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Toggle whether autocommit is enabled.
      Specified by:
      setAutoCommit in interface AdbcConnection
    • getCurrentCatalog

      public String getCurrentCatalog() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the current catalog.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentCatalog in interface AdbcConnection
    • setCurrentCatalog

      public void setCurrentCatalog(String catalog) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Set the current catalog.
      Specified by:
      setCurrentCatalog in interface AdbcConnection
    • getCurrentDbSchema

      public String getCurrentDbSchema() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the current schema.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentDbSchema in interface AdbcConnection
    • setCurrentDbSchema

      public void setCurrentDbSchema(String dbSchema) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Set the current schema.
      Specified by:
      setCurrentDbSchema in interface AdbcConnection
    • getReadOnly

      public boolean getReadOnly() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get whether the connection is read-only.

      Connections are not read-only by default.

      Specified by:
      getReadOnly in interface AdbcConnection
    • setReadOnly

      public void setReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Toggle whether the connection is read-only.
      Specified by:
      setReadOnly in interface AdbcConnection
    • getIsolationLevel

      public IsolationLevel getIsolationLevel() throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Get the isolation level used by transactions.
      Specified by:
      getIsolationLevel in interface AdbcConnection
    • setIsolationLevel

      public void setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel level) throws AdbcException
      Description copied from interface: AdbcConnection
      Change the isolation level used by transactions.
      Specified by:
      setIsolationLevel in interface AdbcConnection
    • close

      public void close() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object