Data Manipulation

Recipes related to filtering or transforming data in arrays and tables.

See Compute Functions for a complete list of all available compute functions

Computing Mean/Min/Max values of an array

Arrow provides compute functions that can be applied to arrays. Those compute functions are exposed through the pyarrow.compute module.

Given an array with 100 numbers, from 0 to 99

print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

We can compute the mean using the pyarrow.compute.mean() function

import pyarrow.compute as pc

mean = pc.mean(arr)

And the min and max using the pyarrow.compute.min_max() function

import pyarrow.compute as pc

min_max = pc.min_max(arr)
[('min', 0), ('max', 99)]

Counting Occurrences of Elements

Arrow provides compute functions that can be applied to arrays, those compute functions are exposed through the pyarrow.compute module.

Given an array with all numbers from 0 to 9 repeated 10 times

print(f"LEN: {len(nums_arr)}, MIN/MAX: {nums_arr[0]} .. {nums_arr[-1]}")
LEN: 100, MIN/MAX: 0 .. 9

We can count occurrences of all entries in the array using the pyarrow.compute.value_counts() function

import pyarrow.compute as pc

counts = pc.value_counts(nums_arr)
for pair in counts:
[('values', 0), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 1), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 2), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 3), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 4), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 5), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 6), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 7), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 8), ('counts', 10)]
[('values', 9), ('counts', 10)]

Applying arithmetic functions to arrays.

The compute functions in pyarrow.compute also include common transformations such as arithmetic functions.

Given an array with 100 numbers, from 0 to 99

print(f"{arr[0]} .. {arr[-1]}")
0 .. 99

We can multiply all values by 2 using the pyarrow.compute.multiply() function

import pyarrow.compute as pc

doubles = pc.multiply(arr, 2)
print(f"{doubles[0]} .. {doubles[-1]}")
0 .. 198

Appending tables to an existing table

If you have data split across two different tables, it is possible to concatenate their rows into a single table.

If we have the list of Oscar nominations divided between two different tables:

import pyarrow as pa

oscar_nominations_1 = pa.table([
  ["Meryl Streep", "Katharine Hepburn"],
  [21, 12]
], names=["actor", "nominations"])

oscar_nominations_2 = pa.table([
  ["Jack Nicholson", "Bette Davis"],
  [12, 10]
], names=["actor", "nominations"])

We can combine them into a single table using pyarrow.concat_tables():

oscar_nominations = pa.concat_tables([oscar_nominations_1,
actor: string
nominations: int64
actor: [["Meryl Streep","Katharine Hepburn"],["Jack Nicholson","Bette Davis"]]
nominations: [[21,12],[12,10]]


By default, appending two tables is a zero-copy operation that doesn’t need to copy or rewrite data. As tables are made of pyarrow.ChunkedArray, the result will be a table with multiple chunks, each pointing to the original data that has been appended. Under some conditions, Arrow might have to cast data from one type to another (if promote=True). In such cases the data will need to be copied and an extra cost will occur.

Adding a column to an existing Table

If you have a table it is possible to extend its columns using pyarrow.Table.append_column()

Suppose we have a table with oscar nominations for each actress

import pyarrow as pa

oscar_nominations = pa.table([
  ["Meryl Streep", "Katharine Hepburn"],
  [21, 12]
], names=["actor", "nominations"])

actor: string
nominations: int64
actor: [["Meryl Streep","Katharine Hepburn"]]
nominations: [[21,12]]

it’s possible to append an additional column to track the years the nomination was won using pyarrow.Table.append_column()

oscar_nominations = oscar_nominations.append_column(
    [1980, 1983, 2012],
    [1934, 1968, 1969, 1982]

actor: string
nominations: int64
wonyears: list<item: int64>
  child 0, item: int64
actor: [["Meryl Streep","Katharine Hepburn"]]
nominations: [[21,12]]
wonyears: [[[1980,1983,2012],[1934,1968,1969,1982]]]

Replacing a column in an existing Table

If you have a table it is possible to replace an existing column using pyarrow.Table.set_column()

Suppose we have a table with information about items sold at a supermarket on a particular day.

import pyarrow as pa

sales_data = pa.table([
  ["Potato", "Bean", "Cucumber", "Eggs"],
  [21, 12, 10, 30]
], names=["item", "amount"])

item: string
amount: int64
item: [["Potato","Bean","Cucumber","Eggs"]]
amount: [[21,12,10,30]]

it’s possible to replace the existing column amount in index 1 to update the sales using pyarrow.Table.set_column()

new_sales_data = sales_data.set_column(
  pa.array([30, 20, 15, 40])

item: string
new_amount: int64
item: [["Potato","Bean","Cucumber","Eggs"]]
new_amount: [[30,20,15,40]]

Group a Table

If you have a table which needs to be grouped by a particular key, you can use pyarrow.Table.group_by() followed by an aggregation operation pyarrow.TableGroupBy.aggregate(). Learn more about groupby operations here.

For example, let’s say we have some data with a particular set of keys and values associated with that key. And we want to group the data by those keys and apply an aggregate function like sum to evaluate how many items are for each unique key.

import pyarrow as pa

table = pa.table([
     pa.array(["a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "d", "e", "c"]),
     pa.array([11, 20, 3, 4, 5, 1, 4, 10]),
    ], names=["keys", "values"])

keys: string
values: int64
keys: [["a","a","b","b","c","d","e","c"]]
values: [[11,20,3,4,5,1,4,10]]

Now we let’s apply a groupby operation. The table will be grouped by the field key and an aggregation operation, sum is applied on the column values. Note that, an aggregation operation pairs with a column name.

aggregated_table = table.group_by("keys").aggregate([("values", "sum")])

keys: string
values_sum: int64
keys: [["a","b","c","d","e"]]
values_sum: [[31,7,15,1,4]]

If you observe carefully, the new table returns the aggregated column as values_sum which is formed by the column name and aggregation operation name.

Aggregation operations can be applied with options. Let’s take a case where we have null values included in our dataset, but we want to take the count of the unique groups excluding the null values.

A sample dataset can be formed as follows.

import pyarrow as pa

table = pa.table([
      pa.array(["a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "d", "d", "e", "c"]),
      pa.array([None, 20, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 1, 4, None]),
      ], names=["keys", "values"])

keys: string
values: int64
keys: [["a","a","b","b","b","c","d","d","e","c"]]
values: [[null,20,3,4,5,6,10,1,4,null]]

Let’s apply an aggregation operation count with the option to exclude null values.

import pyarrow.compute as pc

grouped_table = table.group_by("keys").aggregate(

keys: string
values_count: int64
keys: [["a","b","c","d","e"]]
values_count: [[1,3,1,2,1]]

Sort a Table

Let’s discusse how to sort a table. We can sort a table, based on values of a given column. Data can be either sorted ascending or descending.

Prepare data;

import pyarrow as pa

table = pa.table([
      pa.array(["a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "d", "d", "e", "c"]),
      pa.array([15, 20, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 1, 14, 123]),
      ], names=["keys", "values"])

keys: string
values: int64
keys: [["a","a","b","b","b","c","d","d","e","c"]]
values: [[15,20,3,4,5,6,10,1,14,123]]

Then applying sort with pyarrow.Table.sort_by();

sorted_table = table.sort_by([("values", "ascending")])

keys: string
values: int64
keys: [["d","b","b","b","c","d","e","a","a","c"]]
values: [[1,3,4,5,6,10,14,15,20,123]]

Searching for values matching a predicate in Arrays

If you have to look for values matching a predicate in Arrow arrays the pyarrow.compute module provides several methods that can be used to find the values you are looking for.

For example, given an array with numbers from 0 to 9, if we want to look only for those greater than 5 we could use the pyarrow.compute.greater() method and get back the elements that fit our predicate

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.compute as pc

arr = pa.array(range(10))
gtfive = pc.greater(arr, 5)


Furthermore we can filter the array to get only the entries that match our predicate with pyarrow.compute.filter()

filtered_array = pc.filter(arr, gtfive)

Filtering Arrays using a mask

In many cases, when you are searching for something in an array you will end up with a mask that tells you the positions at which your search matched the values.

For example in an array of four items, we might have a mask that matches the first and the last items only:

import pyarrow as pa

array = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
mask = pa.array([True, False, False, True])

We can then filter the array according to the mask using pyarrow.Array.filter() to get back a new array with only the values matching the mask:

filtered_array = array.filter(mask)

Most search functions in pyarrow.compute will produce a mask as the output, so you can use them to filter your arrays for the values that have been found by the function.

For example we might filter our arrays for the values equal to 2 using pyarrow.compute.equal():

import pyarrow.compute as pc

filtered_array = array.filter(pc.equal(array, 2))